Punching… Monkeys… Faces… Liberals…

I have the day off and I don’t feel like posting anything today, so write in the comments your own funny little rant that includes punching a liberal in his dumb monkey face. It’ll be easy because everything involving punching liberals in their dumb monkey faces is funny.


  1. I humbly apologize for the outburst. I’m grumpy because it’s Friday and I can’tbe at home shooting my cats with a rubber band gun.
    So, who’s up for punching monkey faced liberals?

  2. Ok I read this site because I cannot write funny like Frank or others. But since you asked here it goes:
    Why did Ted Kennedy cross the road?
    To avoid me punching him in his dumb liberal monkey-face!

  3. Frank J.
    I am impressed that, despite being on vacation today, you still managed to makes some new punching monkey faced liberals in the face jokes in your post!
    Your creativity knows no bounds!
    As far as not posting today — don’t worry. Me and all the other big Frank J. fans understand that you need rest in order to recharge those comedy batteries!
    The “FrankJoholics” will wait, with baited breath, for your next political humor masterpiece!
    Your biggest fan!
    Liberals Are Monkey Faced!
    P.S. I know this is a bit arrogant of me, (after all, who am I to provide you, the comic genius, with ideas), but maybe your next humorous piece could focus on the recent 29% approval rating for Bush?
    Perhaps you could write something on those stupid monkey faced liberal pollsters, and how they are making these numbers up.
    Or how the polls are screwed up because Patrick Kennedy hit one of the pollsters with his car!
    Anyway, sorry if I am out of place in offering you suggestions.
    After all, I bet you are already working on a hilarious post on this issue, one that will leave me and all your other fans rolling on the floor with laughter!
    Have a great weekend!

  4. When I win the presidency, I promise to change the tone in Washington. When the liberals have a problem, and genuinely come to me to work toward a solution, there will be no rhetoric, or pooh slinging. I am going to punch them in their dumb monkey faces.

  5. Why do liberals post on this site?
    Because they cannot read more than the first sentence of any post and mistakenly believe this is a tribute site to people with monkey faces.

  6. What about James Carvel? He doesn’t have a dumb libral monkey face, he has a scary Gargoyle face! Should we hit him with a sledgehammer? Or do you think a stake through the heart would be more appropriate?

  7. Cary
    Not Frank J. hilarious, but hilarious none the less.
    Especially the evolution part.
    Why? Evolution is a joke! Bunk science! Put out by those godless dirty hippies.
    God I want to punch those liberals…
    in their stupid faces!

  8. “War is not the answer!” babbled the protester.
    “I could give you a Frank opinion on that,” I said, “but you’d whine.”
    “No, I wouldn’t! We all just need to communicate clearly!”
    So I punched the liberal’s dumb monkey-face. I figure that communicated pretty clearly.

  9. PaleoMedic:
    My agenda is showing? I would hope so.
    In fact, I will state my agenda right now!
    More great Frank J. humor on the latest political topics!
    Monkey Faced Liberals Should be Punched in the face!
    Don’t you share my agenda PaleoMedic?
    Are you, like me, a FrankJoholic?

  10. Well I ran out of jokes pretty quick. See what happens when you don’t post, Frank? Oh well here’s some general statements and questions.
    Zel Miller being Democrat is like putting earrings on a monkey.
    Michael Moore used the toilet the other day, guess what came out? a whole monkey. So now we know how liberals diet.
    I think it is time to tweak the opening of ‘2001: A Space Odessey’. Need I say more? Just let your imaginations run wild.
    How many monkey-faced liberals does it take to screw in a light bulb? NONE. Only conservatives are allowed to take on complicated challenges; because liberals are monkey-faced.
    For liberals, ‘Planet of the Apes’ is really more of a documentary. What they one day hope to become.
    Where does the coolest “most bestest” liberal of all time live? In a cage at the San Diego Zoo.

  11. Cary!
    Way to carry the water for Frank J.
    Great great jokes! I haven’t laughed this hard … since Frank J.’s last post!
    Those liberals are so stupid.
    And monkey faced.
    They all need to be punched in the face!
    If we punched them in the face, blood would run out of their broken noses.
    If they were hemophiliacs, maybe they would even die!
    That would be awesome! And funny!
    I love dead monkey faced liberals.
    FrankJ’s biggest fan!
    Liberals Are Monkey Faced

  12. Cary — it is true, I might smell of Monkey.
    I recently punched a liberal in the face!
    His monkey smell is still on me! Must shower! Ha Ha!
    Oh, and that was a quite a phrase Paleo — “poo-filled monkey pampers”.
    Poo is funny!
    And monkey poo is even funnier!
    (But not as funny as punching liberals in their money faces.)
    (And not as funny as Frank J. Which is not to compare Frank J. to monkey poo. By which I mean Frank J. says funny things. Monkey Poo is a funny thing. See the difference?)
    FrankJ’s biggest fan
    Liberals are Monkey Faced

  13. Oops. I said “punching liberals in their money faces.”
    I meant “punching liberals in their monkey faces.”
    Punching liberals in their money faces does not make sense. And is not very funny.

  14. lamf can NOT be employed…I bet he’s a child molester in jail and some loser liberal employee(probably a psycho”therapist”) at the prison allowed this dufus time on the laptop…ewww, lamf’s probably surfing for 11 year old boys between posts.

  15. It’s okay to punch a monkey-faced liberal in the woods, just don’t punch a tree. Sometimes some care must be taken because the monkey-faced liberal you’re punching is hugging a tree. Remember, trees are our friend, monkey-faced liberals aren’t.

  16. LAMF
    At first I thought that I detected a hint of sarcasm in your post. Then I thought that maybe it was just an underdeveloped sense of humor. But it’s obvious that you have a latent hostility that forces you to lash out irrationally. I almost pity you. Almost but not quite.

  17. What if we’re wrong about LAMF and he is just a foreigner that doesn’t type English well as of yet? You will all feel pretty bad if he actually turns out to be the biggest FrankJ fan of all time. But then again his true colors kind of showed on the “evolution” thing.
    On a totally different topic: Do you guys ever notice that even when liberals are trying to be sarcastic they just repeat the same thing over and over again?
    OK… he’s either liberal or some kind of very strange Chinese person.
    See how we can let one person ruin our fun joking? Like liberals don’t have a million jokes about conservatives.

  18. shimauma:
    You seem angry at me.
    I am just simple Frank J. fan — a FrankJoholic — just like you I suspect.
    Is there something wrong with me praising Frank J. for his comedic genius?
    Or wanting Frank J. to get the respect and fame he so richly deserves?
    Is that you feel it is unfair of me to claim to be Frank J.’s biggest fan, when, in fact, you are?
    I certainly don’t want to offend fellow Frank J. fans.
    Would it make you feel better if I just called myself “One of Frank J. biggest fans”?
    I mean, I don’t want to be putting on airs or anything.
    And let me know how we can work together to expand the Frank J. fan base!
    Liberals are Monkey Faced

  19. Be at ease, my little liberal monkey friend. While we might put mascara and lipstick on a liberal (in the noble interest of increasing Mary Kay Cosmetics, Inc. stock value) we would never punch up a poor liberal.
    Doing so would just further the stereotypes of conservatives as violent, gun-waving corporate overlords.
    While all of the above attributes are true, we don’t want you, our underpaid minions, to lose the warm fuzzy feelings that monkey liberals are so fond of.
    No, there’s need to thank us! It’s coming out of your paycheck.

  20. Punching monkey-faced liberals in the face is just like eating chinese food. An hour after you do it, “FrankJ’s biggest fan” the loveable “Liberals Are Monkey Faced” is in here looking for his liberal monkey-faced sense of humor. Would someone PLEASE punch him in the face with an automatic-monkey-face-puncher set on stun? I’d do it but mine’s broke. I ran into Teddy Kennedy a little while ago and the darned thing went nuts. Did you know that he’s a hemophiliac? …and he wears monkey-depends. BTW, like most monkey-faced liberals, his only defense mechanism is to fling feces. You’ve been warned!

  21. Moneyman:
    You say “But it’s obvious that you have a latent hostility that forces you to lash out irrationally. I almost pity you. Almost but not quite.”
    Who have I lashed out at? Again, if this is about me claiming to be Frank J.’s biggest fan, I apologize.
    I didn’t mean to sound arrogant or anything.
    It is just — HE IS SO FUNNY! I can’t help but be a fan.
    I am not asking for your pity. I am asking for your support.
    Your support for helping increase the Frank J. fan base!
    One of Frank J.’s biggest fans
    Liberals Are Monkey Faced

  22. Gunga:
    “Would someone PLEASE punch him in the face with an automatic-monkey-face-puncher set on stun?”
    HA! You are so funny Gunga!
    See, it is funny because I am NOT a monkey faced liberal.
    I am one of Frank J.’s biggest fans!
    And a Ted Kennedy joke! Priceless!
    You know, Frank J. may be the comic genius, but his fans can be pretty darn funny too!
    One of Frank J.’s biggest fans,
    Liberals are Monkey Faced

  23. Boy that FranJ is a comedic genius.
    That punching liberals in their dumb monkey faces joke never gets old.
    Unite Frankjoholics! Let’s increase FrankJ’s fanbse to the corners of….Hold on…

  24. Laurence:
    I see now why you are one of the special people that Frank J. allows to post on this website.
    Jesus punching monkey faced liberals in the face! Funny!
    Maybe you can team up with spacemonkey and work together on a cartoon series on this.
    You could have Jesus shoot liberals with a machine gun!
    Or rip out their livers with a hunting knife!
    Or cut off their heads and shit down their throats!
    Why? Because Jesus Hates Stupid Monkey Faced Liberals, of course!
    Just a little idea from one of Frank J.’s biggest fans.
    Anyway, if my idea meets your standards (which I doubt, of course) I am sure that you and the rest of Frank J. humor “braintrust” will figure out a way to do a piece on this that will leave me howling with laughter!
    Liberals are Monkey Faced

  25. It’s kind of sad that LAMF thinks he’s being so clever by pretending.
    He fails at sarcasm and can only achieve lame.
    Instead of irony, he only annoys.
    He belives that he is the adult in the playroom with all of us juveniles running with scissors, not realizing that we are all making fun of him.
    Could it be that we’re too nuanced for him?

  26. I have visions of LAMF scrunching up his dumb monkey face as he stares at the screen trying to think of something clever to say.
    Realizing he has nothing, he screeches, flings poo at the screen, and then repeats what he already said.
    If we put an infinite number of dumb monkey-faced liberals in a room with an infinite number of computers and gave them an infinite amount of time, would they write a novel? Or would they all just sound like LAMF?

  27. Your asking a lot, Frank. It’s my day off too. I pretty much shot my wad a few posts back, and I’m starting to come up dry. I’ll just reference the mess I made at the end of the Hah! post. One of the virtues of electronic media is that the pages stay clean, unlike my hard copies of National Review, which keep getting stuck together all a time.
    Oh! by the way what are the limits of taste here? I have the feeling I might be skirting ever so close to the limit. It’s just the mood I’m in after weeks of cleaning malicious crap out of people’s computers. I don’t want a rest. I want revenge!

  28. Dr. E,
    sorry…I guess I spilled the beans about us making fun of him. Oh well, he was getting tedious anyway. It’s just like poking a dead monkey-faced liberal with a stick. It’s fun at first but quickly gets boring.

  29. And lo, FrankJ surveyed the monkey world he had created and called it good. And the angels did sing a stirring ballad, later plagiarized by Peter Gabriel…
    And FrankJ leaned back and resumed shooting rubber bands at the cat.

  30. If my dog had a dumb looking monkey-face like some of these monkey faced Michael Moore-George Clooney-Cindy Sheehan liberals, I’d shave his butt and teach him to walk backwards!

  31. I don’t punch liberals in their monkey faces, I simply politely, reasonably and logically outargue them until that little vein in their forehead gives out. Besides, this old Vet still has a trick or two in a pinch.

  32. “If we put an infinite number of dumb monkey-faced liberals in a room with an infinite number of computers and gave them an infinite amount of time, would they write a novel? Or would they all just sound like LAMF?”
    I’m assuming you already know the answer to that, or do I need to put up a link to Daily KOS for you.
    Didn’t think so!

  33. No Name:
    You write:
    “It’s kind of sad that LAMF thinks he’s being so clever by pretending. He fails at sarcasm and can only achieve lame.”
    I don’t know what you mean by implying that I am sarcastic. Are you suggested that I am not a big fan of Frank J.? Don’t be silly.
    As far as me being lame — perhaps. But I think that is only because you are comparing my posts to those of the comedy genius, Frank J.
    Like the sun outshining the moon, who can compare to his work? No one, except maybe for spacemonkey.
    “Instead of irony, he only annoys.”
    Again, sorry if I annoy. See Frank J., this is what happens when you don’t post! We can’t enjoy your comedy, and have to settle for my stupid posts.
    No more days off for you! Ha!
    “He belives that he is the adult in the playroom with all of us juveniles running with scissors, not realizing that we are all making fun of him.”
    You guys are making fun of me? Hmmm. If this is true I am not sure how to react. Who am I to argue with Frank J. fans.
    But why make fun of me when there are so many liberals and news stories that demonstrate how stupid liberals are to make fun of?
    “Could it be that we’re too nuanced for him?”
    I am sure some of Frank J.’s posts are too nuanced for me. For instance, the other day I completely missed Frank J.’s reference to Aristophanes “The Clouds” in one of his posts. Egg on my face!
    “I have visions of LAMF scrunching up his dumb monkey face as he stares at the screen trying to think of something clever to say.”
    Silly! Only liberals have monkey faces!
    “Realizing he has nothing, he screeches, flings poo at the screen, and then repeats what he already said.”
    If by poo you mean my respect and admiration for Frank J., you are correct sir!
    “If we put an infinite number of dumb monkey-faced liberals in a room with an infinite number of computers and gave them an infinite amount of time, would they write a novel? Or would they all just sound like LAMF?”
    How philosophical! And funny!
    And one could only hope these monkies don’t write a novel, but sound like me — singing the praises of Frank J., comedy genius!
    I am guessing you are a FrankJoholic too No Name. Am I right?
    If so, welcome to the club!
    Liberals are Monkey Faced

  34. Neo,
    sorry, my bad. I forgot that we already had empirical evidence for that theory.
    Has anyone else ever noticed that its easy for a conservative to troll as a liberal on moon-bat sites and get away with it but when monkey-faces try it on a right of center site they stick out like an original idea in the DNC platform?

  35. Dr. E. Scientist, Phd.
    “It’s just like poking a dead monkey-faced liberal with a stick. It’s fun at first but quickly gets boring.”
    I advise you give that dead liberal a good thrashing with that stick. It’s soo– hard to tell a live one from dead. Also, you might yell something that’s sure to elicit a response, like “Karl Rove for President” or “Shut Down the UN”. Than give them another good whack with the stick whether they move or not.

  36. FormerHostage:
    You are right, it is easy to find those liberal trolls.
    “They stick out like an original idea in the DNC platform?”
    Hilarious! I love political platform jokes.
    They are so stupid! That is why I want to punch them in their monkey faces!
    One of Frank J.’s biggest fans
    Liberals Are Monkey Faced

  37. Neo,
    I think your phrases are overkill. All you really have to do to get a rise out of a monkey-face is say something logical such as “High School seniors should not be allowed to graduate unless they prove they can read at an eigth-grade level.”
    This will cause them to jump up and start screaming “racism” which is the pseudo-intellectual way of sticking your fingers in your ears and loudly repeating “Can’t hear you. La, la, la!”

  38. FormerHostage,
    “I think your phrases are overkill.”
    I don’t know. I would go with overkill. Of course I’m assuming that our monkey faced liberal is at least semi-comatose after being punched in the face and thrashed with a stick. It might take a good mean spirited jolt to get his attention assuming he isn’t indeed dead.

  39. Neo-andertal
    Why stop at a punch, a thrash with a stick, and a good mean spirited jolt?
    Why not kick him in the head!
    Or, maybe use a cool samari sword (like the one Frank J. has, I wish I had one) to cut off his head!
    Or use a gun to shoot him up good! Guns are cool!
    That will teach him to be liberal!
    Stupid monkey faced liberals.
    Liberals are Monkey Faced
    P.S. To quote our brave Commander in Chief I have been “workin’ hard” for Frank J. Check out the new Frank J. fan web site at http://frankjfanclubv3.blogspot.com/.
    It might not look like much now, but soon it will be much better.
    Lets see those evil liberals try and take this Frank J. fan club website down! I dare them!

  40. Frank,
    I fear tha LAMF might be a bit off. If you come home and find a strange man walking around in your house wearing your underwear on his head…well you should be able to figure it out.

  41. Feh. One of the delights about walking down the beach (other than drilling for oil) is that one occasionally encounters a quivering lump of protoplasm that has washed ashore. Conservative human nature demands that we poke it with a stick, with bonus points if it shrieks.
    After all, why should the gulls and sand crabs have all the fun?
    The same holds true here, even though it may be counterproductive. After all, these are the underpaid, erm, entry level people that we need to clean our mansion bathrooms, (sorry about last week, Juan. I guess I don’t have my fiber regulated sufficiently) now that the bastards have scared off our cheap pool of illegal immigrant labor.

  42. To mix it up a bit, I hereby propose that we switch to the following terminology:
    “socking progressives in their flabby primate solar plexus”
    (Then “Lame Ass Mutha F***er” will have to switch his name, causing much consternation)

  43. Spacemonkey:
    Buy a T-Shirt? Despite being Frank J.’s friend, you are not too bright are you?
    Think about it silly — as one of Frank J.’s biggest fans, I already own all the T-Shirts!
    In fact, I am sitting here right now in my favorite one — the top 10 UN slogans.
    It is my favorite because the UN is the funniest of all international organizations.
    Sure, I like a good joke about the World Health Organization (who doesn’t).
    And really, who can resist teasing the the IMF about their efforts to lower Argentina’s inflationary budget policies?
    I know I can’t!
    But I must admit, nothing beats UN humor!
    Speaking of which — who wants to punch Kofi Annan in the face?
    Don’t all raise your hands at once! Ha!
    Still, thanks for the Welcome Aboard!
    We should set up a time to discuss what we want to do with the new fan web site.
    I am thinking we should start with a Frank J. fan convention. Bring all the Frank J. fans around the world together, online.
    My concern is that we will need to rent out our own datacenter to support all the traffic. Maybe we could do a fundraiser?
    Anyway, lets discuss it. You can email me at frankjfan@aim.com.
    One of Frank’s biggest fans!
    Liberals are Monkey Faced

  44. Liberals are Monkey Faced,
    I hope you realize that with posting a Frank J fan site comes great responsibility. Failure is not an option. If you fail it will be a stain on your honor. You will be expected to commit ritual Seppuku, or face a lifetime of shunning be conservatives everywhere.

  45. Neo-Andertal:
    Don’t worry, I take the responsibility as seriously as you do!
    I mean, this is Frank J., after all. The man is a comic genius!
    In the near future when the rest of America realizes his brilliance, and he has his own late-night talk show, feature film, XM radio program, and book deal, do you think I will want people to come up to me and say how awful the fan club web site is?
    No way!
    Also, love the Seppuku reference.
    Samurais are cool because they have swords!
    Not as cool as Nijias but still pretty cool.
    And do not even mention the idea of me being shunned by conservatives everywhere!
    A fate worse then death! I might actually have to talk to liberals then!
    And they might say stupid things to me like:
    There were no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.
    Bush has an approval rating of 29%
    Maybe the government should not collect data on everyone’s phone calls without warrants.
    2,000 U.S. soliders have died and hundreds of billions of dollars have been spent invading and occupying Iraq. So far all this has yielded us is a violent and chaotic country dominated by Islamic religious extremists.
    Bush took a budget surplus when he came into office and turned it into a $318 billion deficit.
    And other dumb liberal garbage.
    When I hear monkey faced liberals say stupid things like that, I want to punch them in their stupid monkey faces!
    Don’t you?
    So, yes, the fan web site is important.
    Feel free to email me with any ideas on how I can make the Frank J. fan website better!

  46. Frank H:
    You are confused. My handle is Liberals Are Monkey Faced, not Monkey Faced Liberal.
    Also, why am I not welcome here?
    And who are you to tell me to leave?
    Are you the liberal troll everyone has been talking about?
    If you are, better stay away from me.
    I might punch you in the face, you liberal monkey faced troll!
    One of Frank J’s biggest fans
    Liberals are Monkey Faced

  47. Nonsense! Pay no attention to Frank H., young LAMF. Sit down and have some coffee. I promise you it has no, (or very little) mind altering chemicals in it. And even if they do, they’re legal, not like thos hippie drugs that you get at the Kennedy compound. No, Sir!
    We love our corporate minions and are deeply interested in their concerns. Trust us!
    (Get the net boys…)

  48. Dr. E:
    I am a little confused.
    How can I sit down and drink your coffee if you are on your own computer, and I am on mine?
    Are you seeing things?
    Certainly you are not pretending in this post that this is something you would say to me, if I was in the same room with you.
    Are you thinking that people would find the image of you giving me some drugged coffee and then dropping a net on me would be funny?
    Ah ha! I get it now. That is funny!
    And then you will grab me with a net!
    And let me guess — after you capture me you can bring me to meet the comic genius himself, Frank J, at his secret lair!
    Then we could all play with Frank J.’s Samauri Swords and Guns!
    And then we could go out and really shoot and gut some liberals! (not really — we would just play pretend liberal killing).
    That would be cool. Great idea!
    Let me know when we should meet for coffee. 😉
    Liberals are Monkey Faced

  49. Is there a record for number of comments on a single post? Either at IMAO or in the blogosphere? This one comes pretty close.
    Spacemonkey – you’re the funniest here. Short, sweet, funny. Very spacemonkey-like.
    Laurence – you Jesus-killer, you killed Jesus before he could punch enough monkey-faced liberals to make a difference.
    Writer – reasoned argument?
    LAMF – What can I say that’s not already been said about you? Well, you are right in one thing – the joking at IMAO can get repetitive on occasion. Still, the point of irony is to be quick and biting, not overdone and bland. In that you fail worse than IMAO writers. I can only take so much of redundant sarcasm – not that what I can stand really matters, but it was serious work for me to read through all of your posts. If you really want conservatives to be affected by your mockery of them, be consistently original. Furthermore, bringing in unskewed facts to this site, which I think you did once, gets you nowhere. I’m not saying there isn’t a place for unskewed facts; it’s just neither here nor there. Or there, or lots of other IMAO-inspired sites, for that matter. In any case, it will be interesting to see what you make of my post. It would be kind of fun to keep you around for a while.
    Frank J. – enjoy the day off. Make the Mexican do the work again soon.
    Everbody else (mostly) – keep up the funniness.

  50. Is there a record for number of comments on a single post? Either at IMAO or in the blogosphere? This one comes pretty close.
    Spacemonkey – you’re the funniest here. Short, sweet, funny. Very spacemonkey-like.
    Laurence – you Jesus-killer, you killed Jesus before he could punch enough monkey-faced liberals to make a difference.
    Writer – reasoned argument?
    LAMF – What can I say that’s not already been said about you? Well, you are right in one thing – the joking at IMAO can get repetitive on occasion. Still, the point of irony is to be quick and biting, not overdone and bland. In that you fail worse than IMAO writers. I can only take so much of redundant sarcasm – not that what I can stand really matters, but it was serious work for me to read through all of your posts. If you really want conservatives to be affected by your mockery of them, be consistently original. Furthermore, bringing in unskewed facts to this site, which I think you did once, gets you nowhere. I’m not saying there isn’t a place for unskewed facts; it’s just neither here nor there. Or there, or lots of other IMAO-inspired sites, for that matter. In any case, it will be interesting to see what you make of my post. It would be kind of fun to keep you around for a while.
    Frank J. – enjoy the day off. Make the Mexican do the work again soon.
    Everbody else (mostly) – keep up the funniness.

  51. 90th!
    Back to the origianl idea…..
    4 monkey faced liberals are in Oakland on a drinking binge. At midnight, they decide to pile back in their Caddy and drive back to San Fransisco. Half way across the bridge, they loose control, plow through the barrier, plunge into the bay and drown.
    What is so tragic about this story?
    1) No one got to punch them.
    2) There were 2 empty seats.
    (commense throwing rotten tomatoes)

  52. Goodness what a persistent troll. LLL’s really don’t have a sense of humor do they?
    Carolynp, good one!
    Wolfman, liked it, especially reason #1-and its the first time the punching joke as been funny (sorry Frank J.)

  53. Frank J. – I thought of it as a reaction to the prissy liberals going on about your humor being violent–saying something ridiculous as if you were one of them trying to imitate you. I just didn’t find it funny. Of course I can’t produce humor myself, which is why I apologized-I can always count on you to make me laugh.
    OK, here’s my one joke-I didn’t make it up, I heard it years ago and for some reason it stuck.
    After the 6 Day War, the Egyptians went to the Soviets asking for more tanks. They asked for one forward gear and three reverse gears. The Soviets responded that they understood why they wanted options for going in reverse, but why have tanks that go forward?
    The Egyptians responded “Well those *&%$ Israelis might sneak up behind us!”

  54. I think the record # of posts on a single comments page is 117. Only a guess, since I was perusing some archives & that stuck out to me as I passed it.
    LAMF’s certainly had so much to not say here. He seems so much like my smart ol’ buddy schmo.

  55. LAMF’s humor reminds me, in some ways, of FrankJ’s responses to the limey. As in, the pretending to not realize when someone is making fun of him.
    Hmm… me thinks maybe FrankJ didn’t really take a day off?
    Just a theory. But anyways, some great monkey-faced-liberal punching jokes here today! Gig ’em-

  56. NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! I wont hear it.
    Oh, don’t tell me the whole LAMF thing is just one of Franks larks. Here I was, thinking we had finally worn LAMF down. I even held out the hope that LAMF had been shamed to the point he may actually have committed Seppuku. Now you want to spoil the whole thing.

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