Fun Trivia

A terrorist in Canada planned to storm parliment and behead the Prime Minister (which is illegal in Canada). What’s up with Muslim terrorists and beheadings?

Head envy. They envy our western heads and all the brains they’re filled with.


  1. Frank, You are right about them wanting head. This all started with Wadi Fukin way back. He came to America in the 1960s during the “Love-In” movement on a foreign scholarship program from Mohammedstan. When he returned they asked him what he liked the most about America, and he said getting head. Somehow it got lost in translation but when he told them he had orgasms from it, well, the rest is history. Before they could find out the error of their (there, for you AB) ways they stoned him to death for having sex with infidels. It’s too (to, for you AB) bad the guy didn’t have a blog way back then.

  2. There’s a notion that doesn’t bode well for Christians, conserveratives, libertarians, children, dolphins, the genuinely mentally challenged (BDS-Bush Derangement Sydrome doesn’t apply), Stephen Hawking (since he can’t exactly run for help), republicans,Americans, or anyone else that has a soul or original thought.
    We may need to start looking into chain mail turtlenecks for ourselves before the liberals start to follow suit.

  3. I think it is far past the time that we add a new branch to the Special forces – The Knights Templar! We have all seen on the history channel how a handful of these guys just kicked ass when obscenely outnumbered by the bad guys with chicks so ugly they have to cover them up. What do you say to a muslim chick with two black eyes? Nothing, she has already been told twice.

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