Brewmeister Glenn

(A Filthy Lie)
I was browsing Instapundit and noticed that he recently took a trip to a brewery.
Odd… Glenn’s into energy drinks, not alcohol
Then I remembered how popular the Red Bull & Vodka mix is, and it occurred to me that Glenn might be arranging with the Downtown Grill & Brewery to start making some sort of puppy shake & beer hybrid.
Sure enough, I was right. Notice the label on that bottle near the bottom of the picture (circled in red):
(click to enlarge)

Here’s a close-up:
(click to enlarge)

If you’re out drinking in Knoxville, be sure to enunciate when you order your beer.


  1. Ok, this one at least deserves a decent try at smart ass humor.
    Actually, I don’t think Glenn is mixing his puppy shakes with alcohol. This is something totally new. It has been observed that if you frighten the piss out of a puppy the urine will contain high levels of adrenaline. Mix the urine with barley and hops and ferment and you get something that tastes exactly like a American style light beer but with a big extra kick to it. A few rounds of this stuff will send you giggling and flitting around the room like a pre-teenage girl.
    I believe Glenn is feeding the puppies large quantities of sugar water than exposing them to the hideous yelps of other puppies going into the puppy shake blender. Glenn’s such a model of efficiency. Up until now the large quantities of puppy urine were inefficiently disposed of a waste. Now all of the puppy gets used.

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