End the Sock Puppetry Please!

I am tired of bloggers having all of these fake comments in order to defend themselves or make themselves more important than they really are!!
Thank you.

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  1. Mr. Duck,
    We shall never surrender!” June 4, 1940.
    Never give in–never, never, never, never, in nothing great or small, large or petty, never give in except to convictions of honour and good sense. Never yield to force; never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy.”- 29 October 1941
    …and Never forget! You are my hero.

  2. Sock puppeting is terrible, unless you’ve had a New York Times bestseller and been quoted on the Senate floor and won a spelling bee in 2nd grade and come in 3rd at the Pinewood Derby when you were 8 (and would have won but Todd and Jim’s dad let them cheat) and are extra, extra special and wonderful like me, I mean like Glenn Greenwald.

  3. Yes Jon,
    Sock Puppets are in fact the tool of Dick Cheney, since Haliburton took over the 9 planes of Hell in a hostile takeover a few years back. In fact, reports indicate that Hell has been a most profitable acquisition for Haliburton. It gives them quite an edge, you know, in the no-bid contracts.

  4. I can’t believe you’re attacking Glenn Greenwald again. I think you’re just jealous that he has a popular blog, gets read about by Congresspeople, has a law degree and never, ever uses Sock Puppets to get people to consider his point of view. Have you no shame sir???

  5. You know, Wilson, you make a very good point. Glenn Greenwald is a very fine human being, has a law degree, and has had his blog posts read on the floor of Congress. What kind of second-class citizen would attack him for Sock Puppetry? Jealous much??

  6. I stand with Wilson and Willington on the Glenn Greenwald issue. He is a fine human being, has a law degree and has had his blog posts read on the floor of Congress. You are clearly a deranged and mentally defective loser to continue to attack him in this churlish manner. I bid you good day!

  7. Get off Greenwald’s back, you RightWingnut! You haven’t had a NY Times best seller, litigated some of the Best Constitutional Law Cases EVER! Nor have you been quoted on the senate floor during the debate on the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and by your own (lying admission you dishonest scum) never moved to Brazil to hang out with numerous hot dudes who completely adore your cute little butt and incandescent brilliance but nevertheless post under false names from your I.P. address and drag your name through the mud and neglect their duties to fetch umbrella drinks from the mini-bar whilst wearing delectible little banana hammocks, you sick, perfidious right wing hippocrat. So what would you know? See Glenn Greenwald’s brilliant takedown of Frank J. for further information.

  8. Wilbert, Wilson, Willington and I (or as I like to call us, the 4 Ws of the leftpocalypse) are clearly the plurality on this post, and we (well, I,since I can’t speak for these other fine people) demand an immediate apology for Glenn Greenwald, who has a law degree and has had is blog posts read on the floor of Congress. If you do not immediately delete this post, and all comments not supporting Glenn Greenwald, who has a very popular blog, you will no longer be visited by my august presence.
    Well, I never!

  9. This is the thread that never ends, it just goes on and on my friends, some people went and posted to it not knowing what it was, and they will post forever just because this is the thread that never ends

  10. Well, that’s all cool, but real sockpuppets aren’t fake famous people, ideally you want a sock puppet to be a ‘regular guy’ who by gosh agrees that you totallly insightful and brilliant. Even more ideal, whatever your slant, the sockpuppet ostensibly should have hte opposite biases and outlooks, but by god you convinced him “hey, I’m a democrat but this guy has some great points about Bush that have completely turned me around!” that way your sock puppet can’t be dismissed with ‘your just another wacko Republican (or w/e) fanatic- the idea of sockpuppets is to create a varied and broad universe of men, women, young, old, conservative and liberal defenders that, even though they have nothing in common with you (other than the fact they are you) will come rushing to defend you and tell the world how smart you are.
    I’m an old hand at net forums, and real aficianados were expert at this: you keep 5-6 sleeper “alters” (thats what we called them) so that if you got in a flamewar your defender hadnt just regged that very day, which is a pretty good tell that its a sock puppet. You posted with the various alters now and then to get their post count up, give them a history, even take contrary positions, so that when crunch time came, people would be like “wow, even Gooberheadly agrees with this guy, he must be on to something!”
    This seems nuts, but I’ve seen it. You always wanna use proxies when you post with them so the mods (moderators) don’t figure you out. Also write in a different style, if you usually spell correctly, misspell words, use different grammar, pretend to be dumb, or nuts, or anythign to differentiate yourself. 5-10 allies on a net forum, even one with 1000’s of members, can seem like a virtual army, because the flamewar is mostly only of extreme importanc to you and the person you are flaming, so although people will watch with interest, they rarely get dragged into the nightmare (but it does happen, they can even take it over) so if you have 5-6 hard core defenders, you can say some really harsh crap through your alters and keep civil yourself, being the better man. Also, you look nuts if you have a second thought and keep posting posting posting, sometimes with all your posts in a row with no response: a sock puppet gets these thoughts out for you and seem to come from many sources, but all echo your basic philosophy and goodness.
    This is much more rampant than people realize, you know. Setting up net fakery is old as the net and gets more sophisticated all the time. ONly these idiots who don’t bother to use proxies and etc. to hide their tracks are getting busted. THe greatest scammers are never caught because they are too good.

  11. Goddamn, that docweasel guy is right on the money on this. Great post dude, I’ve been a long time reader of your posts and although I disagree with you about 90% of the time I have to admit your posts are very intelligently written and always contain valid arguments and info.
    Even though we don’t agree, I respect you man, and anyone who flames you is a teh ghey and a friggin’ f***tard. PWNED!

  12. For real perversity, you make a sockpuppet that vehemently disagrees with you, then you slowly turn him around with the force of your argument into one of your best defenders.
    Then make 10-20 female sock puppets who all keep posting about what a great lover you are, and how all the other women should totally give you a try, because he is the absolute best and is hung like a wooly mammoth.

  13. I agree completely with posters 1-5, 7, 11, 14-15, 18-21, and everyone who posted in Spanish. I find myself disagreeing with the posters who mentioned Glenn Greenwald, although as I think about it more I’m starting to change my mind.

  14. So you right wingers this is funny, do you?
    Go ahead and laugh, but I notice a familiar theme I see all the time on the right, and which I’ve been seeing for years. Calling for “an end” to sock puppets is a thinly disguised form of eliminationist rhetoric, which, while it masquerades as humor, will eventually work its way down to the violent, extremist right. Next will be pictures of socks with nooses — along with outright calls for the hanging of sock puppets until they are dead. (“Rope. Tree. Sock. Some assembly required.”)
    We’ve seen it all before.

  15. I don’t know why people are being so mean to Mr. Greenwald. He wrote a book, and Senators quote him all the time. And did I mention that he’s the best lawyer ever? Yeah. He’s better than Perry Mason, because he never ever ever loses a case in court….
    Uh-oh. My nose is pushing me away from Mr. Geppetto’s computer.

  16. I’m calling for an independant investigation into this so-called sock-puppetry. This administration cannot be trusted to investigate this, there are obvious conflicts of interest.

  17. I want to make one thing perfectly clear. I’m going to say this again.
    I did not use a wool argyle sock puppet on that blog at the specified time, IMAO dot com, and I never told anyone to use a wool argyle over the calf sock puppet with googly eyes and a red felt mouth to defend me, not once ever.
    Now I want to go back to work doing the business of the American people.

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