I Opposed Murtha for Reelection Before Opposing Murtha for Reelection Was Cool

Back when I was in college in Pittsburgh, I helped a Republican (Timothy Holloway) campaign against Murtha in 1998. It was at the urging of my roommate who actually lived in Murtha’s district (at the time he got a letter published in a local paper about how Murtha wasn’t really a friend to the military). I went door to door campaigning for Holloway one day with some other college Republicans… except, when we split into groups, I ended up paired with Holloway himself so there wasn’t much reason for me to say anything. Holloway only got a bit over 30% of the vote, though… well, that’s why they set up the districts the way they do.
Now Murtha’s opponent this year, Diana Irey, is getting a lot of national attention since everyone (not just me and my roommate who’s now in the Navy) knows Murtha is a kook and not a friend of the military. Irey should get a lot more money than Holloway did and districts in Pennsylvania are different than they were back in ’98, so maybe she has a chance. And, if Murtha is defeated this year, remember it was only because your friend Frank J. helped weaken him.


  1. Let’s hope the Kossacks and the Move-on folk and the Code Pink ladies plan road trips from San Fran and Manhatten to Murtha’s district. There going door to door should swing things in Irey’s direction. I’m relatively optimistic. That part of Pennsylvania still has many people with some sense left in ’em.
    Frank, anti-Murtha tee shirts!! The fight you began years ago rages on. No cutting and running young man. (How about one with a map showing the nature of a bombing run from Okinawa to Fallujah and back?)

  2. Murtha is a threat to our soldiers. His rants give aid and encouragement to our enemies, and I cannot believe the people of his district would reelect him. If they do we need to initiate a massive round of punching their dumb monkey faces.

  3. the people of Murtha’s district already need monkey face punching for sending this moron to congress! but wait…he’s a congressman which = moron so i guess they can be forgiven…naw…they need punchin both in their dumb monkey faces and in their crotches!

  4. There’s a good chance due to Murtha’s extensive knowledge of geography that he will mistakenly campaign in neighboring Ohio, giving Ms. Irey a fighting chance in this delicate tango known as democracy. This could be the Murtha of all elections! Heh, heh, heh. Sort of a play on words there.
    And that’s they way it is. Hey, you kids, get off of my lawn!

  5. I’d love to see a tee-shirt or bumper sticker pointing out that Major General Benedict Arnold had a much better combat service record than Reserve Colonel Murtha and Lt(junior grade) Kerry combined, until he had that one little problem with oppossing the Administration in the Revolution.

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