
John Hawkins was murdered!


  1. I noticed a lack of announcements that John was toe-sucking… I mean interviewing some right-wing celebrity. I figured something was up.
    Maybe he’ll interview God and ask Him what blogs He reads, hoping He will plug RWN over and over.

  2. It is a shame that one of the greatest scientific minds in our time has been slain. Wasn’t it bad enough that he was confined to a wheelchair? Sure he made significant advancements to quantum mechanics and general relativity, and I am sure that people were jealous, but why murder him???
    What do you mean that was Stephen Hawkings????
    Please Disreguard

  3. Obviously, now we have to bust a cap in some leftie blogga’s ass in retaliation. We can’t let them diss us like that.
    Right side, biyotch!
    (Flashes gang sign – it kind of looks like an elephant)

  4. Went from having ‘street cred’ to being straight dead. Considering pretty much everyone else he knew was dead, should we be shocked?
    Right side, biyotch!
    Dat’s how we ROLL! 🙂

  5. I think each of us will always remember where we were and what we were doing when we heard the news that this musical genius had died; truly an artist who spoke the words that we as a generation felt. What’s his name will be missed.

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