Who Doesn’t Love a Giant Flaming Wall?

I hear some private citizens are going to construct their own wall along the Mexican border in the style of the wall the Israelis built to keep crazies from trying to blown them up. I think this is a bad idea. If we have walls like the Israelis, then we’ll be just like them, and I want to worship Jesus. I have a better idea.
A wall of fire!
It would be like one of those eternal flame memorials, except all along the Mexican border and the fire would shoot up 25 feet in the air. And think of the advantages of a wall of flame:
* Can’t be graffitied. Fire burns paint.
* Can’t be scaled. Fire is not only hot, it is not a solid.
* It’ll be really cool looking. Think of all the tourism to see the wall of fire. And it will be great to have barbecues next to.
* Illegal immigrants are much more scared of fire than concrete. There are studies to prove this.
This looks like an awesome idea. Considering the cost, we could build one along the Canadian border too. With all this focus on the Mexicans, let’s not forget those devious canuks. Not even their armies of meese will be able to get past our flames.
Just more outside of the box thinking from your friend Frank J. Hell, I lost my box years ago.


  1. Excellent idea, Frank! You come up with the best shit ever! Not only would the wall be impossible to defeat, but it would drive the left crazy! We would have to fuel it with either oil or natural gas and it would also contribute to the demise of humanity (according to Albore!) Pelosi, Reid, Kennedy, etc. would collectively have their heads explode!

  2. I don’t think it attracts monkeys, but it does attract rhinoceroses. They’ll be running over to it and stamping it out constantly… But I guess that would give the Minutemen something else to do, since they won’t have to be looking for the illegals anymore…

  3. //Shouldn’t the wall of fire be surrounded on both sides by The Pit of Doom!//
    Not to go too off topic but didja ever notice how adding “of DOOM!” as the description of some object makes it sound really ominous?
    Here let me show you…
    Nail Clippers…OF DOOM!!
    See, scary. I for one would be afraid to have a run in with THOSE nail clippers, let me tell you.
    Wall of Fire…OF DOOM!! bracketed on each side by a pit…OF DOOM!!!
    Learn to say that in Spanish and I’ll bet you’ll never see another illegal immigrant.

  4. We know the wall will piss the hippies off. but can we take it a step further? like having all the fuel for the fire come from ANWR or whales or something like that? It needs that extra kick to make it really effective.
    Oh and snipers too. We need snipers on the border.

  5. Ok, first, the plural of rhinocerus is rhinoceri. Second, you can’t surround something with a pit. A hole all the way around something is a mote. A hole the length of something is a ditch. Come on, people. It’s the ditch… of DOOM!
    Another thing – “flaming wall” sounds like a line of gay men, and I don’t see how that can possibly be of use to anyone. Plus it would gross out the Minutemen.
    I suppose we could nudge each other when we say “flaming,” to maintain our conservative heterosexual street cred, but that might be gay, too.
    How about “Giant Burning Wall… of DOOM!” … with some sort of collection/chute mechanism for hippie disposal. And a ditch… of DOOM!

  6. Instead of a single wall, I think that we should have a series of barriers like on MXC. After they manage to climb the super slippery slope, they slide into a mud-like goo that has an ethanol base. They they run to try and pick the one door that is paper and not solid. If they make it through the paper door, they slide through a ring of fire which would ignite the ethanol vapors. Any survivors would be shot by a sniper wearing a really cool nuke the moon t-shirt.

  7. I am all for the flaming wall, as long as it is not a virtual flaming wall. Unless, of course, we get the fuel for the flaming wall from virtual oil rigs off the coast of Florida. The only other concern I have is how wide this wall of fire would be? If the Mexicans develop asbestos panchos and sombreros the whole all of fire could be circumvented.

  8. I’m thinking that if the Mexicans tunnel under said wall it can be circumvented as well.
    Hey, it would be really cool to throw some used tires onto that fire. Especially the one between San Francisco and San Mateo County.

  9. If you wanted to be ecologicaly sond, just harvest Red Ted and Michael Mooron…the fat and gas from those two alone would power a wall of flame for the next ten years.
    I think an even better idea would be to impale all the liberal senitors, ACLU lawers and hippies in a 3 deep string along the border. I couln’t think of a better way than saying, “Not Welcome” in a language anyone could understand.

  10. Thanks for the link a4g. Terrorists doing things trained circus animals do! Ooooh, I’m really scared! As for the flaming wall thing having gay connotations (Ogmeister), that could be good. The illegals would get too dehydrated, from laughing and vomiting at the same time, to cross the desert. BTW Wolfman Dan, I wouldn’t want to be within a hundred miles when you put the tap into those two fat bastards, talk about DOOM!

  11. –“What a great idea! Let’s test the feasibility first by putting one up between San Francisco and San Mateo County.
    Posted by: Silicon Valley Jim on May 30, 2006 12:03 PM”–
    I dunno, Jim. Seems like there’s already enough “flaming” going on in SF as it is. Not to mention that burning sensation…
    Maybe the homosexuals there would get more respect if they started presenting themselves as gay men…OF DOOM!

  12. Ok, first, the plural of rhinocerus is rhinoceri.
    Uh, no. The singular is spelled “rhinoceros”, not “rhinocerus”; the penultimate letter is an ‘o’. Its origin is Greek. Greek nouns whose singular ends in ‘os’ take ‘oi’ as a plural. So, if we were speaking Greek, the plural would be “rhinoceroi”; if we were writing Greek, of course, we’d need a different character set.
    Since we’re speaking English, the plural is either “rhinoceros” or “rhinoceroses”.

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