Two Senators on the Gay Marriage Ban

Senator Edward Kennedy: “A vote for this amendment is a vote for bigotry, pure and simple.”
Senator Robert Byrd: “Yea.”


  1. //Why bother with a constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage? //
    Because otherwise some dumbass judge is going to overturn a state rule where the majority has decided to ban gay marriage as and that is f’d up, my friend. As I will reiterate, people who are so obsessed with how they f-ck that they base their whole personalities on this are too mental to make any societal decisions at all, much less in regards to a marital commitment.
    Senator Dayton, YOU are going DOWN this year!

  2. sadly it’s just a motion for Cloture. I guess Even Sen. Bryd doesn’t want to give the rest of the Democrats the chance to blow hot air around and pander in “debate”.

  3. //I’m not a fan of Senator Dayton’s, either, but I thought that he wasn’t running for re-election.//
    I meant I was going to trip him if he came down my aisle at work….

  4. Even if a ban does get passed (highly unlikely), it will be about as successful as prohibition. It won’t stop people from being gay. If anything it will become the gay rights equivalent of the Jim Crow laws and rally more supporters to their cause.
    /bigger fish out their to fry
    //mmm fried fish

  5. “It won’t stop people from being gay”!
    ::Falls down laughing::
    That’s the dumbest and funniest comment here all day!
    Who the hell said the ammendment would stop gayness? This must be strawman argument, goal post moving, moral “victory” the Dimmocrats are famous for.

  6. If it can rally more supporters to their gay cause, that would be a good thing, because they certainly don’t have the voters’ support now. The people overwhelmingly vote for gay marriage bans in every state it is put to the vote. The only thing thwarting the will of the people is judges. If in future generations, the voters change their minds, well that’s how democracy works! Yay for the gay cause! If only judges understood that.

  7. That’s the dumbest and funniest comment here all day!
    Glad that I could amuse you. Can’t say I’ve ever been accused of being a Dimmocrat before, this just happens to be one issue where I don’t drink the Republican Kool Aid.
    I’m married w/ a wife and two kids, and a ban on gay marriage improves my life how?

  8. shimauma,
    My point & post still stands as is… There’s already an amendment that protects our rights on arms (2nd); which is violated by “dumbass judges”, politicians, various DOJs, and even on state levels. Especially here in California like where I reside.
    Given that example of a CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT that’s IGNORED and VIOLATED on a daily basis by so many authorities, what makes you think an amendment to ban gay marriage is GOING TO BE FOLLOWED? My point is, that it won’t. Especially not in places like California.
    Try READING my post, will you? I am infact a gun-owning right-wing extremist (whom is against gay marriage), but your incompetence fails to see my debation point on the futility of a constitutional amendment!

  9. shimauma,
    My point & post still stands as is… There’s already an amendment that protects our rights on arms (2nd); which is violated by “dumbass judges”, politicians, various DOJs, and even on state levels. Especially here in California like where I reside.
    Given that example of a CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT that’s IGNORED and VIOLATED on a daily basis by so many authorities, what makes you think an amendment to ban gay marriage is GOING TO BE FOLLOWED? My point is, that it won’t. Especially not in places like California.
    Try READING my post, will you? I am infact a gun-owning right-wing extremist (whom is against gay marriage), but your incompetence fails to see my debation point on the futility of a constitutional amendment!

  10. The key votes against the marriage ban were cast by Republicans Arlen Spectre and a senator from New Hampshire. A conservative senator from Nebraska abstained.
    Furthermore, anti-gay groups point out that Bush did not take action banning gay marriage since elected 6 years ago. According to Ken Conner, President of the FAMILY RESEARCH COUNCIL, Bush is just using this as an election ploy.

  11. “Election Ploy”, and this is bad how?
    Voters want it? Politicians willing to give it to them? Hooray, Democracy works!
    Oh, I forgot, the “elite” don’t want the voters to get to vote on things.

  12. If the homosexual lobby group wasn’t trying to force their perverted agenda on the rest of America, if the courts would allow the state’s voters to pass legislation they overwhelmingly support, and if the dhimmicrats had any morals at all then we wouldn’t need an amendment to verify the existing definition of marriage as an institution between aman and a woman. I don’t get homosexuality, I think it is perverse, it is biologically fatal for a species continued survival and it flies in the face of my religion. That being said, I will fight for the right for folks to be homosexual but please don’t try to institutionalize your lifestyle on me. Not that there is anything wrong with that.

  13. I guess I got here late today, or I missed something entirely. I didn’t see where Bil posted a comment yet, unless it was removed.
    “A vote for this amendment is a vote for bigotry, pure and simple.”
    Huh? Is that along the same lines as the war on terror being “racist”, as one moron tried to state in an email to Frank a while back (RE: I Hate Frank/Eating Habits in the Ghetto)? Why is it that everything the Democratic party or the liberal left opposes winds up being a racist plot in their eyes?

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