Zarqawi Dead

Yay! We done blowed him up good!
PJM has the blogger reaction roundup (mine was “Yay! We done blowed him up good!” if they didn’t get it yet).


  1. I’m really hoping this calls for an “In My World” in which Zarqawi reaches the afterlife and gets a surprise. Maybe a dream sequence, or Rove gets a vision; a little mysticism might be fun.
    Ding, dong, the b*stard’s dead….

  2. I don’t think it could have been said better, FrankJ. According to Rueters, Yasser Arafat’s spokesman, speaking from France, has just acknowledged that Zarqawi has “done been blowed up good”. He also reports Zarqawi’s condition as dead but stable. He must have been reading your blog.

  3. Day One: Zarqawi Blowed Up Good!
    We interviewed Zarqawi’s reform school soccer coach where it was revealed that he was voted “Most Likely to End Up Blowed Up Good” by his classmates. He was also voted “Most Humorous When Not Beheading Infidels”. Tomorrow night on Day Two we will focus on Zarqawi the Youth, Misunderstood and a Victim of Christian Atrocity. Good Night.

  4. It looks like they did it right this time too. Used a 2000 pound bomb to make a big grease mark out of him. If they had only done the same to Saddam Hussein’s little spider hole we would be better off today.

  5. Yup. I was watching the Zarqawi coverage this morning, thinking of great premises for an IN MY WORLD episode when who’s face did I see? None other than the Secretary of War, Big Donnie. He was talking other defense ministers at NATO. The video cut out shortly after, but when it came back on, Don was gone and all the liberal NATO nay-sayers were left dead, apparently strangeled. From what I understand, there have been recent reports of strangulations from someone purported to be the “Rumsfeldt Strangler” around Belgium. There were no immediate leads, though some people say that he was being followed by someone who was described as a very angry Flemmish person, in fact, he looked very angry.
    Frank J, is there more to this than I was led to believe?

  6. “Hussein’s little spider hole we would be better off today.”
    Yeah, but then we wouldn’t have Rock Paper Saddam. That alone is worth the price of admission. And if Al Z had been killed a few months earlier, we wouldn’t have had the gun jam video. The more these people try to be taken seriously as lords of fear, the more ways God gives us to laugh at them.

  7. I can’t believe that the media missed that it was a 500 lb bomb filled with ham!
    You know Zarky’s never going to get that porky stench out of his burka.

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