Rove Indicted!

…for being dead sexy!
Seriously though, Patrick Fitzgerald announced that Rove will not be indicted for the CIA leak case. For those of you who like that German word that means enjoying the pain of others (I ain’t going to try and spell it) here are the DUmmies crying and wondering who stole Fitzmas (as with all Democratic Underground links, there is a language warning – both for vulgarity and psychotic delusions).


  1. And to think that Dubya almost ruined this outcome by falling down a hole into Rove’s secret lair(reference IMW where Rove tortures libs, kills a cat and finds Dubya in his lair, ’cause I couldn’t quickly locate the link)

  2. “No one has been charged with actually leaking Plame’s name.” And there is still a grand jury investigation? Maybe they should look at
    William Jefferson, D – Bribery Coast.

  3. Screw the (insert expletive here) evidence. Rove should go to (insert expletive here) trial for doing all the (insert expletive here) things we know he (insert expletive here) did! We don’t have any (insert expletive here) evidence for anything, but who gives a (insert expletive here) about that?
    Such hateful little people, ain’t they?

  4. The discussion reportedly went like this:
    Fitzgerald: It’s no hassle…
    Karl Rove: Sh!
    Fitzgerald: But…
    Karl Rove: Sh!
    Fitzgerald: I’m…
    Karl Rove: Sh!
    Fitzgerald: All I’m say…
    Karl Rove: Sh!
    Fitzgerald: There gonna get a…
    Karl Rove: Sh!
    Fitzgerald: I’m…
    Karl Rove: Sh!
    Fitzgerald: I’m just…
    Karl Rove: Sh!
    Fitzgerald: Would…
    Karl Rove: Sh!… Knock-knock.
    Fitzgerald: Who’s there?
    Karl Rove: Sh!
    Fitzgerald: But…
    Karl Rove: Let me tell you a little story about a man named Sh! Sh! even before you start. That was a pre-emptive “sh!” Now, I have a whole bag of “sh!” with your name on it.

  5. I’ve been feeling so much schadenfreude since the 2004 elections that I’ve actually learned how to spell the word through sheer repetition.
    God help me, I even know how to pronounce it.
    Life is THAT good.

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