Operation Return To Sender

It looks like the War On Illegal Immigration has a new recruit, and his name is Elvis P.:

“Police! Policia! Police!” yelled Daniel Monico, a deportation officer, holding his badge to a window where someone had pulled back the curtain. “Open the door!”
Moments later, agents led a dazed-looking Jose Ferreira Da Silva, 35, out in handcuffs. The Brazilian had been arrested in 2002 and deported, but had slipped back into the country. He now faces up to 20 years in prison.
In a blitz that began May 26, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement has arrested nearly 2,100 illegal immigrants across the country. Officials said the raids are aimed at child molesters, gang members and other violent criminals, as well as people like Da Silva who sneaked back into the country after a judge threw them out.
The crackdown is called Operation Return to Sender.
“This sends a message,” said Monico, standing outside the gray Victorian apartment where Da Silva had been hiding. “When we deport you, we’re serious.”

Because the Operation was a success, the government is turning to enlist more Elvis songs in its never-ending battle for truth, justice, and the American way!

  • Operation Heartbreak Hotel – FEMA cutting off housing subsidies for Katrina evacuees.
  • Operation You’re The Devil In Disguise – USO tour featuring Ann Coulter.
  • Operation Suspicious Minds – NSA wiretapping of calls to Afghanistan and Iraq.
  • Operation Crying In The Chapel – Administration taskforce pushing “Defense Of Marriage Act.”
  • Operation You Ain’t Nothin’ But A Hound Dog – Army and Reserves program for retraining Abu Ghraib prison guards.
  • Operation All Shook Up – US Geological Survey tracking Senator Ted Kennedy’s movements.
  • Operation You Gave Me A Mountain – Department of Energy Yucca Mountain storage plans.
  • Operation I’ll Be Home For Christmas – U.S. Marines, Air Force, Navy, Army, and Reserves program (postponed)

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  1. Operation Don’t Be Cruel – Abu Ghraib second round of sensitivty traing
    Operation Heartbreak Hotel – Last Accomodations for Zarqawi
    Operation Jailhose Rock – Case against Congressman William jefferson, Democrat Louisianna
    Operation Stuck On You – Program to clean up the special forces involved in Operation Heartbreak Hotel
    Operation Burning Love – Medical attention for those infected with STDs after trysts with Ted Kennedy

  2. “child molesters, gang members and other violent criminals, as well as people like Da Silva”
    more like
    people like Da Silva, gang members, violent criminals, child molesters
    How many employers did they arrest?

  3. Operation Blue Hawaii.
    Osama and his entourage turn up at Wi Ki Ki beach. Authorities become suspicious after a strange series of surfer beheadings. All the surf guards are kidnapped with a demand that men and women be strictly segregated and all the women cover wear the traditional abia covering from head to toe.
    This begins Bin Laden’s lame B movie period. Even the mainstream media is forced to admit Al Qauda is in decline, and is just cashing in on former notoriety. Millions of former supporters complain that his most recent work is a total sell out and a shallow self parody. Dedicated fans urge Bin Laden to return to Memphis (Egypt) and get back to his roots.

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