Light bulb joke

Q: How many Pakistanis does it take to screw in a light bulb?

A: Bend one over and let’s find out.


  1. Hey, I’m gonna act like a liberal here for a second and give you a quote from that story, totally taken out of context. Here goes:
    A pakistani inmate, who had a lightbulb in his anus, said: “Thanks Allah, now I feel comfort.”

  2. The three prisoners who committed suicide at Gitmo missed an excellent propaganda opportunity. If they’d peed on their copies of the Koran and screwed light bulbs into their asses before hanging themselves with their sheets, it would have had more impact. The perversity of the whole thing would have caused an international uproar. The press and half the world would be blaming Rumsfeld. There would have to be a Congressional investigation.
    The prisoners just lack imagination.

  3. Wasn’t this on an episode of Scrubs, complete with almost the exact same x-ray photo? The show opened with that shot and a doctor saying, “well, either this guy’s got a lightbulb up his ass or his colon had a great idea!”
    I’m half suspecting a hoax, but then again, this is Pakistan…

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