Memorial Day Non Humor

Seems like honoring the war dead by honoring their last wish, or what one might assume would be their last wish) is a pretty dadgum good idea. Check out the Fallen Heroes Last Wish Foundation

About the Foundation The objective of this foundation is to grant the last wish of the U.S. servicemembers who have been lost in Operation Iraqi Freedom: to provide for their children.

I’m sending them some coin.
This is from the comments.

Those of us who have served, did not do so for the pay-we could make more money digging ditches.
We did not do so for glory-what use is glory to a corpse?
We did not serve because we wanted to kill, the military gets rid of those characters as quickly as possible.
We served because we love our way of life and wanted to assure the same for our children.
Service is an honor, one which all too many of us were spit upon for doing. I support the Fallen Heroes, for it could have been me.


  1. Spacemonkey-
    If I had the resources to send monetary support to the Fallen Heros, I certainly would. However, I can only show support in spirit. Blessings to you for bringing these groups to light.
    The thing that bothers me from the other end of the spectrum is people who continually look for an oppourtunity to protest our military people & their sacrafices for all of us, even for those hateful detractors who think world peace is just around the corner (it’s a nice sentiment and all, but when & where has that EVER occured?), but the US is just a bunch of bullies that only wants oil and bloodshed.
    I say that because when I see & hear of people who will go to great lengths to protest military funerals and Memorial Day events in an effort to try to shame the families of the deceased for being valorous in the name of America, while at the same time get to enjoy the fruits of their labors- and deaths -it makes me want to reciprocate the hatred to them.
    I know I shouldn’t, as I know they are looking to incite others to violence so they can use those actions to attempt to justify their own decietfulness; have you ever worked with someone who would continually provoke you & go out of their way to make you look bad in order to make themselves look good? I have, and it seems so scandalous to me for the media to portray them as “activists” for peace, when peace is the furthest thing in their Machiavellian little minds.

  2. Those of us who have served, did not do so for the pay-we could make more money digging ditches.
    We did not do so for glory-what use is glory to a corpse?
    We did not serve because we wanted to kill, the military gets rid of those characters as quickly as possible.
    We served because we love our way of life and wanted to assure the same for our children.
    Service is an honor, one which all too many of us were spit upon for doing. I support the Fallen Heroes, for it could have been me.

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