Adolph Moulitsas

I’ve been thinking about it, and I’m pretty sure Kos is the next Hitler. He just put a book out of his crazy beliefs – much like Hitler did. Kos is angry all the time – just like angry ‘ole Hitler – and has a fanatical following of other angry nutsos. You know it’s only a matter of time before he calls for violence against his “enemies” such as poor Joe Lieberman and the “neocons” he is convinced are destroying society.
Yep, Kos is the next Hitler, alright. We better keep an eye on him. I bet the Holocaust could have been prevented if someone had just punched Adolph in his dumb monkey face before he got too crazy.


  1. Remember how irate all of you got when poeple compared Bush to Hitler????
    But I guess it is okay for you to compare others to Hitler… After all it is just satire right???

  2. Bush: No book of kooky beliefs… or any book for that matter.
    Hitler had a book. Kos has a book.
    Bush: Not angry except when you kill 3000 of his peeps…
    Hitler was constantly angry, Kos seems constantly angry.
    Bush: has a following, but it’s getting less fanatical by the minute.
    Hitler had the SA, SS, Hilter Youth, etc… Kos has his Koslings.
    All Kos needs is the ‘stache and a hatred of Jews and he’s there. Bush, on the other hand, has a long way to get even close.
    Last but not least, it’s time we conservatives enjoyed the doulble standard that liberals have had from the word go.

  3. Frank j…
    If Kos really is the next Hitler then it will require more than a punch in his dumb monkey face. A bullet between the eyes will save a lot of headache down the road..
    Just don’t let the BBC get a hold of a video of the execution..

  4. I’ve been thinking about it, and I’m pretty sure FrankJ is the next Saddam.
    Saddam was not very funny. Neither is FrankJ.
    Saddam liked to talk about hurting people he didn’t know (Israelis, Iranians, etc.) FrankJ likes to talk about hurting people he doesn’t know.
    Saddam liked to play dress-up with uniforms and weapons, even though he wasn’t a real solider. FrankJ likes to play dress-up with uniforms and weapons even though he isn’t a real solider.
    Saddam realized his dream early in his life — to become the leader of Iraq.
    FrankJ realized his dream early in life — to become a successful blogger well-known for his biting political satire, who doesn’t need to beg his site’s few vistors to come to his site more often.
    Oops. That last point has not come true yet, has it FrankJ?
    Well, I guess you are no Saddam.
    Keep trying.
    Monkey Faced Liberal

  5. Hmmmmm, like Saddamned, Frank tells us when to laugh and we do. Frank talks about hurting people and weapons, try getting between him and a loved one. Oh, and Frank got rid of his tip jar before the group blog started. No hits equals no ads, and Franks day job makes workplace blogging doubly lucrative, saving home time to be loving and loved by the great SarahK. Hmmmmmm, we are all just losers compared to that life.

  6. Proving our point again? We get upset when people call Bush, Hitler, so it just follows that we (who know what it feels like to have our leaders slandered) would refrain from such adolescent behavior.
    Guess again. It is always better to teach by experience. We want those who slander our leaders to understand exactly how it feels to have their “sacred cows” skewered in the same way. Thats learning by experience and it usually stays with someone a lot longer than by example alone.
    One man’s joke is another man’s offensive remark, eh what?

  7. seanmahair:
    “eh what?”
    Interesting. That was exactly my response to your comment.
    I think you are trying to say something about how great it is to compare Kos to Hitler since monkey faced liberals like me compare Bush to Hitler.
    Ignoring the fact that I do not think Bush is very much like Hitler (Hitler was much more intelligent, for one thing), I really don’t care if FrankJ compares Kos to Hitler. If he does it though one might hope that he eithier makes an interresting point or is funny. He fails in both regards here.
    Can you rewriting your post again, so that your point (if you have one) is a bit more clear?
    Monkey Faced Liberal

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