Florida Marine Good at Killing Bad People (At Least 20 Confirmed Kills)

DU thinks he should be locked up as a danger to society.
But they support the troops!

During a large-scale attack on Easter Sunday, Wilson says, he spotted six gunmen on a rooftop about 400 yards away. In about 8 seconds he squeezed off five rounds – hitting five gunmen in the head. The sixth man dived off a 3-story building just as Wilson got him in his sights, and counts as a probable death.

I can’t even do that on a videogame.


  1. And, while he defends their freedom to post idiotic remarks, the Democrats don’t fail to disappoint. This man is a hero. To them, a hero would be the coward that ran away to leave the snipers to kill women and children.
    Just remember, a Liberal is just a Conservative that has not yet been the victim of a crime.

  2. I apologize: Son of Bob, but I must disagree with the last comment. The Democraps have been the beneficiary of a crime since someone has stolen the both their Honor and Common Sense, they simply have not realized it yet. It wil take being slapped in the face with the truth to acknowledge they have misread the world.

  3. I warn you, DO NOT follow the DUmmy link Frank provides. It’s playing into their hands to lose so many conservative voters by having our heads explode from a mixture of extreme high blood pressure and a complete logic vacuum.

  4. One shot, one kill. The DU is full of pantywaists who abhor violence of any kind unless it is against jews and white people. As a Floridian we can only hope there is something in the water in Bradenton that will keep these great kids coming!

  5. Amazing, I’ve never read the DU responses before. I usually just read the main articles on the site when Frank links over to them.
    The term moonbat suddenly has new levels of meaning.
    Pax Christi…Luther

  6. Dennis Prager defines “pacifist” as “letting evil win.”
    The DU monkeys hate the US for killing terrorists in Iraq. So it would be perfectly logical for them to hate the US for killing nazis in 1944 Germany, and to hate the US for killing British Imperialists in 1776.
    Remember, violence is never good, ever.
    P.S. Or did I read it wrong … maybe the DU monkeys support the war on terror, but don’t want our soldiers to be REALLY GOOD AT IT.

  7. Wow, like martinluther, I had never actually read the DU responses. I could only take three before I became sick to my stomach. As an ex-Marine and lifelong shooter, I can appreciate the dedication, training and disciplined mindset required to make these kind of shots. I guess that the good news is that as professional fighting men, this Marine and his brothers in arms will continue to cooly and calmly do their job, and recognize the disgusting drivel from the left for what it is.

  8. I just want this kid by my side when I am walking on the National Mall after dark.
    No one wants to see anyone killed, but when the bad guys are shooting at you, you have to shoot back. Good on a Marine who not only shoots back, he takes out the bad guys and saves money on ammunition.

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