Just Wondering

Is there an official name for that “move your head from side to side while wagging your finger back & forth” thing that black women do?

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  1. I think its called “uh, uh, guuurrrllfriend!”
    Jeez, I feel like a dirty racist for saying that. The liberal Orwellian comment police (a.k.a. MFL) is gonna ‘rrest me!
    I think its either called that or “keepin it real.” Just make sure that keeping it real doesn’t go wrong.

  2. That is similar to what a cobra does when it is “dancing”. A black woman in “cobra mode” is watching the objectof her ire for any weakness and an opportunity to strike. Surprisingly, in cobra mode she kills by crushing or pummeling as opposed to poisoning. Go figure.

  3. “This is one of the most f***ing pointless and retarded sites they are.”
    That’s not a proper use of the word “they”, and now the entire meaning of his sentence is lost on me.
    I mean, he could have meant “there”, but then he should have said “…one of the most pointless and retarded sites there is.”, because he’s talking about one site and not the plural sites mentioned in the prepositional phrase “of the most pointless…”. So that can’t be it…and now the entire meaning of his comment is totally lost on me.

    You know, I should really just avoid being a wise-ass, because I always do something like put the same sentence twice.
    Remember kids, editing and revision are your friends.

  5. Tristan
    That’s OK, at least you didn’t unleash a buttload of pompus bombast on a friendly. Now that’s embarrassing. I’m still suffering from PTSD.
    Oh ya, than there was the time I mistakenly pasted some bullshit from the comment section into the middle of a proposal. Never do paperwork and shoot bull at the same time. I’m glad a caught it. I can just imagine the customers face. What The–??

  6. Jambo,
    What is a typical american? Someone who hates 99% of the american population.
    First wasps migrated to north-america because of their religious intolerance. England and The Netherlands were much too liberal for those fundamentalists, now they run the country unaware of the real motive of the jews behind the banking system, show business and the porno industry: to destroy christian civilization.
    The Irish migrated because they were starving.
    The Scandinavian, Transalpinos and Iberians were always the ones looking for an adventurous and hopefully better life and built most of America.
    The Eastern Europeans are mostly jews.
    The Africans never wanted to migrate, they were taken by the bastards above as slaves.
    Do not mind me and continue with your civil war.

  7. As Voltaire (French terrorist)said, “The only way to comprehend what mathematicians mean by Infinity is to contemplate the extent of human stupidity.”
    By reading this blog and some of the comments I finally had a glimpse of infinity. Most obliged.

  8. classic.
    i didn’t get it the first time I read it, but upon second review, it’s hilarious. (hey, it’s earlier in the morning and I came down with something yesterday afternoon)

  9. Porto – go munch a reality bar.
    Viva Ghana – Happy to be of service. Very sorry to learn that long-dead french philosophers are terrorizing West Africa. That must be a bitch! We have that problem too, except it’s with actual living idiots who think they have the right to kill anyone who disagrees with them. See how much we have in common! As for your quote of Voltaire, I’m not familiar with it. I am familiar with this one: “‘Oh Lord, make my enemies ridiculous.’ And God granted it.” Just sayin’.

  10. What do these 7,400 things have in common and who cares:
    -Interstellar dust
    -Goose crap
    -Mongoose crap
    -Non-goose crap
    -Smoked monkey fat
    -The diameter of a Persian goat rectum
    -Marshmallow Fluff…

  11. Viva Ghana – may I call you G?
    G – No, to me, Voltaire is a somewhat irrelevant dead French aristocrat who was known in his time for being a little loose in the caboose…but quite the life of the party. What is he to you?

  12. Have you ever been to Ghana?
    I have …
    The place is a stinking Turdpile !
    I threw away my clothes and my suitcase when I returned.
    I think it’s where hippy fragrence comes from.
    CT Sean

  13. Latest Match – Thu, Jun. 22, 2006
    World Cup – Germany 2006Final – Frankenstadion
    Ghana 2 – 1 United States
    22′ H Draman 1 – 0
    43′ 1 – 1 C Dempsey
    45′ S Appiah (pen) 2 – 1
    Game 42

  14. Yeah, then I lick my fingers. MMM.. I love to eat my own turds.
    Harvey… don’t make fun of turdpiles… they need socialized medicine and welfare, too…
    Viva la republicans!
    Vive La BOOOOOSH!

  15. I have emailed Kathy Griffin’s fans via her website and will report back in two weeks if there are any responses from Kathy or her fans. I included in my emailed query a link to this post and another to imao.us’s homepage, so if imao gets a Kathy-Launch I want credit for it. Because its all about the street cred, man…..

  16. Harvey – Not that I’m pointing fingers, a-hem, but in bass fishing it’s generally not considered sportsmanlike to catch the same fish twice. Does same ‘rule’ apply when fishing for moonbats?

  17. Head Wobble.
    My older, dearly departed brother Paul called it the head wobble. So that’s what everyone in our family calls it. If we were watching a movie or something where a girl would do that Paul would say “She’s really got that Head Wobble goin’ don’t she?”

  18. Harvey – 50-plus tags on a simple/innocent/benign question shows real tallent. He’ll probably have Rove slit my throat for writing this, but you might get your book deal before Frank J does. Possible title: “Fishing for Moonbats – The Argument Against Catch and Release.”

  19. Second on “head wobble.” When the head wobbling woman subsequently expresses shock at her intended victim’s failure to shut the hell up, she may be inclined to follow up with the “head weeble” which is an extension of the neck and head at a backward angle (not unlike the beam of a catapult being cocked) and an accompanying expression of wide-eyed, angry disbelief.
    If you fail to heed the head wobble and find yourself in head weeble territory, shut up and stand still. Anything else will inspire an event referred to by experts as “repeated, numbing blows to the face and kidneys.”
    So…heed the weeble.
    For God’s sake.

  20. Could someone explain to me why one simple question provokes some of the most foul and unpleasant responses I have read on this site.
    Porto and Ghana, this is not rocket science. If you don’t like the site, go somewhere else. If you want people to take you seriously, you might want to invest in some maturity lessons. BTW not everyone is interested in being your personal punching bag so if you can’t be nice, maybe it would be better to … not be (here).
    Wasp I thought your kind didn’t make fun of people with disabilities. Hardly politically correct. I thought that was the job of those, hateful, unkind, hypocritical conservatives like me. I would no more refer to someone as retarded than I would use a racial slur. Not because it’s politically incorrect but because it’s hateful, hurtful, unkind and impolite. And yes before someone points it out, I’m aware that I am a dinosaur.

  21. Thanks for the laughs! Esp comical are the off-topic posts.
    I don’t know what the head move is called, but I’ve been working on it myself…for several years. (I know what you’re thinking, and you’re correct.)
    You can also do the head move while rotating your “Stop” hand clockwise. (I avoid finger gestures – people get the wrong msg – guess they expect to be flipped off.) Try it, but don’t hurt yourself!

  22. This is one of the most amusing threads i have read in a while. It’s just what i needed Monday morning.
    Anyway, I think the “Oh no, you didn’t!” is the most fitting name. Dunno why, just seems like that is what they are trying to convey when they do it.
    The blog crashers above… also funny…

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