Fun Trivia

How did the Prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him) die?

Trying to blow up a bus full of school children.


  1. Good thing MoHAMHEAD wasn’t at all like Jesus, or else he would have resurrected himself and the bus 3 days later and blown it up again, because he’s “hardcore.” Trouble is, you don’t get bonus virigins for coming back to life and doing it again. I think that’s in the Quran.

  2. Frank J should know better than to buy the islamofascist lie that MoreHamhead (fleas be upon him) died a martyr.
    To maintain delicacy while searching for the truth lets just say that in the time of MoreHamhead (peas be inside him) there was no cure for goat herpes.

  3. How could you all be so insensitive, racist, and meeeeaaaannn?!?!?! You have to RESPECT the Religion Of Peace!! BIGOTS!!!!!!!!
    ….sorry, I’m just trying to imagine what it would be like to be a liberal w/o a sense of humor….
    heh. you rule, Frankj.

  4. Hello girls. Just HAD to come and see the cr.ap you lot are spouting at the moment.
    Quite right Dave. Why be a liberal w/o a sense of humour when you can be a neocon idiot with a bad one. Why else would you come here. And before we get the ‘well your here faggot’ I know how to have a good laugh. Read the lunatic rantings of you lot.
    So, lets have a look at how Jesus died. Betrayal. Now that IS funny. So he then trots of to become a piece of DIY and gets hung out to dry. But he doesn’t mind. ‘Save me and Easter Egg girls I’ll be back in a few days.’ So he comes back, drifts about for a few days, then f***s off and leaves us all to it. But he HAD to die to save us all didn’t he. Quality plan. Lets just have a quick look round the world and see if it worked. Oh shit. Turns out it was the plan from hell eh girls? But he’s coming back. Oh yeah. Won’t be long now. In fact, what time is it!?! He has to come back really as he messed it up so badly the first time didn’t he. Maybe if you lot stopped wearing cross’s round your necks (you think he ever wants to see one of them again?) he might make the effort.
    And when he does come back, long hair and sandals telling everyone to love each other, you lot will punch him in the face. Oh I can’t wait to see that. That really WILL be funny.

  5. brit, while it was insensetive and idiotic of frank to post that, you have displayed the same ammount of stupidity in posting your self-destructive (no pun intended) rebuttal.
    ….unless youre a troll, in which case, you did good, dirtwad.

  6. It’s good to hear from A dazed Brit again. It’s like having that drug addict/alchoholic family member who shows up from time to time to let the rest of the family know that while we’re assholes for not supporting his lifestyle, we still owe him a living. But at least we know he’s still alive.
    ‘Save me and Easter Egg girls I’ll be back in a few days.’
    Say what? I don’t think I’ve read that passage in the New Testament. You disparage Christ and His disciples, yet attempt to empathize with Him & berate us for believing in Him? You truly are confused, and I think that if you really are a Brit, you should take the time to learn how to think first & then try to spell words in your own language. As it is, you can barely do either. We’ll save you an egg in the meantime.

  7. Betrayal, Agay Brit? That’s what American liberals are famous for. Lieberman, the NY times giving secrets away, JOhn Kerry. I would much rather be a neocon with a poor sense of humor than a lib w/o one. You are evidence of that. And you are a doodoo head.

  8. Wow, he actually almost got off a good one.
    But he’s coming back…. Maybe if you lot stopped wearing cross’s round your necks (you think he ever wants to see one of them again?)…
    I mean, he’s a nitwit and it’s pretty mean-spirited, but that’s kind of funny.

  9. Be nice to the Brit…what can you expect from anyone that lives in Europe…and as for his screed against my religion…one is either a believer or one is not. The Brit is obviously not smart enough to even begin to understand Christianity based on his writings…but again…he’s from Europe and didn’t we throw these losers out of the “colonies” a few years back…

  10. We spell ‘realise’ differently. Skip the spelinng annd gramer thing. We are never going to see eye to i.
    Hey, any of you ladies PROUD to be christians? Think fast! (If so your going to hell, pride is a sin)
    Any of you eat lobster? (you’re going to hell, read Leviticus)
    Any of you carry more than the weight of a prayer mat on Sunday? (you gotta do the Old one too ya know. It’s all your Gods law, no pickin’ and a choosin yall)
    Any off you wear cloth composing of more than one type of thread? (oh no, there’s a burning lake of sulphur with your name on it!)
    Trim your hair round the temple? ( oh nooooooooooo, an everlasting suffering!!! BUMMER!!!)
    And how do you discover whether or not it’s her ‘time’. Because at that point your not allowed anything to do with her. (good old Leviticus again). I ask but my Monkey Faced Liberal boat-race keeps getting slapped. ( it doesn’t actualy because I don’t do it. It’s a joke. Tee Hee)
    And that’s just the START! You girls must be exhausted! How the hell do you find the time to bomb people. Killing them. Even though you’re supposed to shalt not.
    See yall tomorrow.

  11. Amazed Prick,
    We spell ‘realise’ differently. Skip the spelinng annd gramer thing. We are never going to see eye to i.

    Well, If seeing eye to eye with us is your concern, I might suggest grammar is not your issue. Your voicing yourself in the wrong venue. Besides I think that’s my naval you’re staring at not my eye, and I’m looking at the top of your pointy little head.

  12. Hey amazed bitch-
    Are you going to start quoting scripture next? Maybe you could give us one of those fiery sermons Euro-trash Protestants were known for way, way back when many English males still had testicles. Are you going to call us a buch of girls some more? It just doesn’t have a lot of sting when you do; wearing a strap on & taking a “wife” in you tiny part of the globe doesn’t mean we’ll assume you’re even close to being a man.
    Do keep coming back, though. We enjoy the spectacle you make of yourself. With you around, we have no need to laugh at our own follies; we can laugh at your average British humour! (Now see? I can spell “humour” like you do! And you said we’d never see eye to eye…)

  13. //Are you going to start quoting scripture next? //
    I’m not the brit but I have a scripture that is comparable to today’s liberal media…ahem…
    Luke 23, verse 23:
    But with loud shouts they insistently demanded that he be crucified, and their shouts prevailed.
    Also sounds like a bunch of protestors, college students and parliment…
    Christians aren’t perfect brit, but they ARE forgiven…

  14. Veeshir,
    Thanks for the link to article on estrogen in fish. I had heard of complaints about industrial chemicals that mimicked hormone effects, but had never even consider the effects of 10’s of million of birth control pill users. I suppose that only a fraction of the estrogen in the pill actually enters the blood stream and the rest gets pissed down the drain to be added to the environment along with pee from all those other women. I don’t know if it is actually true but it is plausible and worthy of research.
    There has been a big world die off in Amphibians in the last 15 years. A lot of it is attributable to unwitting introduction of previously isolated diseases by collectors. To think estrogen exposure due to increased world wide birth control might be a factor.
    Now that’s what I call ironic, considering Birth controls central position in cutting back runaway population growth. Nothings ever easy or straight forward.

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