Fun Trivia

A terrorist in Canada planned to storm parliment and behead the Prime Minister (which is illegal in Canada). What’s up with Muslim terrorists and beheadings?

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Evil All Around

My Alexa traffic rank today is 45,666!
I think that’s a big enough coincidence to know Armageddon will start sometime later today.

Evil Sure, But The AntiChrist?

We all know Glenn is more than 120% evil (he had to outsource 20% of his evil to make quota) but is he the AntiChrist as Will Bill says? I wasn’t sure. The evidence is compelling. But I’m a visual kind of person.
I decided to examine this picture of Glenn Reynolds. It’s the same photo Wild Bill has.
At first nothing jumped out at me. But then on closer inspection I see… what you’ll see when you move your mouse over the image…and click.

I don’t think I need to say any more.
Case solved.

D-Day Remberance

Since it’s not my sort of thing, I’ll point you to Blackfive for D-Day Remembered which also has links to other bloggers.
So did people back then use the number killed on D-Day as the reason we should have never gotten into WWII?

666 Trivia

There’s lots of 666 trivia floating around for some reason today but….
Did you know?
666 is the number of minutes it takes, after crossing the border, for an iliegal immigrant to become a burden to US taxpayers.
Did you know?
666 is the number of degreees a wall of fire would need to burn at to secure the border?
Did you know?
666 is the number you get when you add 000 + 111 + 222 + 333? Try it yourself!
Did you know?
666 is EXACTLY what Michael Moore would weigh if he lost EXACTLY 666 pounds?
Did you know?
666 is the number of TONS of harmful global warming causing carbon dioxide gas Al Gore exhales daily? And you thought trees generated oxygen.
Did you know?
666 is the number of airplane flights Al Gore plans to make to promote his new movie which encourages people NOT TO FLY? On airplanes?
Did you know?
If you add 666 to sum of the IQ’s of all the liberals in any particular location it adds up to… exactly….666?
It’s true, it’s all 666% true.

A Frank Guide to Battling Satan

Today being 6/6/6 should only serve to remind us that Satan is everywhere.
Yes, even at the park.
So what can you do to battle Satan? You can listen to me, that’s what.

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Too late for Ray

Louisiana Governor Kathleen Blanco is expected to sign a bill that restricts abortions in the state considerably.

Blanco has said she planned to sign the bill that would ban nearly all abortions in Louisiana, though only if the U.S. Supreme Court’s 1973 Roe v. Wade abortion rights ruling is overturned. The bill by Sen. Ben Nevers, D-Bogalusa, could only take effect under two circumstances: the U.S. Constitution is amended to allow states to ban abortion; or the Supreme Court strikes down Roe v. Wade.
Under the measure, doctors found guilty of performing abortions would face up to 10 years in prison and fines of $100,000.

Before you ask, it’s too late to apply it to the recent New Orleans mayoral elections.