$10 Million Insta-Dollars

(A Filthy Lie)
In a recent Instapundit post, Glenn Reynolds mused thusly:

THE GLENN AND HELEN SHOW has been downloaded over 10 million times now. If we got just a dollar per download….

Which made me wonder… why would Glenn need $10 million?
I think the answer is fairly obvious… (see extended entry)

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Terrorist Killin’ Song – Recorded Live

Andrew of Custos Honor slapped on his bling & his baggy pants and took a white-boy-rap stab at recording my song, “Marines Are For Killin’ Terrorists“.
Truth be told, this is about a 90% accurate version of how it sounded in my head while I was writing it.
Just needs 10% more disaffected urban youth-itude and a DJ doing scratch in the background.
(Warning – it’s not all nice & censored like the text version)