A few minutes with the fossil we call Andy Rooney

The other night, I made the mistake of flipping through the channels before the St. Louis Cardinals let Brad Lidge humiliate the Houston Astros himself, and I stumbled across the local CBS affiliate and the nightly broadcast of 60 Minutes.
I half-sorta listened to the Andy Rooney piece while doing some kind of kitchen or cooking chore. It had something to do with too many people in America (I’d agree in Andy Rooney’s case) and his solution for it.
Since he didn’t say the words Final Solution or Fourth Reich I figured I didn’t have to pry the gold fillings from my teeth and conceal them in an acid solution before fleeing the country.
A few minutes later, my podcatching software grabbed the audio track of his piece. So, I had it available for my morning commute to work.
You know. When I wanted to listen to it.
Not while eating..
Not while in the bathroom taking a dump.
Not while I’m trying to clean the litterboxes.
Nope, Andy. My choice is to listen while I’m on my way to work.
Since I’m a lazy typist, I stumbled to CBS’s website and grabbed the text from his piece…
(A word of warning: Do not click on the “Next Image” link. What you’ll see is the hideous mutant offspring that Andy has somehow cloned up in his workshop by combining his DNA with that of one of his beloved departed bulldogs.)

Television shows would be available when viewers wanted them, not when the networks felt like showing them.

Well, that’s amazing. A man from the Golden Age Of Television recognizes that the tyranny of the programming schedule imposed upon the public by the broadcast MSM is a miserable failure and a dismal, decaying business model.
Bully for Andy! Thank you from freeing us, O Harriet Tubman Of Television! Forty Channels and a mule for everyone!
But, this being Andy Rooney, he has to remind us that as a fossil from the Golden Age Of Television, that he’s utterly out of touch with the current technologies or, sadly, logic itself:

For example, 60 Minutes might be broadcast Sunday at 6 a.m., 3 p.m. and midnight.

Okay, so I’m a little confused here. Andy says that viewers could watch the shows when they wanted to watch them, not when the networks felt like showing them, and then presents a “Flying Car/World Of Tomorrow” scenario where… the television networks feel like showing them at three different times instead of one.
Ah, yes. Thank you, Andy Rooney, for overthrowing the tyranny of the television network schedule and presenting us with a dream of the technologies and freedoms of tomorrow where carefree former slave-drone viewers now have the expanded choice of three different times instead of one.
You know, because that’s when they want to watch them.
Besides being famous for being an anti-Semitic prick, Henry Ford was famous for his Model T car, which when challenged that it didn’t give much choice in features or colors (ie. no choice at all), he’d say People have a choice of color as long as it’s black.”
Thank you, Andy Rooney, for offering to cast aside the dreary days of the tyranny of the broadcasting schedule and shackle us with a slightly looser chain to it. Thank you for suggesting we do away with one shade of black and replace it with three.
As for the parting offer at the end of your piece:

If you disagree with this idea, write me a letter but save yourself some money and don’t mail it.

When I last checked, Andy, sending an e-mail was free.
(Ask your grandchildren what that is if you’ve never heard of it, Andy)

Fun Trivia

Know who sucks?

Continue reading ‘Fun Trivia’ »

When you need a name for a big hole…

Q: How will officials respond to the disaster in Boston’s “Big Dig” tunnel which recently killed a woman in her car?

Continue reading ‘When you need a name for a big hole…’ »

Last Weeks Carnival of Comedy is UP!

Steve (the late carnival of comedy hosting Pirate) has (finally) posted the carnival.
He’s calling it Snakes on a Carnival of Comedy
He gave some sort of excuse too.
Update: I am the king of spelln
Update2: I should like post the future hosts of the carnival since the current host hasn’t been assigned.
July 13th The Platypus Society – He’s a egglaying mammal!
July 20th Miriams Ideas – She doesn’t do fancy graphics!
July 27th The Kag Report – Striving for average got too tough for him!
Aug 3rd Progressive Islam – He says he’s a funny muslim!
Aug 10th The Blue Square – He’s sad and his 4 sides all measure the same!

Castro Dead!

I read that Jonah Goldberg heard from someone who heard from someone else that Fidel Castro is dead. That’s good enough for me!

You Don’t Know Joe!

Why is poor Joe Lieberman getting so much grief? Well, in the interests of keeping the Democratic Party from being completely overrun with nuts, IMAO is going to do the unprecedented and try and help a Democrat.
I think some of the problem people may have with Joe Lieberman is they just don’t know how kick-ass he is. So, I present:
10. When angered, he can rip a Buick in two.
9. If Al Gore was elected in 2000, he planned to then beat Gore to death with a hammer and assume presidency within minutes of Gore’s inauguration.
8. He once broke a filibuster with a roundhouse kick to the face.
7. He’s not a Christian, but instead is the member of a religion even more ancient.
6. On three occassion he has bitch-slapped Senator Hillary Clinton for being too uppity.
5. If he’s gathered enough Joe-mentum, not even a nuclear blast can stop him.
4. At night, he assumes the identity of “Samurai Jew” and kills drugdealers with a ceremonial Jewish katana.
3. He once ate ten Big Macs in a single sitting. Serious!
2. The movie character “Shaft” is based on him.
And the number one thing you probably don’t know about Joe Lieberman…

Continue reading ‘You Don’t Know Joe!’ »

Hey! That Stopped Clock Is Right!

Remember those 500 chemical weapons that we’ve found in Iraq since 2003?
It just occurred to me… the anti-war nuts were right.
Inspections DO work if you give them enough time.

That’s Our Secretary of War

Just check out this headline. Good ‘ole Rummy.
(hat tip: my brother, Joe foo’ the Marine)

A Story, Bit by Bit
Hellbender: Part 12 – Pawns


“Do I have to be hung upside down like this?”
Stan smiled. “Just trying to keep things familiar.” He shoved Doug and sent him spinning.
Again, Doug could only see darkness around him. He had hoped that it was just a dream the previous night, but it all felt quite real now that it was occurring again. “You didn’t do anything to my friends when you took me, did you?”
Stan grabbed Doug and steadied him. “That’s what I like about you, Doug. Last time, I warned you to keep yourself safe, but you still charged out into danger in the defense of others. It’s that spirit I’m counting on for you to succeed. To cut to the chase, you will encounter the Fallen in the mission you will be doing with your friends, and thus soon will come your time to show your worth.”
“How do you know that? Can you see the future?”
Stan smirked. It seemed like there was some joke that Doug was unaware of. “I can, to some degree. I am God.”
Stan had neatly trimmed facial hair, but he still didn’t seem like a god to Doug. “So you created the world and everything?”
“No… that was the previous Supreme Ruler.” He smiled again, and it kinda creeped out Doug. “I like to think I gave this world its character, though.”
A woman laughed at that, and Doug could see the same woman as before standing behind Stan smoking a cigarette. Doug motioned towards her with his chin. “If you’re like the one true God, who is she?”
“The Queen Bitch Goddess.” She blew out a long puff of smoke.
Stan moved so as to block the view of Ms. Bee. “Ignore her. You have an important mission, Doug, and I want to make sure you understand it.”
“Well, understanding things is not one of my strong points… especially while upside down and dizzy. I think you have the wrong person for this.”
Stan tapped Doug on the shoulder, sending him spinning around. “You have to have more faith in yourself, Doug. Anyway, if you can’t succeed in defeating one of the fallen, you and your friends are going to die.”
That sense of responsibility had a crushing weight on Doug. He really hoped this was all a dream, but he was not so certain. “But what do I do! How do I send these Fallen people back to their prison? Like, what did that Jesus guy do?”
“He died,” Ms. Bee said with a slight chuckle.
Stan steadied Doug again. “Jesus was a special case; don’t worry about him. You’re going to have to find your own way to defeat the Fallen. The bodies the Fallen appear to have in this world are merely shells; the Fallen are linked to their prison still, and, if you can shatter the shell, back they go. The problem, of course, is those shells are not vulnerable to normal weapons, so I need you to obtain a sacred weapon.”
“That just means ‘really really special’. I can’t tell you exactly where to get one, but you’ll know it when you see it.”
Doug never knew much… even when he saw it. This Stan guy seemed to have a lot more faith in him than seemed reasonable. “I just don’t get this! What am I supposed to accomplish? Are you going to make me fight all the Fallen?”
“No, just a few to put fear back in them, then I’ll do the rest. The Fallen think they now own this world and are invulnerable, and we will pierce that ignorance. Then, do you know humanity will gain?”
Doug thought about that. “No, but you’ll stop hanging me from the ceiling, right?”
“They will gain freedom, Doug. Throughout its existence, humanity has been nothing but pawns in a battle beyond their comprehension. You’ve played Chess and know what a pawn is, right?”
“Yeah, those were those stupid pieces that couldn’t attack in front of them.”
Ms. Bee laughed. “I’m guessing you didn’t win those games.”
Doug tried to swing past Stan to face Ms. Bee. “I could have won if those stupid pawns could attack in front of them!”
Stan pulled Doug towards him. “We’re getting off topic. When one says ‘pawn’, they refer to a piece of limited value that is often sacrificed for the benefit of a long term strategy. You humans have lived and died for our battles. First, you were pawns in the fight between us and the previous God, and now you are pawns in a battle between the Fallen for control of this world. We can’t harm each other, so that’s why we use you. With your help, these battles will end, and, for the first time in history, humanity will have its freedom. So, will you help, Doug?”
Doug still didn’t see what he could do, but it did sound like he had to do something. “I’ll try my best.”
“And that is all I ask.” Stan let Doug go. “We’re about done here. Remember: you need to find a weapon appropriate for this battle. Also, as some extra help, when you break into the lab as part of your mission with your friends, look for a project labeled GX-7 and take that for yourself.”
“GX-7,” Doug repeated, once out loud and a number of times in his head. “Wait… how do I tell who the Fallen are again?”
Stan started to smile, but then stopped. “Believe me: you’ll know.”
Doug was back to really hoping this was a dream.
“I know you’re scared, Doug, but, remember: you must succeed or all of you will die.”
Doug frowned. “That doesn’t help me not be scared.”
Stan shrugged. “Goodbye, Doug. Good luck.”
As Doug’s vision started to fade, he heard Ms. Bee say, “Remember to attack along the diagonals, nitwit.”

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Help Save Science Fiction at Jim Baen’s Universe!
(NOTE: Frank J.’s hastily hacked together stories are in no way supported or condoned by Baen)

The Assault on Lieberman

As we all know, the liberal netroots in the blogosphere, tired of failing to defeat Republicans, are now eating their own. Right now, they’ve turned on Joe Lieberman in an attempt to purge the Democratic Party of Jews. Just witness this recent posting on the DailyKos:

by kos
Today, at the bank, I had to wait twenty minutes to make a deposit.
This is obviously a strike against me for opposing Joe Lieberman since, as we all know, THE JOOOOS CONTROL THE BANKS!
And when I went to IHOP this morning, I asked for an English muffin with my meal, but they brought me a bagel! Needless to say, I took a dump on their sidewalk. I urge all other progressives to do the same.

I talked with IMAO’s token Jew, Laurence Simon, and he confirmed that, at his secret Jew meeting, the topic was how to get Kos. Can Kos succeed with Jew conspiracies out to get him? Maybe, as, to help himself, he’s joined up with Hamas. Here’s the statement from their spokesman:

“We are happy to join up with Kos to defeat Joe Lieberman… who is a joooo! Kos brings with him much youthful energy, though we remind him to stay away from our explosives before he hurts himself and others. Only certified suicide bombers who’ve passed a weekend course are allowed to use our explosives to hurt themselves and others.”

More news as it occurs…

Today’s Simpsons Trivia


1) What kind of footwear does Grampa usually sport?
2) What hangs on the wall directly to the right of the refrigerator in the Simpson’s kitchen?
3) Who helps Troy McClure in many of his educational films?
4) Charlie, who works at the power plant, has a sister with what sort of handicap?
Official Trivia Card answers in the comments tomorrow.


Jail was often his home
They’d let him raise the flag and lower it
like you’d throw a dog a bone!

I’m back! Now I just got to figure something to blog about. If I go a couple of days without watching the news or reading blogs, I feel pretty lost.
Since I now have a PocketPC with a playlist on it, I thought I’d take a cue from my lovely and talented SarahK and put up some lyrics and let you guess at the song.
Now to scour the news…