Podcast Eulogy

The Order of the Blue Square posts as follows:

IMAO podcasts are a thing of the past.
In order to properly to say goodbye to what was once a monument of conservative wit, the Order of the Blue Square, along with Shoot a Liberal, is asking you to prepare your own eulogy for the IMAO podcast. They can be of any length and should preferrably be funny, as I’m sure the IMAO podcast would want, were it still with us.
Please e-mail me at thebluesquare@gmail.com or leave a comment with the permalink to your eulogy by July 27, and be sure to tell all your blogging friends. (I haven’t set up trackbacks yet, sorry.) If you don’t have a blog, just write it up, e-mail me, and I’ll post it here.
On July 28, we will hold a funeral for the IMAO podcast, listing all of the eulogies you have written.

Personally, I don’t see what the fuss was all about. It was just idiots with microphones, and one hot chick doing some sound editing.
But go ahead & participate if you’d like.
After all, if Family Guy can be brought back due to public outcry, maybe there’s still hope for the podcast…

Who Wants Some Frank Answers?

It’s time to try a return of Frank Answers™. Just e-mail me (frankj [at] imao.us) with the subject “Frank Answers” and your question. I know all, so no question is too much for the great Frank J.
Oh, and if you get some e-mail back that my mailbox is full, ignore it. All the e-mails get forwarded to another e-mail address so I do get them even if I haven’t cleaned out my mailbox.
P.S. Remember to include your name and town.

Saying Something Positive About Islam

I think I’ve been a little harsh on Islam in general lately, but you can’t be an honest Christian without thinking that all other religions are complete and utter crap (with some exception to Judaism because it’s the precursor to Christianity). I mean, if you think the Prophet Mohammed wasn’t a nut, then you should switch to Islam; it’s simple as that, but most are too polite to say it.
Still, Muslims seem to be much more respectful of their own religion is some ways than the average Christian. Ever hear a Muslim stub his toe and yell, “Prophet Mohammed!”
Me neither.

My Apologies

Sorry, I’m too busy to blog today, and I feel like I fail you, my readers, if I don’t do at least one In My World™ a week.
Well, that’s why it’s a group blog.
For Hellbender fans, I hope to get back to doing a part a day next week.

An Embryo Of Truth

If embryos aren’t people,
then why don’t vegetarians eat eggs?

Question of the Day

Q: What has the world learned from Kofi Annan’s repeated demands for a ceasefire in Lebanon and, with the European Union, refusal to recognize Hezbollah as a terrorist entity?

Continue reading ‘Question of the Day’ »

We like the moon (even if FrankJ wants to nuke it)

It’s the anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon landing today.
You know what that means.

Holy Cow! It’s Carnival of Comedy Day!

Where’ve I been?
I need to post a reminder! And some other stuff!
Reminder: it’s July 20th, so that means Miriams Ideas will have the carnival on Friday. She doesn’t do fancy graphics, she doesn’t even have the ‘keys to the carnival’l!
I will email them to her.

In the meanwhile, send your entries for tomorrow’s carnival here, or here!

Carnival Schedule
July 27th The Kag Report – Striving for average got too tough for him!
Aug 3rd Progressive Islam – He says he’s a funny muslim!
Aug 10th The Blue Square – He’s sad and his 4 sides all measure the same!

Today’s Simpsons Trivia


1) (T/F) Spike is the name of Homer’s helper monkey
2) Homer commands a submarine when he joins what military organization?
3) When Jasper is frozen at the Kwik-E-Mart, what does Apu rename him?
4) Who is the former sanitation commissioner that Homer replaced?
Official Trivia Card answers in the comments tomorrow.
By the way, if some smartypants wrecks it all by giving the correct answers 2 minutes after this post goes up, feel free to reminisce about the other parts of the episode in question.
Like “Before I saw him appear as the sanitation commissioner, I really thought Steve Martin had been dead for years… Guess that was just his career I was thinking of…”