Castro Dead!

I read that Jonah Goldberg heard from someone who heard from someone else that Fidel Castro is dead. That’s good enough for me!


  1. U.S. Unveils Post-Castro Transition Plan
    WASHINGTON, July 10 (UPI) — U.S. President George Bush Monday approved a comprehensive report on how the United States would assist a possible transition to democracy in Cuba.
    The 93-page report outlines a strategy in which the United States would help facilitate the transition following the death of Fidel Castro, who has led the communist island for more than 40 years.
    The report includes details of how $80 million program ‘will support the Cuban people as they transition from the repressive control of the Castro regime to freedom and a genuine democracy,’ said a White House statement released Monday.
    Castro turns 80 in August.
    The report also details how the Bush administration plans to tighten longstanding sanctions against Cuba and thwart the delivery of aid to groups with ties to the present Cuban government.

  2. You know what? Let the moonbats be busy with Coulters “Plagiarism” and Ken Lay not really being dead. The more they hock about that the less they are focused on actually winning important elections.

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