Stupid Limeys

So they have a picture of people executed by insurgents and making it seem U.S. Marines did it, and then they apologise to make it worse. We don’t want you to apologise; we want you to apologize to us Americans.

Shameless Self-Promotion

But it’s not just myself I’m promoting, I’m also promoting others through promoting myself.
Anyway, the Carnival of the Recipes is up at mountaineer musings! Yay!

The Number of the Beast

Tomorrow is 6/6/06, and some people are freaking out. I’ve always considered fear of 666 more of superstition, though, as I don’t think the number really holds that much religious signifigance. Still, John Derbyshire put up some facts about the number 666 that are quite scary (the last one is the freakiest).

It’s Too Soon for a Movie About Snakes on a Plane
An Editorial by Frank J.

 Hollywood has always ran in conflict with the values of decent, Christian Americans, with its glorification of promiscuity, vulgarity, violence, and “alternate lifestyles.” Now, the twisted left-wingers who run Hollywood have declared an open war on Middle America with a summer movie that spits in the eye of anyone who cares for his fellow man. The movie, titled Snakes on a Plane, contains the frank depiction of snakes on a plane. The weirdoes in Hollywood may think this makes for entertainment, but, after less than 103 years since the invention of the plane, less than 58 years since the birth of Samuel L. Jackson, and less the 100 million years since the creation of snakes, it is just too soon for a movie combining the three.

“I want these THISISSPAMTHISISSPAMane at least temporarily. Then there is the constant and often realized threat of a cougar escaping from the cargo hold. We just take it for granted that, when you fly coach cross-country, there is a significant chance you will die a brutal death. Thus, the last thing we need is to be reminded of the snakes that could be possibly slithering near our feet as we enjoy some mini-pretzels with a small cup of Coke.
 We all know there can be – and probably are – snakes on planes. Is there even one reader of this editorial who hasn’t lost a friend or relative to lethal snake bites while he or she was on a plane? Probably a few of you have barely survived on-flight snake attacks yourselves. Thus, it is such a galling insensitivity of the Hollywood elite (who fly in their snake-free first class) to think that snakes on a plane actually passes as entertainment. As someone who once fell asleep on a flight to wake with a boa constrictor trying to crush me, I can tell you it is not entertaining at all.

 And think about the snakes. After being used as a vessel of Satan to damn man from paradise – a story recounted in a best-selling book and known to every American – snakes have worked hard to overcome bad publicity. Just when they thought they had finally reached a point where they can live in harmony with the rest of America, now comes a movie once again depicting them as the villains. Did Hollyweird even consider the backlash against snakes – the majority of whom would never harm anyone and actually benefit society by controlling the rodent population? No, the left-coast only cares about a few cheap thrills and the millions of dollars they can make through exploiting tragedy.

 At least there is some wisdom in Samuel L. Jackson’s already famous line from the movie: “I want these THISISSPAMTHISISSPAMane.

 Or add a Chuck Norris cameo.
Frank J. is a syndicated columnist whose columns appear worldwide on He is also the author of such books as “Engine Failure, Cougars, and No Leg Room: A Frank Guide to Surviving Coach” and “Our Friends, the Snakes: Don’t Hate Them Because They’re Thin”.

The Dragonslayer’s Standard

Q. Why are English corporations and organizations taking down their Cross Of Saint George flags in response to Islamist threats.

Continue reading ‘The Dragonslayer’s Standard’ »

Thanks, Goobers

Thank you for that spontaneous outburst of lover for me yesterday.
Yeah, I’m being sarcastic. I had to put up my own birthday post. All you readers have to do is remember one day – one day – where you must praise me unconditionally, and you can’t even do that. I hate you readers. Still, I’ll try and arrange some words together in combinations that will make you laugh since that’s my job. Also, I’m working on a brand new feature I hope to premiere soon.
Stupid readers probably won’t even appreciate the work it takes, though… the dumb stupid readers they are.
Oh! That reminds me: We need to have a reader appreciation day sometime soon.
UPDATE: Rachel did wish me Happy Birthday on her blog (and included a picture of SarahK and me in our Halloween costumes), but I don’t read other blogs, so that was pretty useless.

What About Liberal Hawks?

In the comments to this post on trolling, reader Jason came out of the closet (politically speaking)

All right, I’m a librul, sort of (more when it comes to human rights, those of Americans and HUMANS in general). Before you “punch me in my monkey face” I would just add that the sort of is because I am also a realist who sees Islam for what it is. Just thought you guys might like this article in the Toronto Star…It concerns the recent arrests of 20 or so suspected terrorists who wanted to clebrate “blow [s***] up day” in Toronto.
Troll out.

Now, we at IMAO have a strict policy about punching liberals in their dumb monkey faces, so this presents a bit of a dilemma – what should we do with liberal hawks?
Should we still punch them, but just not very hard?
Maybe we should merely kick them in their dumb monkey shins?
Do liberal hawks have SMART monkey faces?
I’m confused. Help me out, here.
Oh, and read the article. This should serve as a wake-up call for our moose-worshipping friends up north.

Excellent Job! Now Will You Rob A Bank For Us?

Wild Bill of Passionate America has answered a photoshopping request from Right Wing Duck’s earlier post where he showed a screenshot from Michelle Malkin’s Hot Air in which she’s standing in front of a bunch of donuts.
If you’d like to see a picture of Michelle Malkin standing in front of a bunch of donuts AND handing you a beer, go visit Passionate America.