Coming Soon: The IMAO 4th Blogiversary Frank J. Roast Round-up

July 9th marks the 4th blogiversary of IMAO, and to celebrate, we’ll be roasting Frank J.
No, that’s not some sort of Instapundit hobo-sacrificing ritual.
We’re talking a comedy roast:

an event in which an individual is subject to publicly bearing insults, praise, outlandish true and untrue stories, and heartwarming tributes.

And you’re invited to give Frank J. your best shot.
Simply post insults, praise, outlandish true and untrue stories, and/or heartwarming tributes about Frank J. on your own blog, and then either leave a permalink in the comments to this post or e-mail a link to
Deadline is 11:59 pm Saturday, July 8th, and I’ll post the Roast Round-up on Sunday.
Now go post something before Frank hits you in the head with a pipe. I can’t control him when he gets like this.

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  1. It’s kinda hard for a forty something sailor to roast a young man who’s done something with his life.
    I consider it a major accomplishment when I get out of bed. Frank makes me laugh ’till I cry.
    Am I rambling?…Long weekend.

  2. Keeping the funnies coming for four years is an accomplishment. Even with the help of the rest of the crew, it’s a lot of work. The comments section certainly has a life of it’s own these days too, you can pretty much throw the dogs a bone and see what sort of craziness they come up with. As has been said before, “Everyone needs somewhere to go with his stupidity.”

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