Zarqawi Brand Pig Feed!

With the number of terrorists out there already conveniently reduced to kibble, the U.S. government has authorized the sale of a new high quality feed for all your livestock needs.

So, buy it now. It will make your livestock explode with flavor!


  1. Such insensitvity you silly savage! The pholks at PETA are thertainly going to be calling on you, mister! I might go out and buy a pig just to try this out, although I suspect it would be better as fertilizer for the growth of democracy in Iraq!

  2. Ha Ha! Yeah… It would be great if they fed it to pigs! Better yet, you could mix his meat with pig blood and then feed it to his family and tell them its a special kind of ka bob.
    MMMM… now I’m hungry for ka bobs.

  3. Oh Crap!
    Now all the livestock is going to get Mad Zarqawi Disease.
    Don’t you folks remember how the mad cow thing got started by feeding sheep scrap to livestock? Some people never learn.

  4. I’m not sure why there is so much animosity about the terrorist in Iraq. We have a lot in common with them. They want to be martyrs, and we want them to be martyrs.

  5. Beutiful! I couldn’t thing of a better way for him to go than this. What makes it even better are the reports that he lived long enough for the soldiers to get there. The last thing he saw on this earth was a U.S. soldier.
    I heard on the news Thursday a clip of a news conference in Baghdad. It was in Arabic. At the end the man talking said Al-Zarqawi and the room broke out in applause. Does anyone have that audio? or a video of that?
    If so please tell me where to find it or upload it at:
    Jim in Phoenix

  6. Just as long as he died suffering… a lot. Here’s how I think they should treat his remains: stuff the severed genitalia from any of his also-dead terrorist associates into every viable orifice, marinate him in the semen from homosexual Jewish men, wrap him in bacon, feed all that to a herd of starved pigs, slaughter said pigs, and the force feed the pork to his family & any Al-Qaeda/Hamas/Al-Jihad/Hezbollah/Islamic loser operatives caught alive. Repeat process to include all Muslim extremists that are apprehended.
    Yeah, I know that all sounds kinda extreme, but in light of what nazi-slamists do, that’s at least a bit more creative than what they continually do to “allahs’ enemies”. We could at least care enough to put a little creativity behind it.
    Ritualistic decapitation, sissy-ass drive-by’s & teenage homocide bombers… really now, how mundane is that? It’s like they have no imagination anymore.

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