Re: That 24 blogging

Yeah, so internet crashed, and I lost a significant amount of 24 blogging. So I guess it’ll be tomorrow.


  1. OK SarahK,
    Water was down. Internet was down. These two hours have gone more than 72 behind the curve. After all, there is the love interest between Mr. F and Bill.
    Get to it!! (Sorry Frank)

  2. The Internet crashed? HeeHee, that’s hilarious. I love it when women talk technology. Their terminology is just so dead on. sarahk, maybe you can fill in for Kim Komando sometime.

  3. Seriously Sarah….WTF. Every week this season you’ve given us a blow-by-blow account of Jack Bauers adventures…now, finally, the series finale….and “ooooo I’m just widdle sarah, meh….I can’t blog 24 because ”
    You’re the type of person who tells a joke but forgets the punchline so just says “Nevermind”. This is WEAK. You sound like a mealy-mouthed Democrat! A TRUE Conservative would have SAVED on their HARD DRIVE something this important….but noooooooooo, not Mrs. J….GRRRRRRRRRRRR
    Silly girl blogger…..trying to hang out in the mans world of the Interweb…and lookit what happened…tisk tisk. What are you doing online anyway, shouldn’t you be cooking your husbands dinner.
    (ok, I’m done, please don’t send me a virus….lol)
    –Frustrated in Kokomo

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