Fun Facts About Michigan

The IMAO Podcast is still on hiatus, but I have an irresistable urge to finish up the rest of the states in the Fun Facts About The 50 States series, so I’m going to forge ahead – hopefully on a weekly schedule.
Should the podcast return, this is the list from which I’ll pick & choose my favorite items to record.
See extended entry for whole thing…

Welcome to Fun Facts About the 50 States. I’m your host, Harvey, and – week by week – I’ll be taking you on a tour around this great nation of ours, providing you with interesting – yet completely useless, and probably untrue – information about each of the 50 states.
This week, it’s time to use your hand for a map, because we’re headed off to Michigan, so let’s get started…
Michigan became the 26th state on January 26th, 1837, and was originally a penal colony for disloyal Canadians who refused to say “eh?” at the end of every sentence.
If someone from Michigan flips you off, don’t be offended. He’s probably just trying to tell you to take I-75 to Mackinaw City.
Famous singer Madonna was born in Detriot, Michigan, which may explain why her bras looked like the hubcaps from a ’57 Chevy.
Michingan’s nickname is the “Wolverine State”, even though there are no longer any wolverines in the state. The last Michigan wolverine died in 1872 when it was eaten by a badger while attempting to sneak across the border into Wisconsin.
Rogers City, Michigan boasts the world’s largest limestone quarry, which is where Fred Flintstone used to work before he made it big in Hollywood.
Yes, I know Fred Flintstone lived in Bedrock, but he commuted.
Being surrounded by four of the five Great Lakes, Michigan has more bridges than any other state, most of which Ted Kennedy has driven off of at one time or another.
The Detroit Zoo does not keep its animals in cages, because they all know better than to wander the streets of Detroit after dark.
Industrialist Henry Ford was born in Dearborn, Michigan, and invented the assembly line to streamline the process of killing union agitators.
The world’s largest crucifix is located in Indian River, Michigan. Requests from the National Endowment for the Arts to dip it in the world’s largest jar of urine have so far been ignored.
The Ambassador Bridge connecting Michigan to Canada was built in 1953 and has since been heavily mined to prevent more talentless, hack actors like William Shatner from sneaking into our country.
No matter where you stand in Michigan, you’re less than 100 miles from one of the Great Lakes. If you’re in Detroit, you’re also less than 100 feet from the scene of a violent crime.
Politician Thomas Dewey was born in Owosso, Michigan, and mentored Al Gore in how to lose a close election.
Most snowblowers sold in Michigan are manufactured in Detroit and come with 10-year/100,000 mile warranties.
They usually expire due to mileage.
The state flag of Michigan consists of a dark blue background over which is a lighter blue shield and the motto, “Cold like Wisconsin, but more recognizably hand-shaped”.
The name Michigan comes from the Chippewa Indian word “Mishigawa”, meaning “half my pocket change is Canadian, eh?”
Rock & Roll legend Ted Nugent was born in Detroit, Michigan, but left the state in 1982 after he ran out of animals to kill there.
Although the Western shore of Michigan has many large sand dunes, it has no camels as they were hunted to extinction by Ted Nugent in 1981.
James Vernor invented Ginger Ale in his Detroit pharmacy. It’s one of the most popular drinks in the nation, except in Kansas, where it’s regularly outsold by Mary Ann Ale.
Michigan is the only place in the world with a floating post office, which is frequently attacked by disgruntled former employees “going pirate”.
Aviator Charles Lindbergh was born in Detroit Michigan. His solo flight across the Atlantic in 1927 was the first recorded instance of an American being glad to arrive in France.
Michigan has more than 11,000 lakes, all of which have – at one time or another – hidden Jimmy Hoffa.
In the 1950’s & 60’s, the prevalence of Detroit black singing groups created the style of music known as “Motown”. Since the advent of rap, it’s been called “Mofotown”.
In 1929, The Michigan State Police established the world’s first police radio system after inventing the chocolate glazed radio receiver.

The state reptile of Michigan is the Painted Turtle, or – as the natives refer to it – the Crunchy Speed Bump.

That wraps up the Michigan edition of Fun Facts About the 50 States. Next week we’ll STILL be frighteningly vulnerable to Canadian moose attacks as we explore Minnesota.
Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m gonna go jam out to some funky Mofotown grooves.

[The complete e-book version of “Fun Facts About the 50 States” is now available at If you don’t have a Kindle, you can download free Kindle apps for your web browser, smartphone, computer, or tablet from]


  1. Being a Michigan resident, I can – unfortunately – verify much of this as accurate. Damn that Canadian money, I don’t want no loonies in my change.
    I’m suprised you didn’t make fun of the people of Detroit- I mean, the majority of Michigan voters elected a Candian-born Sociali- I mean, Democrat to be our governor.
    As for Moore, we disown him. He does not deserve to wear that Spartan cap.

  2. “You forgot that their college football team’s are both gay as the day is long! I’m an Iowa Hawkeye, by the way!”
    Bla bla bla… the only two teams that matter are Michigan and Ohio State. Michigan rules! Unless you’re a buckeye, then you should be afraid of Michigan.

  3. Ha ha — yes! Sorry about the late post (been off the ‘net a while) but, as a Michigan resident, I am in agreement with Archangel — very accurate!
    Also, the number one sport in Michigan is hockey, which, along with our Canadian governor, makes all Michganders confused as to which country we belong to exactly.

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