
I’m sick with the flu today, so I’ll blog later.
I heard something about a “World Cup”; what in the world is that?

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  1. I think Frank is actually “Doug” from Hellbender and is waiting for orders from his dreams before he writes the next part of the story. That would probably make spacemonkey “Bryce”, Sarahk would be the lovely but deadly “Charlene” and Aquaman would be “LuLu”.

  2. Its where a Algerian (playing for the French) can head-butt an Italian for no discernible reason, and win the award for being the best player in the Tournament. After their team loses.
    Anyway, Go ‘Canes!!!

  3. The World Cup is to protect the stones of those who belong to countries that have none! It is VERY Gay so don’t worry about it and go get better so we can have our daily dose of funny back!

  4. The rest of the world wonders why they get their asses kicked every time some tin-horned dictator pops up…well maybe it’s because they get all lathered up by an exciting 0 to 0 tie! Just how big is the goal anyway? Do they practice kicking the ball into the net at all? A 0 to 0 tie and these people think it’s a great game! Maybe they should try COMPETITION for a change! The thrill of victory and the agony of defeat? Naw…they probably won’t “feel good about themselves”…

  5. Oh, come on, guys, drop it already. It’s really pathetic to see Americans whine because a game is popular and not american.
    You’re acting like whiny little liberals… who like soccer for the same reason they’re into evolution – because Republicans aren’t.
    Suck it up.

  6. Latest: Materazzi, the Italian football player who received Zinedine Zidane’s(only half Algerian) head butt called him “sale terroriste” just before, which means terrorist pig.
    The Italian squad is sponsored by Puma.
    So it looks like it was Puma winning not Nike.

  7. It’s sort of like “world opinion”, which means “the opinions of people outside the United States who are insanely jealous of us.”
    Or maybe it’s what Teddy Kennedy drinks out of.

  8. It’s the most watched event in the entire world, and in the history of television, morons.
    Football…..some fags who constantly like grabbing some other fags big ass.
    Baseball….a bunch of girls in tight skirts.
    Basketball….a game where you don’t really need a team….one player can make it from one end of the court to the other in about 0.2 milliseconds, cry about being touched, get a 4940 pointer, not have passed at all, all in under 0.2 seconds. Why do you need more that two players????
    “soccer” its called football you morons: a sport where Italians can bust a dumbass Americans lips, and where Americans can be seen crying on the field. He HE.

  9. It’s the most watched event in the entire world, and in the history of television, morons.
    Football…..some fags who constantly like grabbing some other fags big ass.
    Baseball….a bunch of girls in tight skirts.
    Basketball….a game where you don’t really need a team….one player can make it from one end of the court to the other in about 0.2 milliseconds, cry about being touched, get a 4940 pointer, not have passed at all, all in under 0.2 seconds. Why do you need more that two players????
    “soccer” its called football you morons: a sport where Italians can bust a dumbass Americans lips, and where Americans can be seen crying on the field. He HE.

  10. “booya”? Don’t you mean “boohoo, I have no original opinions of my own!” instead? I’ll bet if you posted your whiny comment a third time, it’ll really drive your point home. Whatever it takes to make you feel like a man, if only this once.

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