Happy National Gun Safety Day

I declared a couple years ago that my birthday is National Gun Safety Day, so don’t shoot yourself in the foot today or it will be a great offense to me.
BTW, I’ve now officially entered my late-twenties since I am now 27.
SarahK got me Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion which she had previously forbidden me to buy since it has a hunderd hours plus of gameplay. She’s the sweetest.
What you need to do for my birthday is tell me in the comments how great I am. If any troll comes by and says I’m not great, it’s the job of SarahK or spacemonkey to change the comment to super-praise!
Praise away.

Comment Trolling – Good, Bad, & Ugly

Ya know, I generally don’t mind if a comment thread gets hijacked and wanders all over the place, but it DOES bug me when trolls start using vicious obscenities & generalized racial slurs.
It’d be ok if they were just personal attacks – like calling me a “blasphemous honky cracker whitebread Christ-denying atheist Satan-worshipping bastard who’s going to burn in hell for all eternity“, but I prefer that comment threads on my posts maintain a minimal amount of decorum, consistent with IMAO’s “PG-13” policy.
Also, I don’t mind humor based on racial stereotypes – where would we be without Lair’s membership in the International Zionist Conspiracy forcing people to click on IMAO’s ads? – but hurling racial slurs as a blanket put-down really isn’t appropriate.
Of course, the BIG problem is that the IMAO editorial staff doesn’t contain any members with an African heritage, so please… if you MUST slur in the comments, limit your broadly derogatory epithets to Whites, Jews, Mexicans, Rednecks, Lawyers, Women, Atheists, Waterfowl, Simians, Ninjas, and Aquatically-based homosexuals.
Thank you.


Saw this photo in the Yahoo! News Mideast Conflict gallery:

Mannequins, with headbands of the Palestinian Fatah party, are displayed in a clothing shop during a parade of newly deployed Fatah militia in the West Bank town of Tulkarem Sunday June 4, 2006. The Fatah movement of moderate Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas deployed the new militia, in a show of force against the militantly anti-Israel Hamas government. The new unit, which Fatah officials said numbers 2,500 members, is the movement’s answer to a militia of 3,000 Hamas activists that the government deployed last month over Abbas’ objection. (AP Photo/Nasser Ishtayeh)

When they blow themselves up in crowds of Jewish women and children mannequins, do they get seventy-two virgin mannequins in Dummy Paradise? Do the mannequins in their manufacturer’s lot get pensions in honor of their shaheed puppet-brother?
Or is this proof that the cut-off of Western aid and subsidies to the Palestinian Authority has caused the terrorist groups to lay off “human” (I use that term loosely) munitions in favor of cheaper solutions?