Beach Blanket Bingo

Apparently, the IDF is investigating the recent artillery shelling of a Gaza beach which resulted in the deaths of at least seven Palestinians.
The investigation may take a while, though. I mean, try saying “She shells Shia cells by the seashore” ten times fast.


  1. So, when a family on a picnic gets splattered all over a beach, you dimwits see humor in it? Some of these posts are real knee slappers.
    Butchering women and kids – has the IDF been taking lessons from Hamas or the U.S. Marines?

  2. Sometime today the IDF will probably announce that all of their artillery shells are accounted for and that the cleanup of the scene by Hamas as well as the convenient positioning of cameramen to film the screaming girl will show that the bombs were staged by Hamas.
    Palestinian Candid Camera, but where the victim loses her whole family. Cute, isn’t it?

  3. So, when a family on a picnic gets splattered all over a beach, you dimwits see humor in it? Some of these posts are real knee slappers.
    Butchering women and kids – has the IDF been taking lessons from Hamas or the U.S. Marines?
    Posted by: Zog on June 11, 2006 02:21 AM
    Zog you turd, jury, judge and dildo, huh? The Marines are automatically guilty, the IDF is automatically guilty, but the clowns who murder innocents as a norm our deserving of your pity and sympathy. Just another bleeding heart liberal who is more concerned for those who would destroy our way of life instead of those who defend his right to his inane and pathetic opinions. You’d be first in line to take it in the shorts from the islamofascists and then convert. Your type make assholes look bad, if that is possible.

  4. Laurence Simon,
    “Sometime today the IDF will probably announce that all of their artillery shells are accounted for and that the cleanup of the scene by Hamas as well as the convenient positioning of cameramen to film the screaming girl will show that the bombs were staged by Hamas.”
    Yes Hamas is known to create staged tragedies with cameras ready along with real explosions that kill people. However, I don’t think that is the case this time. It was an errant shell. First the Israelis track all the incoming and outgoing artillery and rockets with counter-battery artillery radar and admitted the shell was theirs.
    Second even though many staged incidents with the camera ready are suspicious, this one was at the beach. How many people take the camera to the beach. Lots! I don’t think that part is such a big coincidence.

  5. Neo-anderthal,
    The Palis kept and destroyed all shrapnel they took out of victims handed over to Israeli hospitals for further treatment.
    Well, not all of it.
    The remaining bits were inconsistent with artillergy casings. But they matched EXACTLY the profile of a daisy-chained landmine, which Hamas has seeded the beaches with and proudly claimed as such to “repel Zionist aggressors.”
    So, feel free to:
    – Suck on it
    – Give Frank 5 bucks in his paypal account
    Love and go f*** yourself,

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