Fun With Mormons

I’m at home, a head full of snot-like-ooze.
While convalescing on my couch with Marty Roberts’ podcast playing on Ziggy3, Ha’aretz on the laptop rending their garments in misery over poor innocent Hezbollah murderers and their supporters dying, and a pair of mugs on the table (orange juice/chicken soup)… a knock on the door.
Frisky freaks out, as he always does. Piper leaps from the arm of the couch and hides. (She’s been doing this a lot, since the little furry psychic freaks out half a second before I sneeze) Nardo just sits there, looking stupid as usual.
I shrug, get up, and answer it.
It’s Mormons, asking me if I’ve met Jesus Christ yet.
“Sure, I have,” I said. “I killed him. But the hippie bastard came back. Wanna tell me where he is so I can try again?”
Then I shut the door. Gotta find the kitty treats to convince the cats that it’s safe to lay around and do nothing out in the open again.

I just realized that I could have gotten one of their books to toss in the fireplace.

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  1. LOL!!!
    I live in AZ, we are damn near surrounded by Mormons…oh I mean morons…They crack me up with their Xtian ways….Dont they know us Joooos are bless by G-d!
    Well I am off to read more on Fox News…becuase Hezbullah bombed Jesus’s home town.

  2. I’m a Mormon and I’m not going to try to convert you, but the least you can do is be nice. I’m really not interested in what the Jehovah’s Witnesses have to say but I’m at least polite when they come by.
    And what is this about us not believing in Jesus? Just because we don’t believe in the Trinity concept (all 3 together and separate and everywhere and nowhere all at the same time) doesn’t mean we don’t believe that Jesus Christ isn’t the son of God and our savior.
    Tell me your definition of a cult and I’ll tell you if we are one.

  3. Well blank, you are a cult because you add to God’s word, the Book of Mormon was edited several times, the ancient Isrealite civilization in America (Still waiting for those cities to be found).

  4. If you want to get rid of ’em, here’s a few tips:
    1) When they ask, “Can I talk to you about God?” Reply, “Sure, what do you want to know?”
    2) Answer every one of their questions with “What do you mean by that?”
    3) Attend the Memorial Supper, drink the wine and go back for a re-fill.
    4) Ask them why the Watch Tower Society is based in New York rather than in any holy city of the bible. (* Note “Watch Tower” is Jehovah’s Witnesses.)
    5) Every ten or fifteen minutes excuse yourself and say “I need more ointment”.
    6) Lay down a tape outline of a body on your hallway floor visible from the door, answer the door with a big smile and before they have a chance to say anything, say “Hi. Come in — let’s chat!”
    They don’t ring my doorbell anymore.

  5. I had hit reload to see any new posts and it took my name away.
    If “edited several times” means added cross-references and chapter breaks/summaries then yes, the Book of Mormon was “edited several times.” If you mean that the text that was in the first English edition is different from the text in the current English edition then no, it was not edited. I have read both.
    And I imagine that you’ll find all of the ancient lost cities in America about the same time you find all of the ancient lost cities in Europe. As for finding parts of them, go look at some Aztec or Inca ruins.
    If a cult is a group who “adds to God’s word” then I’m going to assume that you mean “believes that God gave instructions to people other than the Jews.” In that case, every non-Christian and every Christian who prays for guidance (direct instruction from God) is in a cult. If “adds to God’s word” means “teaches beliefs that are not found in the Bible” then I have to believe that everyone is in a cult. The Bible says that clergy should be married. It indicates that a prophet should lead God’s church. It says that Jesus had to speak to other people (non-Jews) but doesn’t say exactly what he would tell them. So I think that covers just about everyone.

  6. Regardless of how you feel about Mormon beliefs, we should all recognize that they are some of the biggest supporters of conservative values, so insults are probably not appropriate.

  7. Jesus is Lucifer’s brother and our elder brother as well. He progressed to godhood, having first been procreated as a spirit child of the Father and a heavenly mother, and later conceived physically by God the Father (Adam God) and an earthly mother (Gospel Principles, pp.15-16).
    Oops! You just lost this Christian! Oh yea, there’s that pesky “works righeousness” stuff that always gets in the way…sorry I’ll remain a Christian!

  8. Mormon pick up lines –
    “Hey baby, wanna populate a planet?”
    “I’ll show you my magic secret underwear.”
    About 15 years ago there was a parody article in The Wittenberg Door (now simply called The Door) where Jehovah’s Witnesses show up at a Mormon’s house and the ensuing conversation. Too bad it’s out of print – it was classic.
    One more bit of amusement – both The Book of Mormon and The Koran were A) described as “the most correctest books ever written – straight from God’s/Gabriel’s mouth to my ear” by their writers and B) were full of grammatical errors. In the case of the Mormons, they fixed the grammar. In the case of the Muslims, they changed Arabic. So I guess we can give Mormons some credit for that.
    Or maybe Gabriel never made it past the eight grade. I guess we have to allow for that possibility.

  9. As far as being nice, I do that by not going up to their door and try and convince them to convert to my religion. I think Laurence giving a smart comment and shutting the door on their faces was a ‘nice’ thing to do in that he didn’t waste any more of their time. They could have been nice and not wasted his. If I wanted a visit from missionaries I would call the ward and ask for them to setup a visit. I would prefer not to have them visit. Religious telemarketers is all they are. I don’t buy anything that is sold TO me. I research and look into the various options of things I want to include in my life, I hate little more than to have someone sell me on something. I do the same as Laurence when they come to the door and its the same I do to telemarketers…be nice? Screw that, they weren’t nice when they intruded into my peace at my own home uninvited.
    Now, that all said…as spacemonkey has stated….missionaries aside, the Mormons I have known have all been very nice people, I just think they are deluded and I just still can’t help myself from hating them any more than I can help myself from hating the French.
    As far as ‘cult’ goes. They are a cult, so is any other Xtian or almost any other religion period, depending on how you define ‘cult’. ‘Cult’ is really a loaded word that people put much more meaning behind than it really has.

  10. I think Laurence’s reply is hysterical! I don’t care if Mormons are a cult or not, or even if they “believe in Jesus” in some sense. The Trinity is a core doctrine of Christianity, which is why Catholics, Orthodox and the less wussy Protestants don’t regard them as Christians. I don’t see why Mormons make such a big deal out of it – after all, Joseph Smith claimed that in his very first vision, he was told by God about all Christian denominations that “their creeds were an abomination in his sight; that those professors were all corrupt”. Why do Mormons care so much how we corrupt abominators regard them?
    “All 3 together and separate and everywhere and nowhere all at the same time” is one of the worst attempts at defining the Trinity that I’ve ever heard. If that’s what “Trinity” meant, I wouldn’t believe it either.
    But here’s a way to really make door-to-door missionaries go away:

    Did I tell you about the time a crowd of Jehovah’s Witnesses came to our house to tell us the truth about Jesus? –.Well, my eyes are no good, and I’ve got to read with a magnifying glass. And we were outside, and I said, “Let me see your Bible, and I’ll show you right in it why you’re wrong. I won’t use a Catholic Bible, since you’d believe they’re unreliable, so let me see yours.” And they handed their New World Translation Bible to me, and I started to read something from it, but it was a real sunny day, and I accidentally set their Bible on fire. I’m sure they went home and told their friends, “Those Catholics just have to touch a Bible and it bursts into flames!”

  11. I am a Mormon. I have spent time as a missionary. It really sucks when someone does what Laurence did. It was kinda funny, but it still sucks to have it happen to you. 🙂
    You may not agree with what the LDS church teaches, but they are there to give you the opportunity to learn about the church first hand instead of from a neighbor of a girlfriends mom. Missionaries are not paid to give up 2 years of their life to teach about the church, they pay their own way.
    While on my own mission, I was beaten on the Metro, fired upon, mugged and robbed many times, in broad daylight. I suffered through extreme temperatures and weather conditions, with the hope that I could share a message of love (is that not what the gospel is about?) with anyone who would listen. I made many friends while on my mission, some are members, but many never did join the church. I am still in contact with them almost 10 years later.
    The LDS faith is not like other religions, beliefs do differ. But all the so called christian faiths strongly differ from one another, most are splinter groups from the catholic church. The Jewish faith today differs from what it was during the time of Jesus. It even had different sects back then! The Islamic faith has suffered the same fate. Does any of that really matter? What does matter, is that you live by your beliefs. Jesus taught to love one another, but how many bloody wars were waged in his name? I bet he wouldn’t have wanted all those innocent people killed.
    EVERY religion fundamentally teaches tolerance and love. We are all human and imperfect and fail miserably in those teachings, which is why it is continually taught.
    Instead of pointing fingers at different religions and finding fault, learn more of the religion in order to find common ground. Learn the history of your own religion. You will find something that may “shake your testimony,” but what doesn’t kill you only makes you stronger.
    –Why am I standing on this soap box, and where did it come from?

  12. TexasGrease got my point on the word “cult.”
    Every LDS (Mormon) Missionary goes through a time when he tries to “sell” his religion. The Missionaries are out there for two years; lots of things happen. Most of the two years they just want to help. They have something that makes them happy (their beliefs) and they want other people to be happy as well. I was an LDS Missionary. It is very difficult to open your beliefs to others. We know that most people are going to mock and ridicule us, but if we can help one person to have a better life, even if they don’t convert, then we’ve done a good job.
    I’ll agree, Atlantic, that Laurence’s reply was very witty. If I was at the door I would have laughed when he shut the door. We care how you regard us because we don’t want to be represented unfairly. How would you like if a lot of people went around telling everyone how evil you were when you just want to help? How would members of the Red Cross like it if people went around saying that the Red Cross really poisons half the medicine they give out, just so they can have more business? No one would want to be helped by the Red Cross but the Red Cross would just want to help them. It gets very frustrating.
    As for the description of the Trinity, maybe you should help everyone understand that. My description is the average of what I’ve heard from hundreds of Catholics.

  13. I’m sorry but the “let’s just all get along” stuff doesn’t work for me when we are talking about people’s eternal souls! There is black and white, right and wrong and one should be very careful about what is being taught. My faith, Christianity stands squarely on the Bible to interpret the Bible. I don’t need another book to tell me “what it really means!” God is a pretty effective communicator…we just aren’t very good listeners…

  14. Just for the record, that video is of two Jehovah’s Witnesses. Latter-day Saints do not go tracting as a mixed-sex couple. (We do tracting two-by-two: two men or two women. If missionaries are married, they’re probably retired and not tracting anyway.) And all Latter-day Saint missionaries have nametags. Neither of the two in the video have nametags.

  15. As a Latter-day Saint, I’ll just say I understand people’s opposition to us (even if sometimes their points are completely inaccurate, but that’s not their fault) but I would rather people also appreciate what Latter-day Saints contribute to American society.
    It’s quite easy to make fun of us, and I don’t mind at all. I also understand that some of our proselytizing methods are unliked.
    As an explanation: Latter-day Saints have been persecuted since the founding of the religion (to the point that the Governor of Missouri issued an extermination order against Latter-day Saints: from 1838 to 1976 it was technically legal to kill a Latter-day Saint), driven from place to place, our people hounded and raped and massacred, the founder killed by a mob in Illinois despite the Governor of Illinois giving his word that he would be safe in jail, while the President of the United States refused to assist us, until we got fed up and fled the United States. And the persecution didn’t end then. So, it is expected that we would be a bit defensive when we perceive ourselves to be under attack in any way.

  16. Mormons, make sure you follow your leader and read all your books correctly. Your prophets have written that you must have multiple wives in order to go to heaven.
    And we know what we must do to prophets if they have even one prophesy not come true, right? You’ll find instructions in the Bible for that process (and I’m sure Laurence can tell you). It involves rocks. Look through written records for prophecies not fulfilled. Wait . . . don’t do that. You’re forbidden to read info that isn’t approved by your prophet. You might get in trouble!
    Let me know when the U.S. government is reduced to potsherds within Mr. Smith’s lifetime, like he said it would. Oops . . . too late. He’s a false prophet. Was he shot, or hanged by that mob? Either way, I’m sure it will do.

  17. “Does any of that really matter? What does matter, is that you live by your beliefs.” Then why don’t Mormons knock on the door and say, “Hey, we just wanted to remind you that you should live by your beliefs”?
    Cotillion, here’s a short explanation I gave on another blog a month or two ago. And here is a considerably better and more detailed discussion.
    “We care how you regard us because we don’t want to be represented unfairly.” But I don’t think it’s unfair to regard you as not Christians, merely a fact. Laurence isn’t a Christian either, and I don’t think he’s evil. The Red Cross analogy is a little presumptuous, because it takes an organisation that is associated with the idea of “the best possible and often the only possible help in life-threatening emergency situations” and analogically applies it to yourselves. I understand you may well believe that about the LDS, but it begs the question.

  18. And here I had thought Frank had made the official position of IMAO that Mormomns were ok.
    Posted by: Steelshadow on July 19, 2006 03:39 PM
    Lair is going through a rough time. Something to do with a group of very distant cousins trying to wipe out him and all his less distant relatives. He probably just lashed out without thinking.

  19. Wow. I’ve been a big fan of this site for over a year, but this not so funny post and the resulting comments are really dissapointing. As a mormon, I have no problem whatsoever with jokes that make fun of peoples lifestyles (ie big families, minivans, etc) but making fun of peoples beliefs is just rude.
    We have our beliefs, you have yours. We feel ours are important enough to give up two years of our lives to share them with whoever will listen. Do you hold your beliefs important enough to do likewise?

  20. Bear:
    Jews don’t prosteletyze.
    In those two years, do you learn anything about your target audience?
    Are your beliefs so weak and unattractive that they require a door-to-door marketing campaign?
    Hell, we Jews not only don’t market our religion, but he put up a hell of a lot of barriers:
    – Bland food
    – Occasional fasts
    – Turning the TV off on Friday nights
    – Compulsory body modification
    – Arabs and Muslims want to kill us all
    My advice to you is this: At least make a few bucks and hang Domino’s door hangers or something while you’re going around knocking on doors.
    I’m standing there, they’re telling me about Jesus, and I’m obviously sick. Do they offer me orange juice? No. They offer me the ever-loving light of Jesus.
    Screw that. Light is Vitamin D, not Vitamin C. Bring me orange juice. Or NyQuil.

  21. I think most everyone is going to hell anyway, so I don’t have a dog in this fight.
    BTW, I think the main aspects of a cult is that it’s secretive of its full beliefs and cuts off members from non-believers.
    Scientology is a cult.

  22. Is it my fault that the current one sleeps with a can of Zyklon B under his pillow at night?
    Posted by: Laurence Simon
    Is it Ratzinger’s fault that Vatican cockroaches can survive anything weaker?

  23. Lawrence,
    I have nothing against jews. Maybe you should have talked to the missionaries though. Requirements for mormons:
    -no alchohol, or tobacco
    -monthly fasts
    -keeping a holy day (I know its different than yours, but let that slide)
    -no sex before marriage
    While Arabs don’t tend to put mormons as high on the target list as jews, we’ve had to deal with persecution.
    And people actually do decide to become mormon, they’re not just born into it.
    Are our beliefs so weak and unattractive that they require a door-to-door marketing campaign?
    No, they’re so strong that we willingly and knowingly choose to accept these “barriers”.

  24. Lawrence,
    I have nothing against jews. Maybe you should have talked to the missionaries though. Requirements for mormons:
    -no alchohol, or tobacco
    -monthly fasts
    -keeping a holy day (I know its different than yours, but let that slide)
    -no sex before marriage
    While Arabs don’t tend to put mormons as high on the target list as jews, we’ve had to deal with persecution.
    And people actually do decide to become mormon, they’re not just born into it.
    Are our beliefs so weak and unattractive that they require a door-to-door marketing campaign?
    No, they’re so strong that we willingly and knowingly choose to accept these “barriers”.

  25. For people who are supposed to be so smart in business, oy vey, did the men get taken on those baseball caps they’re always wearing!
    Speaking of magic underwear, Hassidic Jews have been telling people for centuries that the fringed zitzit is a religiously-required undergarment, heh heh. It’s really an emergency one-man flying carpet for when the mother-in-law comes for a visit! Oy!
    Thank you, ladies and gentlemen. I do five shows daily. Remember to tip your waitress.

  26. The waitress gets to keep the tip?
    I think it’s from the tallis kattan that the rumor of Jews having sex through a hole in a sheet comes. If you hang the tallis kattan to dry, it does look like a sheet with a hole in the middle, at least the tallis kattan with open sides. (I think they have versions that are basically undershirts but with tzitzis.) There’s no hole or opening in a tallis gadol worn during shacharis, so it has to be the tallis kattan.
    Joke: A chassid goes to his launderer to pick up the tallis kattan he dropped off to be cleaned. The bill is for $50. He asks, “Why so much?” The launderer says, “$10 for the undershirt, $40 to get all the knots out.”
    Oy, I’m such a dork.

  27. C
    Who knew that comment sections get religous trolls too?
    Amazing that someone could have so many “facts” about something and still be so ignorant. Makes you look rather like a liberal.

  28. I think I’ll pass on the Mormon bashing. I prefer lambasting groups that either want me dead or converted (Islamists, Real Fascists, Hard Core Socialists, Christian Cultists), those who consider my existence an unpleasant inconvenience (Leftists, Counter Culture Hippies, Racial Identity folks, Post Modernists, Neo-Pacifists, Punk Anarchists, Anti-Globalists, Environmentalists, Anti-American Euro-weenies, PETA freeks, New Age Cultists, and other assorted Moonbats.), or those that belong to narrow ideological groups who are completely hostile to anything that goes outside of group norms (68’ers, Campus political intellectuals, Poli-Sci Lefturds, J school pricks, L school pricks, Art fags, the anti-authority gang, and certain types of fundamentalist Christians “gods select”).
    Fact is, Mormon’s haven’t been anything other than pleasant to me. They play a positive roll in society, they aren’t self-destructive, they are helpful, and aside from a few incidents along the way they haven’t had any real history of political and social
    oppression. If that isn’t enough for you, just insist they substitute the words “Boy Scout” for Mormon when they speak to you. See if they (Or You) can keep a straight face.
    Pupster’s comment was funny though — They will insist on praying for you — Boy Scouts aren’t allowed to anymore.

  29. c:
    Where do you do your research? I always hear that Utah is the worst for this or that but I figure it is just kids trying to say they’re cool by being bad (I live in Utah). I really would like to know some official numbers.

  30. No sex before marriage? Utah is 70% Mormon but has the highest unwed pregnancy rate (and divorce rate) of any state.
    I’m sure you didn’t even try to check that, because it’s not even near true. For example Utah’s teen pregnancy rate is below average, not exceptional, but below average. Poor southern blacks do the worst with poor southern whites close behind. The north-east than Upper Midwest does the best overall. Education level of the mother is by far the best indicator.

  31. Jeez. Sure glad I’m a shamanist. JUST KIDDING. And I was gonna comment on an easy way to get rid of sinus infections, courtesy of a doctor at UC Irvine Medical Center via a friend of mine. If anyone’s interested, that is.

  32. Am I the only Raelian here?
    You’re all going to be sad when the world goes the hell in a handbasket, and I’m on the mothership flying off to a distant planet of safety.
    Man, I can wait to meet them alien babes.
    And Captain Kirk, too, I guess.

  33. “As a mormon, I have no problem whatsoever with jokes that make fun of peoples lifestyles (ie big families, minivans, etc) but making fun of peoples beliefs is just rude.”
    It is rude for Mormons (and JW and any others) to come to my door and try and convert me. They do worse than ‘make fun’ of the beliefs of others, they insist that they are right and everyone else is wrong, well that is all good and well, but do it SOMEWHERE OTHER THAN AT MY DOOR.
    “We have our beliefs, you have yours. We feel ours are important enough to give up two years of our lives to share them with whoever will listen. Do you hold your beliefs important enough to do likewise?”
    Yes, my belief is that I should hold my beliefs, and you hold yours, and we should not intrude on each other at our homes uninvited with our own version of the ‘truth’ and/or beliefs. I hold this belief so strongly that I will not come to your door and convert you…not just for 2 years but ever…that is my promise to you. I see your commercials, and they don’t bother me, I see your wards and could stop by if I had questions, or call and ask you to send a missionary….for you to come to my house uninvited is RUDE…you are a stranger and I rarely even accept friends over uninvited.
    Anther thing that is RUDE is to convert people (or attempt to) after they are dead…leave them be, most people in recent times have had the opportunity to hear your ‘word’ and convert if they wanted to…to hijack someone’s soul after death is about one of the more RUDE things I can think of, that is a complete lack of respect in someone’s choice of what they believe in. Jewish organizations have successfully sues the LDS church for their baptisms of victims of the Holocaust. Calling someone rude over a comment and an unwillingness to be told his beliefs are wrong by uninvited visitors smacks of arrogance by a member of an organization that disrespects the wishes of the dead and their families.

  34. This conversation has been spinning its wheels and going nowhere fast. It has lost its funny.
    I for one want to know what the Jews believe concerning the end of the world. Or at least what are the circumstances concerning the coming of their savior? I know the bible version sure isn’t pretty.

  35. I hate it when conservatives like Rush Limbaugh or Micheele Malkin speak their point of view. Especially when someone who is free to choose believes what they have to say. I had Democrats canvasing my neighborhood they are far more annoying than Mormons.

  36. First time in awhile that an IMAO post made me crack up hard. Good post!
    Any religion that has former members posting sites about how to break away from a church which refuses to let them go is a cult no matter how big it is.

  37. T-Grease:
    Come on man. Cowboy up! How can a couple of teenagers be so terrifying to you? They are just out looking for those who would like to learn more about their religion. If your not interested, I suggest next time to politely say “Sorry boys, I’m not interested but would you care for a lemonade?” Sheeesh!

  38. I want to thank you all for straightening me out. How dumb was I to think that as a Mormon I understood my own religion and beliefs. I had no idea I wasn’t a Christian! And a member of a cult too! wow. You guys really opened my eyes. Here I thought that because I believe that Jesus Christ is my personal Savior and Redeemer, I was a Christian. I guess not! And apparently the church as been forcing me to stay a member all these years. It must be all those brainwashing sessions they keep taking me to. I am so lucky I read the comments section today. I will immediately change my evil ways. Now, if I can only figure out how to escape from the Mormon church’s all powerful hold on me.

  39. sigh
    another Mormon-bashing thread
    I wish Romney well but I keep coming across these ever since he became a topic of conversation. Often in my favorite sites.
    I’ve lived in Utah too long I guess. I grew up in Missouri and Texas and used to be hardened to all the Baptist attacks-often by people who knew me and should have known better.
    Now this stuff hurts. The post itself was actually kind of funny. The crp that came afterward was not.
    The reason it bothers me that someone would say I’m not a Christian is the same reason that any other Christian would be bothered. It is the most important thing, it is central to life.
    Mormons believe other Christians lack the full truth, but to say someone else doesn’t really qualify as a Christian because their understanding of God and Jesus Christ isn’t perfect is hubris. It is just wrong. But the casual toss off “Mormons aren’t Christians” is what? Why even say it? Because you know it hurts? To keep us at arm’s length for some reason? It reminds me of liberals calling Condi “not really black”.
    When we all stand before God in the end, all pretense will be stripped away. I don’t believe only Mormons will be gathered in Jesus’ arms. The theological differences are real, they are important-it is better to have a true map to life than a faulty one, but the Bible is God’s word. Plenty of people have found their way to the truth just with that. In the meantime, the cruel, twisted words of those who should be our brothers hurts a lot. Perhaps Evangelicals say it about Catholics or other denominations about each other…? Historically there have been actual battles about the differences between Christians. So I guess it is too much to hope people who disagree about Christian theology can avoid calling each other names?
    A couple of you have been reading anti-Mormon cr
    p. I can tell by a lifetime of hearing it. Don’t pretend that “studying” something by reading what its enemies have written is actually anything but feeding your prejudices. If you want to learn about Jews do you read the Protocols of the Elders of Zion? Of course not.
    Thinking door to door tracting is rude, well that’s at least an honest opinion formed by a person for himself. That I can respect.
    It’s 3am, good night.

  40. As soon as I read this post, I thought to myself, “I bet in the comments one of Mormon brothers will humorlessly scold Laurence for hassling the missionaries. And I bet some born-again will breathlessly reveal that Mormons are a cult that doesn’t believe in Jesus.”
    Thank you, humanity, for once again conforming to stereotypes. It makes my life so much more predictable.
    Lighten up, Francis!

  41. Elvenbane asked: I for one want to know what the Jews believe concerning the end of the world. Or at least what are the circumstances concerning the coming of their savior? I know the bible version sure isn’t pretty.
    Jews don’t believe in “the end of the world” nor in a “savior” (as meant in Christian beliefs) and you won’t find that in the Talmud — that’s biblical New Testament stuff all the way. If you want to know about the basic tenets of Judaism, go to for a start. We don’t believe in “heaven” nor “hell” and the expected moshiach is more of a military leader than a religious one per se, although that’s a point many a Talmudic argument can be spun about. But not on people’s doorsteps.

  42. “…although that’s a point many a Talmudic argument can be spun about. But not on people’s doorsteps.”
    — tankascribe
    Thats my main gripe in my comments, just stay away from my door. Scotty, nobody said anything about them being terrifying to me in any way, they are an unwanted nuisance at my door step. Same as door to door salesmen and telemarketers on the phone. My response to anyone selling me anything when I didn’t ask for their sales pitch gets a closed door in their face, a dial tone or see the back of my head as I walk off. Its not just Mormons, its anyone pitching something to me, on my property, on my free time. As far as if they are Xtian or not, a cult and all that jazz, I could care less. IMAO all religions are indeed cults and as someone who is not an Xtian I could care less who is and who isn’t, who purports to be etc., I don’t want any of you at my door.

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