Reaction to Abu Musab Al-Zarqawi’s death

Who will come out first with a press release denouncing the killing of Abu Musab Al-Zarqawi as “An extrajudicial assassination that violates the Geneva Conventions” ?
a) Secretary General Kofi Annan
b) Al Qaida Mastermind Osama Bin Laden
c) The Council For American-Islamic Relations
d) Amnesty International
e) The Red Cross/Red Crescent Socieities
f) Michael Moore

ANSWER: Um… you’re assuming that they can’t release a joint statement.
Alan Dershowitz kicks ass.


  1. I think they are waiting on Peta to release the statement, as they are very upset about the slaughter of these animals. Most other regular liberals are really happy that he is dead but do not want to give George Bush credit, so from what I understand, they are calling it an abortion in the 180th trimester.

  2. While it is natural to be happy that the bombing of the safehouse took the life of that pond scum, we want to make sure that a single piece of flesh does not remain that can be used by the Iranian madmen to clone an army of pond scum. My money is on CAIR, I am sure he was just misunderstood. I hope Nick Berg is on hand to hit the down button on the elevator to hell.

  3. Clones? ANYTHING but clones! Does anyone remember the Spider-Man clones in the 90s? They almost single-handedly destroyed the entire franchise! IT WAS HORRIBLE!!!
    Anyways, to reiterate, ANYTHING but clones…

  4. This is “bad news” for us IOWAHAWK fans, however, because it removes a very funny ongoing piece from his blog! Oh-well, he will come up with something else, I’m certain!

  5. My thoughts on the story: frickin w00t!!!!! Although this doesn’t end the war, dead bad guys >> bad guys. This also reminds me a bit of the ‘Ryan doctrine’ from Tom Clancy’s ‘Executive Orders’. Good book, GREAT foreign policy.

  6. Yeah, its good to imagine a Clark and Chavez team on the ground with a camera aimed at Zarqawi’s “safe” house. In the middle of the press conference, cut straight to their footage of Zarqawi stepping out of the building as two 500 pound laser guided bombs land on his head. -Almost- better footage than the moon landing.

  7. Aren’t you at all worried that this was an extrajudicial killing? Sure, Zarqawi wasn’t a nice guy, and I’m sure he didn’t worry about due process before killing people. But wouldn’t you like to think that Americans operate to higher standards? If not, that really scares me.
    And then there is a teeny-weeny little practical issue about all this: don’t you think that creating martyrs like this is one of the best recruiting tactics that Al-Qaeda could wish for?

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