Scenes From the World Cup

Announcer #1: Welcome to this year’s coverage of the World Cup.
Announcer #2: I can’t believe what an amazing first round we’ve had.
Announcer #1: I’ll say. In Group Z we had the every single team end their first round in zero to zero ties.
Announcer #2: Who advances to the second round?
Announcer #1: They all do!!
Announcer #2: How exciting.
Announcer #1: This is the most exciting thing I’ve seen since that last zero-zero tie.
Announcer #2: Yes, definitely one of the top ten nothing-nothings.
Announcer #1: Speaking of which. I had a very exciting dinner last night.
Announcer #2: What happened?
Announcer #1: Absolutely NOTHING!.
Announcer #2: Wow.
Announcer #1: Let’s take a break for these commercials.
Actor: Hey America. Why aren’t you watching? Please watch the World Cup. The World Cup: Because soccer isn’t just for children.
Announcer #1: I remember one time I saw a team actually WIN a match.
Announcer #2: You don’t say.
Announcer #1: Yes, of course, the Norwegians beat the Swiss.
Announcer #2: You mean with scoring??”
Announcer #1: Of course not. The Swiss pulled out of the match. They decided they wanted to remain neutral.
Announcer #2: How exciting.
Announcer #1: Yes, my colleagues and I still talk about that one. Oops, time for commercial.
Commercial announcer: Try Adidas Tennis Shoes. We make the world’s best soccer shoes. Our new shoe — the Kickarino 200 even has a sensor that alerts you when you’re within 100 feet of the goal!
Goalie Endorsement. Thanks to the Kickarino’s alarm system, I woke up from my nap just in time to watch that kick sail high into the stands. Thanks Kickarino.
Commercial Announcer; The Kickarino 200 — from Adidas. The Shoemaker.
Announcer #1: One thing I’ve enjoyed about this tournament is that so many teams have scored Own Goals.
Announcer #2: Yes, very exciting.
Announcer #1: That’s true. I haven’t anybody score that much on themselves since Pee Wee Herman. I can’t wait for this next match to start.
Announcer #2: Yes, it will start in just 3 more hours. Int he meantime, we’ll sit here and discuss strategies and players and all the good stuff people never thought of because they were too busy trying to find beer.

Announcer #1: We are now looking down on the field watching the players warm up for the next match. Yes, over on the far end, we see them sprinting. At the near end, we see the goalie is practicing blocking shots.
Announcer #2: My goodness, there’s a player twisting and writhing on the grass. He’s surrounded by the team staff. Are they medical doctors?
Announcer #1: No — acting coaches.
Announcer #2: How exciting.
Announcer #1: This just in. Saudi Arabia filed an appeal to the United Nations regarding the bad officiating in the first round.
Announcer #2: What did the United Nations determine?
Announcer #1: They said the Arabs were right. The UN today sanctioned Israel and blamed the bad officiating on a Zionist conspiracy.
Announcer #2: But there isn’t even an Israeli team in the World Cup.
Announcer #1: Yes there is: The United States.
Announcer #2: I suspected, but I wasn’t sure.
Announcer #1: News flash. Angola and Tibet have both tied Zero-zero. They both adavance to the second round.
Announcer #2: How exciting!

Carnival Of Comedy Reminder

I want you! To pull my finger.
This should be on a T-Shirt
Carnival #60 Will be at the Acme Anvil Co on Thursday. Steve’s already thought of a theme! (Who should buy Mexico)
Get those entries in to here, or here!
Want to host? Email me at Spacemonkey -at- IMAO.US and have me eventually add your name to this schedule.
Upcoming Carnival
#61 Will be at Blogs for House

A Story, Bit by Bit
Hellbender: Part 5 – Debrief


While waiting for backup, Doug did his best to make sure the excess peanut butter and jelly sandwiches he and Bryce had didn’t go to waste. Both Lulu and Charlene said they weren’t hungry, and Doug couldn’t blame them, as the battlefield was now filled with odd smells, none of them pleasant.
When someone did come, it was just one troop transport to fly them back to base. Charlene questioned this, and they were told the General would explain. At base, they were marched straight to his office.
General Daniels didn’t look in the best of shape. His eyes were bloodshot, his face was a couple days unshaven, and he was probably drunk – or was going to be soon from how he was constantly pouring himself more whiskey. He took a swig from his glass and then looked up from his desk at the four in front of him. “Oh yeah, you guys.”
Doug was still standing at attention along with Lulu and Charlene, but Bryce was leaning casually against a wall. “I was expressing concern about how, when we left the battlefield, there were no new forces to relieve us,” Charlene said.
The General took another drink. “Yeah… well, to be honest, I didn’t prepare for the contingency that we’d actually win.”
Doug, as usual, was confused, so he looked at Charlene. She appeared surprised for a moment, but regained herself to her neutral expression as she addressed the General. “I don’t understand.”
“It’s a numbers thing, Murphy.” The General finished off his glass and poured another. “Considering what you all went through, I guess the least I can do is explain the decision making behind this mission. The higher-ups like to keep tabs on a number of different stats. They noted that, while all parts of the military are now 50/50 gender-wise, most of the casualties are men, and that perhaps showed some sort of sexism in women’s role in our fine military. I was told to fix that.” He chuckled. “And, since I can’t bring men back to life, my only option was to get women killed to even up the ratio. Thus I made a whole squadron of you ladies and sent you on a suicide mission. The problem was I accidentally put you on it, Murphy, which was an oversight on my part… in my defense, though, I’ve been drunk the past few days.”
Doug tried unsuccessfully to process all that and looked at the others. Charlene could not contain her shock this time. Lulu appeared mortified. Bryce was checking the cleanliness of his nails. Then a thought occurred to Doug. “So why were Bryce and I included in this?”
“I just don’t like you two and was thinking, ‘Well, as long as I’m killing people off…'” He laughed and took another drink. “Anyway, you all actually winning this battle has put some egg on my face, but that’s not your fault. I’ll try and get you guys some medals, but until then, I got you some gift certificates for the mall.” The General stood up and handed each of them an envelope. “I award you these for your great valor in serving the divine Empress Proserpine yadda yadda yadda.” The General plopped back into his seat and poured whiskey into a couple more glasses. He sipped at one for a bit while the others stared blankly at their gift certificates – except for Bryce, who quickly pocketed his after checking its value. After a few seconds of silence, the General looked up at the four again. “Still here? You all standing there is really starting to annoy me. Either leave, snap and kill me, or have a glass of whiskey.”
Doug felt like getting out of there. Charlene appeared ready to cry. Lulu was just shaking and seemed to be mumbling something. Bryce, on the other hand, stepped forward. “Guess I’ll have some whiskey, then.” He picked up a glass. “Out of curiosity, how did you pick those women to die? Did you base it on competency or attractiveness?”
“I wussed out of picking anyone and had a list randomly generated… except for adding you and that dummy who’s always following you around.” The General motioned to Doug.
“Hmm.” Bryce took a sip and instantly had a look of disgust. “This whiskey is horrid.”
The General took a big drink. “By the time you get to my rank, you get used to it.”
Charlene suddenly bolted out of the room. Doug started to go after her but realized he had no idea what to say to her. The General slumped down into his chair. “Hell, I was sure she’d kill me. Now I have to make plans for the evening.” He finished his glass. “I’ll never understand women.”

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In My World: Crazy Old Redeployment

“Here is our current military problem,” Rumsfeld told President Bush as he put a slide on screen. It was a picture of smiling faces of many different races and cultures. “Foreigners! And the solution is: Kill all foreigners.”
“I’m afraid you’re stuck in a rut, Rummy,” Bush said. “So I’m bringing in some fresh ideas.”
“Rarr!” Rumsfeld yelled. “How dare you!”
“Calm down. I just want everyone to be on board in fighting the terrorists, so I thought I’d bring in a Democrat to help with planning as co-Secretary of Defense. It was easy to pick, since there is only one Democrat actually laying out a plan.”
There was a pounding on the door to the conference room. “The door won’t open!” a voice shouted.
“Did you try the handle?” Bush suggested.
“The what?”
“Sheesh.” Bush walked over and opened the door. In walked Murtha clad in pajamas and slippers.
“Where am I?”
“You’re in a conference room at the White House to help with military strategery,” Bush explained slowly.
“Can I just go ahead and strangle him now?” Rumsfeld asked.
“No. Let’s first hear what he has to say.”
Murtha walked over to a map of the world on the wall. “We need to get out of Iraq! It’s dangerous. We need to get our troops elsewhere.”
“But where?” Bush asked.
Murtha looked over the map. “Well… uh… I don’t see it on here on the map… but we should redeploy to the moon!”
“Can I strangle him now?”
“No, Rummy!” Bush shouted.
“The moon is perfect,” Murtha continued. “We can just as easily fight terrorism from there. It’s up high, so we can see everything. When we need to strike somewhere, we can just jump and we’ll fall right towards it.”
“Brilliant!” Bush exclaimed. He then thought for a moment and his enthusiasm faded. “Hey, but what if someone nukes the moon?”
“We’ll cover the moon with a Plexiglas shield,” Murtha said. “Plexiglas is strong.”
Rumsfeld sat down. “Just tell me when it’s okay for me to strangle him.”
“The only problem with the moon,” Murtha explained, “is that it may contain a race of angry mole-people.”
Bush shivered. “Oh no! Not mole-people!”
“If that’s true, then we’ll have to redeploy elsewhere.”
“But where?”
Murtha looked over the map and then pointed to one area. “What’s this place called?”
“The Pacific Ocean,” Rumsfeld answered as he tensed his hands for a strangling.
“Are we going under the sea?” Bush asked.
“No, there are giant squids down there,” Murtha said. “We’ll make a base that floats. Now, what floats?”
“Dead bodies,” Rumsfeld answered.
“Very small rocks?” Bush said.
“Styrofoam peanuts,” Murtha stated. “I have a lot at my house and we can make a base out of them. Now I just need to sit down for a second.” Murtha took a seat and immediately fell asleep.
Rumsfeld stood up. “I guess it’s time to strangle him.”
“You can’t strangle him while he’s sleeping; he’s a veteran.”
Rumsfeld thought for a moment. “How about I just throw him in the Potomac?”

Ask Dr. Duck

You have questions. Dr. Duck has answers. That’s the way things work around here.
Sure, IMAO has had more suicide attempts than Guantanamo Bay. Sure, we’d make a cheap laugh at your expense (Note: Please visit cafe press and buy our new Laughing at Your Expense T-shirt. It’s expensive – but that’s the point.)
However, I can honestly say, that reading this blog is much more interesting that watching the latest zero-zero tie at the World Cup.
Every once in a while, a glimmer of hope arises and Dr. Duck emerges to answer the questions that keep you up at night. So go ahead and ask Dr. Duck what you need to know. Politics. Romance. Auto Mechanics. Electronics. 18th Century Middle Eastern Art.
Dr. Duck cares.
Disclaimer. Dr. Duck doesn’t give damn. Disclaimer to the disclaimer. Dr. Duck cares. Don’t listen to the dislaimer. Original disclaimer: Don’t tell me what I feel. How dare you invalidate my feelings. Disclaimer to the disclaimer: I’m not invalidating your feelings. I was only saying that it’s rude to tell people you don’t care. Original disclaimer: But what If I don’t. What if I’m so busy with life, a job that’s disappearing, and a full load at school. What then? Disclaimer to the disclaimer: Who cares what you feel? Make with the funny. Original disclaimer: Who do you think you are? Frank J? You can’t boss me around! You’re not the boss of me! Disclaimer to the Disclaimer. I wasn’t bossing you around. I just mentioned that maybe saying you don’t give a damn isn’t a nice thing to say. What do you think? Original Disclaimer: I don’t give a damn.
Answers will post on Friday.

Ensuring victory

For all the money Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban wasted in fines after various outbursts during the NBA Playoffs, he’s come up with a new blog-friendly, Web 2.0 strategy to ensure victory against whatever team he’s facing…

Continue reading ‘Ensuring victory’ »

I Feel Your Pain, Jonah

One of the few things that ever got me to swear at my own readers… and I have a long fuse.
UPDATE: Maybe some people aren’t understanding. What makes me uncontrollably angry is someone correcting a typo and then explaining to me like I’m a four year old when is the proper to use “its” versus “it’s”. I had some readers do that a couple years back – and were very well-meaning and polite – and I could not help but rip into them. I’ve yet to have one troll make me angry, but that…

Slogans for the Kwazy Kos Kids

DarkSyde at the DailyKos is trying to find a short, unifying slogan for the Kwazy Kos Kids. He has his suggestions, but here are mine:
* I’m Running Out of Tin-Foil!
* Karl Rove Stole My Weed!
* Stop Laughing at Me!
* “Don’t Eat Paint Chips” Is One of Bush’s Lies!
* You Say “Angry” Isn’t a Platform? YOU SHUT UP!!!
* You’re Either With Us, Or I’m Going to Bite You
* No, You’re Mentally Retarded and Probably Insane!
* Bush Lied, I Soiled Myself and Cried
* I Don’t Want the Pills! Don’t Make Me Take the Pills!
* Aw Tawt Aw Taw a Putty Tat!
* Why Do You Care If I Forgot to Wear Pants When There Is an Illegal War Going On?
Come on! Help out the Kos Kids in their slogan search in the comments.

This has got to be killing him… I mean… I didn’t mean to say that…

Q: Since the MPAA has some kind of problem with films that mention Jesus repeatedly these days, harshly rating otherwise G-rated films for strong Christian content, would 1973’s Jesus Christ: Superstar still be rated G today?

Continue reading ‘This has got to be killing him… I mean… I didn’t mean to say that…’ »

See No Stupid

Has anyone on the left mentioned John Murtha’s remarks about Somalia and Okinawa on Meet the Press? I checked Technorati, but it seem the left has ignored his interview except for maybe a, “Heh. He said Karl Rove has a big butt,” comment.
If you have a link, please put it in the comments. I’m quite curious if there’s a rational argument out there that Murtha is not bat-@#$% insane.

Nothing Better Than a Real World Test

But this better work this time, or we could just encourage the poofy-haired to unleash more poofy-haired threats.
But shooting down North Korea’s test missiles would be so cool. If it happens, Bush should immediately hold a press conference which should consist solely of a Nelsonian, “Haw haw!”

Now that Dan Rather is leaving CBS, the network will be renamed “C”

Q: Which door hit Dan Rather in the ass as he left CBS?

Continue reading ‘Now that Dan Rather is leaving CBS, the network will be renamed “C”’ »

I’m Smart

Christine Rosen, on the other hand, is just dumb.

More Military Advice from Murtha

Everyone has heard from Murtha’s interview on Meet the Press about how our failure in Somalia is a model to follow and that operation in the Middle East can be conducted from Okinawa, but did you hear the other military advice he had?
* “Chimpanzees can be trained to use a rifle just as easily as a man. The smart thing to do is to send armed chimps into urban combat zones.”
* “Decision shouldn’t be made by people in air conditioned rooms sitting on their large behinds, because AC destroys brain cells. I once got my head stuck in an AC unit, and I haven’t been the same since.”
* “President Coolidge’s failure against the Ewoks demonstrated that it is too difficult to take on an entrenched enemy, even if we have a weapon capable of destroying planets.”
* “Zarqawi could have been captured just as easily by conducting operations outside of Iraq… or maybe even underwater if our foreign policy hasn’t ruined our relations with Aquaman.”
* “Combat should be done by our robots. And don’t tell me we don’t have robots, because I just saw one this morning and it stole and ate my pills for fuel.”
* “It’s foolish to think that running from Iraq means we’re abandoning it. Wherever we run to, we’ll eventually have to run from there, too… and then we’ll run from there. Eventually, we’ll run right back to Iraq when it’s less scary than whatever is outside it.”
* “We also need to get our troops out of Wisconsin. I was there recently, and I saw some teenagers that scared me. Something is going to erupt there soon, and we don’t want to be caught in the middle of it.”

A Story, Bit by Bit
Hellbender: Part 4 – Getting Shot At


Doug soon caught up with Lulu and Charlene and matched their pace as they ran for the battle-mech. “Uh… so what exactly are we doing?”
Charlene kept focused on the figures ahead. “I’m going to climb that mech and you two will cover me. I know where the emergency release for the cockpit is, so I should be able to take out the pilot. When the mech is under my control, just stay back.”
Doug ran that over in his mind. “So just shoot at whoever is shooting at you, right?”
“That would be the definition of cover fire. I’m not going to be able to defend myself as I’m climbing the mech.”
Keeping someone from getting shot seemed a bigger responsibility than Doug was ready for. He hoped Lulu had a better idea of what to do, but she was shaking and wide-eyed, looking ready to bolt any second. The numerous bodies they had to step over on their way weren’t encouraging, either.
Charlene brought her rifle up. “They see us.” She fired, and a few soldiers ahead fell to the ground.
There was a huge eruption of gunfire in response. Lulu shrieked and dived for cover behind an overturned truck. Doug stuck with Charlene and fired, though he wasn’t quite sure at what. The mech then pivoted to face them, its giant guns now pointed in their direction.
“We’ll only be safe from its weapons when we’re directly below it,” Charlene called out and shot off some more rounds.
Doug nodded and then saw the ground explode all around him as the mech fired. He ran even quicker now, not bothering to fire as he couldn’t see or hear anything other than the explosions. When he could see something again, it was the mech looming over him.
Charlene pulled him out of the way of the mech’s foot. “Cover fire!” She slung her rifle over her shoulder and started to climb the mech. Bullets were ricocheting off the mech’s legs from all directions, and Doug fired as often as he could as he kept ducking both the return fire and the mech’s moving feet. His rifle clicked empty, and Doug quickly pulled out another magazine as he accidentally bumped into the mech’s foot and fell over. He saw three soldiers running towards him. Doug kept trying to put another magazine into his rifle, then realized he was doing it backwards. Just as the soldier got a bead on him, a burst of gunfire dropped the three.
Doug saw a large metal foot coming down. He rolled out of the way and finally reloaded his gun. He wondered where the saving shots came from, but then remembered Charlene. He looked up for her, and then had to dodge a falling body. The mech began firing again, but this time at the enemy soldiers. “Die!” Charlene’s voice echoed out of the mech’s speakers.
Doug ran back for safety, taking glances at the mech that now chased the enemy. A hand grabbed him and sent him to the ground. Above him was Bryce. He and Lulu were apparently now both hiding behind the overturned truck, and Bryce looked angry. “You almost ruined my plans getting killed out there! The arrangement has always been that I plot and you carry things, so let’s not repeat this.”
“Hey! You saved me, didn’t you?”
Bryce helped Doug to his feet. “Just feel lucky I realized that, with the current timetable for said plans, there wasn’t enough time to find a replacement for you.”
“What plans?” Lulu asked.
Bryce looked taken aback by the question. Doug had long ago stopped asking about Bryce’s schemes because he never gave a straight answer. Bryce looked Lulu over and then something seemed to click in his mind. “I’ll explain them soon enough. This will change our lives, and you’re quite crucial to it… uh…”
“Lulu. Am I going to have to carry stuff?”
“Of course not. That’s Doug’s job– and you’re going to be in charge.”
Lulu’s eyes brightened. “Ooh! Sounds fun!”
Doug looked out towards the mech and its carnage. “Do we need to help Charlene?”
There were many explosions and screams in the distance. “I think she has it under control,” Bryce said.
Lulu looked out from behind the truck. “No fair! They get to retreat.”
Bryce walked out from cover. “Life isn’t fair.”
The three then watched for a while as the battle-mech chased the enemy over the horizon and cries of “Die, cowards, die!” echoed out of its speakers. Soon Bryce set down the blanket again and went back to eating lunch.

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