Fun Trivia

Hezbollah rockets have now hit the city of Nazareth. What famous person hails from that city?

Kelly Pickler


  1. I bet SarahK wouldn’t be terribly upset if Pickles got “voted off” the planet with a hizbullah rocket.
    Hey Laurence, isn’t Gene’s real first name Chaim?
    Also- Happy Birthday, Sarah.

  2. Um… I know this one… it’s on the tip of my bulldog tongue… ELVIS!!! 😉
    BTW, I hope everyone has enjoyed the BUSH IS RIGHT video over on youtube…

    Love it! This should be played on Rush! enjoy!

  3. Who the heck is Kelly Pickler??? I could have swore it was Elvis. My bad!
    And yes, they obviously ripped off Billy Joel for that tune… but it’s still good enough to irritate my next door moonbat neighbor. 😉

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