So, Jewish Bloggers, what wars are you responsible for?

Well, thanks CNN.
Thank you for telling the world that Mel Gibson was out driving drunk, got in an altercation with the arresting officers, and didn’t make any berserk anti-Semitic comments at all.
Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m a very busy man. I’m responsible for all the wars in the world, you know.
How so?
Well, I started young, an apprentice manager of the Pepsi-Coke Cola Wars of the 80’s and worked my way up the ranks.
Then, I consulted with the Iran-Iraq Wars. You know, because sending Shia Persians against Sunni Arabs was a great way to thin the enemy herd.
From there, nothing but success. A stint managing the Bandeh Aceh War (more Islamic sectarian violence to thwat Indonesian imperial designs), a few months working with the El Salvador Conflict, a few weeks compounding the Yemeni and Chechen Civil Wars, and then off to South Ossetia for my greatest achievement.
All throughout, I would dabble with pricing wars in the airline industry, but that lost its lustre after 9/11. (I’m still pissed at the Jews who coordinated all of that… I wish they’d have told me before screwing up my own pricefixing gig).
I joined IMAO specifically for the opportunity to be the Jew who coordinates the first war on the moon. After all, Frank’s going to nuke the moon one day, so I might as well ride his coat-tails and make sure that someone gets nuked up there that deserves it.
Or not. After all, this is war, and war is hell.

So, Jewish Bloggers… what wars were you responsible for?

Brewmeister Glenn

(A Filthy Lie)
I was browsing Instapundit and noticed that he recently took a trip to a brewery.
Odd… Glenn’s into energy drinks, not alcohol
Then I remembered how popular the Red Bull & Vodka mix is, and it occurred to me that Glenn might be arranging with the Downtown Grill & Brewery to start making some sort of puppy shake & beer hybrid.
Sure enough, I was right. Notice the label on that bottle near the bottom of the picture (circled in red):
(click to enlarge)

Here’s a close-up:
(click to enlarge)

If you’re out drinking in Knoxville, be sure to enunciate when you order your beer.

Today’s Simpsons Trivia


1) Who owns the only foundation repair company in Springfield?
2) Which singer helps Barney with his snow plow company advertising?
3) In “Homer’s Triple Bypass”, what does Barney think Homer is in the hospital for?
4) In “Marge Vs. The Monorail”, who does Quimby think Leonard Nimoy is?
Official Trivia Card answers in the comments tomorrow.