Looks like I picked the wrong week to snap photos of Houston’s Danger Train

Just in time for May Sweeps, ABC’s Blotter Blog is warning that we’re all going to die!
Oh. Wait. Never mind. Just those of us on trains and in train stations.

ABC News has learned that the Department of Homeland Security has alerted U.S. mass transit officials to “suspicious videotaping” of European rail systems that point to a continuing terrorist interest in targeting mass transit and “possible surveillance or pre-operational planning.”

Here in Houston, we’re fully prepared for this. Terrorists will take one look at our Light Rail line, laugh themselves silly, and then head back to their offices in the Saudi Aramco building.


  1. Depends, I guess, on who they’ve seen doing the videotaping. Last time I was in England it seemed every station had two or three old retired guys standing around with video cameras, taping trains as they arrived. Apparently a serious shortage of hobby activities has led these guys to take up “collecting” passenger trains… with the promise of some great social status for the guy who collects every engine number in the British rail system. Guess it beats taking up golf, or something.

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