You’ll laugh. You’ll cry. But you’ll keep your money.

(Via Screenhead)
Someone posted the classic Star Wars spoof Hardware Wars to Google Video.
How long before the Copyright Gestapo strikes it down and Senator Orrin Hatch blows up their computer?

Yeah, I own the DVD.


  1. You will never be a success at politics – instead of blaming someone you confesses to that shameful crime – Bad Bad … and your confession was too short – you should have made a proper speech of it ..
    But I’ll still vote for you if I get a chance

  2. I think I have the special edition on VHS, plus a litany of other SW related videos – Saving Star Wars, Beneath The Dome, and a few fan films. I went to Celebration II and III.
    Can’t quite bring myself to get Droids or Ewoks, though. Not quite there yet.
    In a few years, they are supposed to have a Star Wars live-action TV series. I guess I should get a bigger HDTV before then.
    Yeah, if you are in Chicago, Laurence, look me up for a beer or two.

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