Did You Know That a Labrador Retriever’s Brain Never Stops Growing and Eventually Causes the Dog to Go Insane from the Pressure on the Skull?

When SarahK isn’t loudly proclaiming she hates our pit bull mix Rowdi, she’s getting really angry at anyone disparaging Rowdi as dangerous just because Rowdi is part pit bull. Thus witness her rant against dangerous labs and dog-racists.
Can’t we just love/hate all dog breeds the same?


    • she’s getting really angry…because she’s part pit bull –
      OK Frank, is this a petty syntax thing or did you really mean that SarahK is part pit bull? First we have the “fake” Replace the IMAO T-shirt Babe Contest and now you’re implying that your wife is of dubious parentage. I’m worried about you Frank. She’s got guns…and she knows how to use them. Just sayin’.
  1. dogs blow! ask my cat sam! he’s kicked every dog’s ass in the neighborhood. he doesn’t even get excited when he sees one anymore…”been there…scratched that” they bore him anymore…anyone have a dog that can take on my 21 pound champion dog mauler?

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