I Feel Your Pain, Jonah

One of the few things that ever got me to swear at my own readers… and I have a long fuse.
UPDATE: Maybe some people aren’t understanding. What makes me uncontrollably angry is someone correcting a typo and then explaining to me like I’m a four year old when is the proper to use “its” versus “it’s”. I had some readers do that a couple years back – and were very well-meaning and polite – and I could not help but rip into them. I’ve yet to have one troll make me angry, but that…


  1. I think what you meant to type was something like…
    “One of the few things that has ever GOTTEN me to swear…”
    Don’t we all just F&#*ing hate the frequent misuse of the word -got- ?!?!?
    (oops sorry)

  2. So many kids these days graduate high school without learning the difference between “its” and “it’s” that it’s pretty safe to assume that anyone who conflates them does so out of ignorance. That’s why you get so many e-mailers lecturing you on the mistake.

  3. “FrankJ:
    Would you like some cheese with that whine?
    Peace,” -Monkey Faced Liberal
    I cannot believe I am agreeing with this guy. I need to go Opus Dei and give myself some lashes.
    Try to stay focused on the events of our day guys…and not so much on how people that post conduct their spelling. Don’t take this too personally but this is one of the “stupidest” things I’ve read on this site. This is a conservative satire blog; not a freakin’ English class. If peoples’ spelling errors are that much of an issue; I suggest you pick up your toys and take your issues before our public schools… where it belongs.

  4. And one more thing: If this is enough to get you cursing your readers then you DO NOT have a long fuse. Quite the opposite actually.
    Let’s try pulling ourselves out of “LA LA LAND” for just a few and take a breather.

  5. i think their making to big a deal of these, they’re is no reason for you’re readers to be voicing there opinons so vehemently. their are too ways to write several words in the english language, sew whats the big deal?
    ugh, you don’t know how taxing that was for me…i hate it when people swap the words, two.

  6. Frank,
    Look at it this way: spelling corrections are the best way of knowing that you got your point across (evidenced by the correction) and that even haughty nutcases can understand what you’re trying to say. Just use the extra eyes and ignore the rest. Cursing at them doesn’t help anything, ’cause they think they’re smarter than you anyway. Obviously, you’ve tricked them into wasting their time correcting work that already proved its worth.

  7. Frank J.
    I guess some people are a little unclear on the whole “Unfair Unbalanced Unmendicated” schtick. Lurking out in the fever swamps does that.
    Instead of chastizing you for cursing at your @#$% readers, they should praise your patience with your loyal trolls. Were the roles reversed, they wouldn’t be so kind to you. You’re just an old softie after all, aren’t you? You @#$%ing &@$$y!

  8. Cary,
    “Try to stay focused on the events of our day guys…and not so much on how people that post conduct their spelling. Don’t take this too personally but this is one of the “stupidest” things I’ve read on this site.”
    Hey, I resemble that remark.
    Actually, grammar and punctuation do become an issue when you have a perfectly good idea or joke, and totally blow it with lousy proofreading. I’m always thinking something and writing down a different word. Often I proof what I think I wrote, instead of what is actually there.
    Grammar corrections are sometimes useful, at other times annoying or even hilarious.

  9. Very good point Neo. I did fly of the handle just a tad. I agree with you about serious and repeated grammatical errors… but harping on “it’s” vs “its'”? Most people should be able to get the correct meaning out of the context of the statement where this is concerned, specifically. If you are writing an essay of some kind then yes, the grammar should be above par; if you are posting comments on some blog then I could care less.
    And Frank, thanks for making the update and clarifying what you were talking about exactly. That would piss me off too if done repeatedly. I can promise that you will NEVER see me correct your spelling and/or lecture you about it.
    My aggressive responses are always given more weight than they should. The “blogosphere” would not think me so mean if they could hear me speak the same words. Then again, I would rather be thought of as a right-wing mean spirited bastard versus a stupid liberal monkey faced poo poo lover.

  10. Monkey Faced Liberal is really a Republican. He said “Hail Satan” which means he is loyal to Glenn Reynolds.
    See, I was right!
    Either that, or he’s a mama’s boy.
    Mam’s boy, week-end “Discordian”/Crowleyite, dreadful bore of an attention whore…what’s the difference?

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