Robert Byrd and the Flag-Burning Amendment

Q: Why did Senator Robert Byrd (D-WV) vote against the Flag Burning Amendment in the Senate?

A: His hearing aid was running low and he thought he heard “cross” instead of “flag.”

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  1. You know how people from one state always have another state that they make fun of?…Michiganders make fun of Hoosiers…who make fun of Kentuckians… One of Byrd’s staffers recently told me who people from West Virginia make fun of: “people from East Virgina.”

  2. West Virginia is a state? Damn! I thought it was just the fictious setting for any movie that has to do with incest and man-on-man rape (Man, now I can’t think of the name of the movie… It starts with a “D”)
    But I have a West Virginia joke (another reason the fictious land of West Virginia was created):
    How do you know that the Toothbrush was invented by someone from West Virginia?
    My follow up joke is “How did the farmer from West Virginia find his daughter in the woods?”
    Discuss amongst yourselves.

  3. Proving that WV does not have a monopoly on pig squealing man rape, Deliverance takes place in Georgia.
    When in West Virginia, please visit the Sheets Byrd (insert structure or landmark here).

  4. Worst joke ever…can’t tell it here…How can a West Virginia Mother tell that her daughter is having her period? Think about completing the triangle with her son’s weener…

  5. KYA:
    Awesome! That’s right! Now for the bonus… what is the answer to the follow up?
    (winners will receive on e-pat on the back, courtesy of my girlfriend.)
    (offer not valid in most states)

  6. Everybody clearly missed the question.
    Robert Byrd (D-WV) voted against America by saying ‘YES’ to flag burning. He is a chicken sucking veteran hater who said in a speech recently that he likes to buy the cheap flags in quantity at Dollar Store so he can keep the fireplace going on the weekends at Byrd Ranch and Trout Club.
    There were 3 flag burnings on my block alone last week and I live in TEXAS! Imagine what things are like in WV, where they still have slaves, I hear.
    Robert Byrd is scum.

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