The IMAO “World’s Crappiest Mother” Mother’s Day Poll

In honor of Mother’s Day tomorrow, we’d like to honor the fine and outstanding mothers of the world by taking the time to identify the crappiest mothers out there.
I asked my own readers for nominations, and I’ve compiled the following candidates:

Who is the crappiest mother?
Mariam Farahat
Courtney Love
Debbie Rowe
Cindy Sheehan
Susan Smith
Britney Spears
Aicha el-Wafi
Andrea Pia Yates
Free polls from

Want to learn more about the candidates?

  • Mariam Farahat: Newly-elected Hamas parliamentarian and proud mother of 3 suicide bombers/gunmen
  • Jocasta: Oedipus’ mother. And wife. Started all this crap.
  • Courtney Love: Drug-soaked shell-shocked burnt-out rocker endlessly faking rehab to further traumatize her kid.
  • Debbie Rowe: For allowing a deranged pedophile celebrity to artificially inseminate her and signing over all parental rights.
  • Cindy Sheehan: Exploiting one dead kid, too cheap busy to buy a headstone, abandoning her other kids.
  • Susan Smith: Drowned her kids in a car, but claimed that a black man carjacked her and kidnapped the kids.
  • Britney Spears – Driving with kid in lap no seatbelt, letting kid crack skull on floor.
  • Aicha el-Wafi: Mother of Zacarias Moussaoui, both sons radical Muslims, both daughters in serious psychitatric treatment.
  • Andrea Pia Yates: drowned all five of her kids.

There’s an “Other” option in case you know of an even crappier mother out there. Like that woman who keeps chasing football players around with a bowl of Chunky soup. Man, she’s annoying.
So don’t forget to vote, and be sure to tune in tomorrow when I crown the World’s Crappiest Mother in honor of Mother’s Day.
(Yes, fans of Michael Newdow, there will be a World’s Crappiest Father for Father’s Day)


  1. I don’t know how you could be a worse mother than Andrea Yates. Drowned all five kids…in the bath tub. That means SHE had to personally hold her children under the water, then go get the next couple who probably new what it was at this point, and do the same thing to them.
    I wish I could remember that woman’s name that cut her infant daughter’s arms off. She’d make a good candidate.

  2. Not to be argumentative…but Britney’s NANNY was the one watching the kid when fell out of the chair….and sometimes, you’ll just have that with kids. But she should STILL be on the list for subjecting her kids to Kevin Im-A-Douchebag Federline.
    And where is shaft on this list….he’s one bad mother (shut your mouth)…..I’m talkin’ about shaft.

  3. “And where is shaft on this list….he’s one bad mother (shut your mouth)…..I’m talkin’ about shaft.”
    I was wondering the same thing.
    What about the mom from What’s Eating Gilbert Grape? She’s a whole lotta woman.

  4. Laurence,
    Several tough choices, but my vote has to go to Cindy “Mother Moonbat” Sheehan. If I had lost my life in the service of this nation, just to see my mother use that to try to elivate her to a second-rate Hanoi Jane, I’d come back from the grave to slap her silly!
    Carolin…Michael Mooron had a mother? I suspect, just like Red Ted, that he was developed by the KGB in some sort of contaminated test-tbe experiment!

  5. I know Cindy Sheehan’s a whack-job but at least she didn’t kill her own child. I had a tough time choosing between Susan Smith and Andrea Yates. Maybe I should’ve picked Susan because she drowned her boys in order to win a man’s affection (that will endear them to you like nothing else!), but the fact that Andrea systematically drowned her children (chasing some around the house when they knew what was coming) made it an easy decision. The fact that the media played up the whole “homeschooling mom of many” bit really ticked me off too. I mean if my homeschooled kids get out of line I just let the nanny drop them off the counter a few times and that usually straightens them out.

  6. I think what leads to Sheehan is that while some of those things are horrific, there is a nagging element of “maybe they just snapped for a few minutes and lost control”, whereas Sheehan has been much more long term and systematic about using her son’s death for what seesms to be her benefit. Though, if one of the two mothers on there that killed their kids did premeditate somewhat, or has felt it was right after, I’d definitly retract the view that there’s an element of temporary insanity involved

  7. I picked Sheehan because this is more of a political blog. The one’s that killed their children are obviously the worst. Having been a child myself once, I can personally attest to the horror of being embarrassed by a mother and therefore “Herself” should be on the list! Also, what about The Terminator – he’s a “Bad Mother”…or he was until he became a girly man, married a Kennedy and joined the rankes of the truly low-down and high smellin…so nevermind…

  8. Ok peoples. Cindy Sheehan is a disgrace yes… a complete and total disgrace. However, she is NOT worse than Andrea Yates or any parent who murders their children. Cindy did not murder her son, she is just trying to murder his memory. Still horrible, but a HUGE difference. Sorry to say this but there is really some “moonbat” logic going on here when Cindy Sheehan beats out murderers for worst mother. Sad. And I get accused of being intellectually “cluttered”. What a joke.

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