Comment Trolling – Good, Bad, & Ugly

Ya know, I generally don’t mind if a comment thread gets hijacked and wanders all over the place, but it DOES bug me when trolls start using vicious obscenities & generalized racial slurs.
It’d be ok if they were just personal attacks – like calling me a “blasphemous honky cracker whitebread Christ-denying atheist Satan-worshipping bastard who’s going to burn in hell for all eternity“, but I prefer that comment threads on my posts maintain a minimal amount of decorum, consistent with IMAO’s “PG-13” policy.
Also, I don’t mind humor based on racial stereotypes – where would we be without Lair’s membership in the International Zionist Conspiracy forcing people to click on IMAO’s ads? – but hurling racial slurs as a blanket put-down really isn’t appropriate.
Of course, the BIG problem is that the IMAO editorial staff doesn’t contain any members with an African heritage, so please… if you MUST slur in the comments, limit your broadly derogatory epithets to Whites, Jews, Mexicans, Rednecks, Lawyers, Women, Atheists, Waterfowl, Simians, Ninjas, and Aquatically-based homosexuals.
Thank you.


  1. The sad part here is that this is just like passing gun control laws. The only people who will respect your wishes are the law-abiding, God fearing floks who know how to control themselves to begin with (like me! …Well mabye not, but you get the point). It’s a shame it has to be that way, generally speaking of course.
    Mabye if we ignore them they’ll get bored and go away.

  2. AC – Yes, but if we mock them, we’ll amuse ourselves 🙂
    Meanwhile, this post acts as tasty troll-bait.
    Although, since I mentioned it, they’ll probably just flee in terror from this post.
    Neo-andertal – I think that falls under the “simian” category, so you should be safe there.

  3. Oh sorry i made you tip your hand like that. I guess i missed the “do not tip Harvey’s hand” memo from the secret NeoCon cabal. I must have set back our plans for world domination by at least 5 min! I hope Karl Rove doesn’t “erase” me- if you know what I’m sayin.
    No wait! It’s Lair’s fault for not telling me! Blame him! DAMN YOU LAIR!!! Just kiddin 😛

  4. I’m enjoying AB as he’s more typical incoherant screaming liberal but MFL is a bit nicer because he at least puts some thought behind his comments and he’s more polite.
    Who’da thunk the the brit would be the rude one? But at least AB is succinct, whereas MFL is long winded.

  5. I’d comment but I’m too f’in drunk…Nice job Harvey for spelling out the rules…heh, like there are any as long as SarahK doesn’t find the language offensive.
    I thought you lazy SOBs didn’t post on weekends…am I on the right site?
    PS: Cat blogging is for poopy-heads, more dogs swimming.

  6. All right, I’m a librul, sort of (more when it comes to human rights, those of Americans and HUMANS in general). Before you “punch me in my monkey face” I would just add that the sort of is because I am also a realist who sees Islam for what it is. Just thought you guys might like this article in the toronto star…It concerns the recent arrests of 20 or so suspected terrorists who wanted to clebrate “blow shit up day” in toronto.
    Troll out.

  7. Good to hear, go open that old thread up so I can tell Average Airman to kiss my arse:

    For the Army and Marine guys. Lets see how long you’d last in a war without the Air Force bombing the hell out of the enemy first and without CASGood to hear, go open that old thread up so I can tell Average Airman to kiss my arse:
    For the Army and Marine guys. Lets see how long you’d last in a war without the Air Force bombing the hell out of the enemy first and without CAS<
    You have to be kidding me. I’d rather go it alone than call for Air Force CAS. You guys just fly a grid and drop regardless of who is in the area, as many Marines and Brits can testify to.
    Why would we call someone not obligated to visually confirm their targets before engaging when we can get Marine Air flying nape of the earth, that live and breath CAS.
    My motto: “Just say no to AF CAS unless you want to be another A-10 friendly fire statistic.”

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