Everyone Diggs IMAO

Michelle Malkin mentioned that it would be a good thing to get more conservatives on Digg. I didn’t read all she said since she used a lot of words, but I remember once getting a lot of traffic from Digg so I added links to vote for IMAO articles (just go register at Digg which takes like half-a-second).
Apparently Blackfive and others are also putting up links for being submitted to Del.icio.us which I’d never even heard of. How much of this crap do I have to keep track of just to get more freak’n traffic?


  1. It’s difficult keeping the libs on digg in check.
    But you actually have to use a handicap when judging the quality of your comments there. If you don’t get at least a score of -20 from the libs, you obviously didn’t make your point well or clear enough.

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