Three Cheers for the Mexican

Good job doing all the work today, Ducky. You’ve earned your $1.75.
The rest of the day is now “Hug a Mexican Day,” so get hugging.

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  1. I was tempted to stand by the protest with a sign that said:
    If you…
    1. Look like Penelope Cruz
    2. Would marry this gringo for a green card
    3. Can read this
    Come talk to me.
    If nothing else, it would be funny to have someone with that sign and another person stealthfully filming the protester’s reaction to it as they went by.
    And yes, Ducky’s doing a great job.

  2. Ducky was awesome, even though he’s a minority and the government didn’t write his posts for him.
    Talking about signs, my co-worker, a third generation american of latino heritage, wanted to counter-protest, I tried to get her to go there with a sign on her back that said “No Mojado”
    She got pissed because it would make people assume that she speaks spanish and she doesn’t, and she didn’t want mexican dudes hitting on her in spanish.

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