Glenn Reynolds – Legal Geniousness

(A Filthy Lie)
You may not know this, but before blackmailing his way into a tenured position as a law professor at the University of Tennessee, Glenn Reynolds was head of his own law firm (Reynolds, Duzzy, Cheatham and Howe). Some accomplishments of note during those years include:

  • Modified a GPS device to home in on ambulance sirens.
  • Pioneered the “I’m not wearing a tie at all!” defense, later made famous by Lionel Hutz.
  • Pioneered the rhyming defense (later made famous by Johnny Cochran) for the Rodney King beating case: “Because they’re white, what they did was all right”.
  • Discovered flaws in Einstein’s Theory of Relativity, thus making the 48-billable-hours day possible.
  • Whipped up puppy smoothies during trials so as to make his clients appear comparatively less heinous.
  • Installed irritating extra-buzzy flourescent lights at the office. Giggled as the number of workplace shooting incidents skyrocketed.
  • Got the Scopes monkey acquitted on appeal.
  • Successfully sued himself for sexual harrassment based on several incidents of staring, pointing, and laughing at his wang in the restroom.
  • Took malfunctioning office fax machine out into a field and smashed it with a baseball bat as seen in Michael Moore’s documentary “Office Space 9/11”.
  • Improved collection rates on overdue Accounts Receivable by feeding deadbeat clients to carnivorous office plants.
  • Improved courtroom win-loss record by doing the same with prosecuting attorneys.
  • Stopped filing “frivolous” lawsuits. Started filing “Super Happy Lucky Fun” lawsuits.
  • Saved thousands of dollars in contempt-of-court fines by installing covert “witness teleprompters” in his eyeglasses.
  • Cut jury-tampering expenses by 91.6% by switching to judge-tampering.
  • Won a hefty alimony settlement for Michael Jackson’s old nose when it divorced his face.
  • Linked to every legal brief ever filed by Ann Althouse.
  • Cleared President Bush of slander charges by proving that New York Times reporter Adam Clymer really WAS a major-league a**hole.

Rumor has it that he’ll be back in the courtroom soon defending John Bolton’s moustache for beating the crap out of Kofi Annan, but that’s just sheer speculation at this point.


You know, for a guy who got a few hundred extra votes in 2000 because of confused old Jews living in Boca Raton, Florida, Pat Buchanan can be such an ungrateful jerk.
I mean, come on. Israel’s UnChristian and UnAmerican?
What’s his first clue? Did he find a six-pointed star on his American Flag Depends garments this morning or something?
Next time, the World Zionist Conspiracy is going to rig the butterfly ballots so that people voting for the liberal robot envirofreak tool will end up voting for “Pat Buchanan is an ungrateful jerk.”

Thieving Onion!

And I barely ever stole from them at all!
Tell me this isn’t stealing my bit, because I know no one has ever thought about nuking the moon other than me (well, me and the U.S. government in the 50’s).
(hat tip to radar)

Friday Catblogging

Since it’s Friday, I thought I’d spread the joy of humor-free, apolitical Friday Catblogging to IMAO (aka “I-MEOW”).
Sure, some of the IMAO bloggers beat me up for doing this, but my grandmother used to say that bruises are God’s gold stars in the School Of Life. (It didn’t help that my great-grandfather was a professional boxer who… well, let’s say he took his work home with him at night.)
Anyway, it’s time for Piper the Vicious:

If you’re not sure how this absurd scene pertains to IMAO, since IMAO is famous for that “political humor” thing, it doesn’t. If you must have some semblance of politics or humor in everything you read here, just assume that Piper is… um…
Help me out here. Make your suggestions in the comments how this scene is, in fact, a political allegory.

You can find more examples of Friday catblogging by searching a blog search engine such as Technorati for “catblogging.”
You can also find a roundup of catblogging posts at The Friday Ark, located at The Modulator blog. Then, when the weekend is nearly over, head over to The Carnival of the Cats for more kitty goodness. There’s also a Flikr Group called Furry Friday.
Add to that Weekend Catblogging at Eatstuff.
Anybody I miss?

Today’s Simpsons Trivia


1) (T/F) When Homer owes Patty and Selma money, he takes a second job as a limousine driver
2) Where does Bart write, “Don’t Tread On Me” in defiance of the Australians?
3) Who is the US Undersecretary of State to Australia for International Protocol?
4) Which old mob boss threatens to kill Homer and Krusty if they don’t do a certain clown trick?
Official Trivia Card answers in the comments tomorrow.