News Corp started an online safety campaign today.

Central to News Corp’s campaign, announced Thursday, is a spot featuring Kiefer Sutherland, who plays Jack Bauer on the Fox action drama “24.”
“On TV Jack Bauer has 24 hours to make the world safe. In real life it only takes a few minutes to do the same for our kids,” Sutherland says. “To protect them you don’t need the latest state-of-the-art technology. You just need a few simple tips: Don’t let them run into trouble on the Internet – use common sense.”

Here’s a common sense safety tip for Fox News (a subsidiary of News Corp): if you’re a correspondent in a war zone, wear a helmet if you’re going to reveal troop positions on air.


  1. Can you believe the asshat on the right who makes the comment “But they had flak jackets on that said Press?” If it was the Israelis and they really wanted to take the press out, one shell from one of the several tanks would have done that in a second.

  2. I think it’s sound advice. Once, when Geraldo was “reporting” from Iraq, he neglected to wear his helmet & was shot in the head several times. Damn good thing for him they didn’t hit anything he was actually using. Now he’s here as “Geraldo at Large”, so he needs to be shot on sight. Just remember to shoot him in the ass this time, as that’s what he’s been talking out of.

  3. If he is reporting from Gaza, why is the title of the linked page “Fox crew shot at in Israel?”
    Back on subject: why do people in the press think that those of us in (or retired from in my case) the military dislike the vast majority of them so much? It should be readily self-evident even to such cluesless bastards as the MSM.

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