Glenn Greenwald Has a Dumb Monkey-Face in Need of a Punching

I keep running into this Glenn Greenwald blog, and I can’t quite tell if it’s trying to be serious or satire, but it appears to be failing at both. I think his site would be greatly improved if the frontpage included a picture of Glenn Greenwald wearing a funny hat.


  1. FrankJ:
    Sigh. I told you to behave, or I would come back. But did you listen? No.
    Lets deconstruct this post and see what is says about FrankJ.
    “Glenn Greenwald Has a Dumb Monkey-Face in Need of a Punching”
    You know, this violent adolescent fantasy, (masquerading as humor) of punching people whose political opinions you disagree with was not funny in the first place. And, having been used now for what must be the millionth time, it still isn’t funny.
    Can’t you develop a new version? Say, kicking horse-faced progressives in the groin perhaps? Just for variety’s sake.
    “I keep running into this Glenn Greenwald blog”
    Interesting. I don’t remember ever hearing anyone say “I keep running into this IMAO blog.” Maybe it is because no one cares what you have to say?
    “I can’t quite tell if it’s trying to be serious or satire but it appears to be failing at both”
    I think he is trying to be serious, and you just lack the reading comprehension to understand what he is trying to communicate.
    That said, if there is anyone who is an expert on failing at satire, it is you.

  2. Cont….
    “I think his site would be greatly improved if the frontpage included a picture of Glenn Greenwald wearing a funny hat.”
    Really? I like how his site has his New York Times Best-Selling book cover on the frontpage, rather than, say, a bunch of ads relentlessly hawking unfunny t-shirts.
    When are you going to put the cover of your book on the front of your web site FrankJ?
    Oh yeah, you haven’t published a book.
    Well, I am sure you are a more successful blogger than he is.
    What — he has only been blogging since 2005 and his blog is already ranked by Alexa more than 15,000 spots higher than IMAO?
    (By the way — Greenwald is the red part of the graph, on top of IMAO.)
    Why, it is enough to make a deluded little political humorist/sci-fi writer/ninja wannabe green with envy.
    Horse Faced Progressive
    P.S. I wonder if IMAO have the guts to leave these posts up, or will retreat to tits old habit of censoring my posts after boasting of how they harshly humiliate or easily ignore trolls on their website.
    You know, for a site which talks a lot trash about others, IMAO can be awfully sensitive.

  3. Frank J:
    I guess I am unable to delve into the many layers of comments like:
    “I think his site would be greatly improved if the frontpage included a picture of Glenn Greenwald wearing a funny hat.”
    Reading it, I just thought it was an unfunny joke from an untalented hack.
    Other than making an allusion to the recent brouhaha regarding Greenwald’s post that pointed out the hypocrisy of those on the right who urge left-wing blogs to condemn left-wing bloggers who write violent, vile or threatening things, when high-profile right wing bloggers write or link to other bloggers who write violent, vile or threatening things, were there other layers in your post did I miss?
    For instance, was your desire to see Glenn Greenwald wear a hat a reference to how you love to dress up in costumes?
    Please, peel back and reveal the many layers of this post. I am fascinated to learn what else I might have missed.
    Rat-Faced Democrat

  4. Amazing… once again an example of a liberal whose inability to take something lightly is blatantly shone in everything they say.
    God forbid a joke could just be a small trifle that is passed over as a build-up to a larger theme; it has to be blown out of proportion and referenced in three separate posts.
    God forbid that a recurring joke on a poilitical satire website that is COMPLETELY gregarious not be grounds for an overstated outburst restating accusations that have already been made.
    Good heavens, get a backbone. Little jokes are so needlessly worried about!
    And sorry if your feelings really are hurt.

  5. “Sigh. I told you to behave, or I would come back. But did you listen? No.”
    Dang it, Frank! Why couldn’t you just behave like the random liberal with no basis of authority upon which to give you orders said?! You’ve condemned us all! Now we’ll surely all be destroyed by Monkey Faced Liberal’s weak insults! You know, ’cause words hurt too!
    O, Woe is me! There shall be much weeping and gnashing of teeth.

  6. First, it has been so decreed that Glenn Greenwad is the biggest douche in the world. Now, MFL, stop singing his praises.
    I can’t believe MFL didn’t get the joke in Frank’s comment. If there was ever evidence that hate-filled lefties are knee-jerk, reactionary, douches, that was it.

  7. FMRagtops:
    “First, it has been so decreed that Glenn Greenwad is the biggest douche in the world.”
    Oops. I guess I missed the press release on that one.
    Better go create a Google alert for “Adolescent Wingnut ad hominem attacks” so I don’t miss any other important developments of that nature in the future.
    “Now, MFL, stop singing his praises.”
    The only “praise” I gave him was for his front page, which, unlike IMAO, doesn’t desperately beg me to buy t-shirts with 4 separate t-shirt ads.
    If someone just goes and buys FrankJ some new shurikens will he take a few of these down? They are kinda pathetic.
    “I can’t believe MFL didn’t get the joke in Frank’s comment.”
    Which joke did I not get?
    That it is funny to imagine hitting people in the face?
    Or to imagine a prominent liberal blogger wearing a funny hat?
    I think I “got them” — they were just not funny.
    However, just as I have asked FrankJ, please feel free to explain what I didn’t get. I really am curious.
    “If there was ever evidence that hate-filled lefties are knee-jerk, reactionary, douches, that was it.”
    Hate filled? I am full of love!
    Reactionary? Check your political definitions dude. I am a Radical!
    Lefty? Guilty as charged.
    Knee Jerk? Maybe.
    Douche? Hold on, let me check.
    Filled with vinegar? No.
    Sold in drugstores? No.
    Been inserted into a vagina recently? Unfortunately, no.
    Sorry, not a douche. Better luck next time.
    Primate Visaged Lefty

  8. FMRagtops:
    On your blog you wrote
    “I would like to condemn all use of the word “douche” from here on out”
    So you are condemning yourself now?
    You really need to get over this self-hatred and love yourself, dude!
    Chimp-Faced Radical

  9. I would like to point out the inability of the liberal to make any points at all besides taking what others have said and sarcastically commenting on every point…
    Kind of like my 16 year old sister.

  10. GT:
    Hurt that I didn’t respond to your post? Sorry, I didn’t really think it merited any response, since it demonstrated such utter lack of thought.
    However, since you seem to need some attention, here it is.
    “Amazing… once again an example of a liberal whose inability to take something lightly is blatantly shone in everything they say.”
    What didn’t I take lightly? That FrankJ says he wants to punch Glenn G. in the face?
    My problem with his “joke” is that it is an violent adolescent fantasy that he has already made hundreds of times.
    If FrankJ made a funny joke involving violence that he hadn’t already repeated ad nauseam, I won’t have any problem it.
    “God forbid a joke could just be a small trifle that is passed over as a build-up to a larger theme”
    Let me get this straight. You think the joke is a small “small thing”. Is that different than a big “small thing”?
    Moreover, I do think the joke is integral to the larger theme of the post — that FrankJ is a unimaginative hack unable to write anything humorous.
    “God forbid that a recurring joke on a political satire website that is COMPLETELY gregarious not be grounds for an overstated outburst restating accusations that have already been made.”
    The joke is gregarious? It likes to get out and meet people? A social joke?
    Oh, you meant gratuitous. Which, of course, doesn’t make sense either. If this is “poilitical satire website” jokes are a necessary component, not unnecessary or unwarranted.
    “Good heavens, get a backbone.”
    What does backbone have to do with noting how stupid FrankJ’s post was?
    “I would like to point out the inability of the liberal to make any points at all besides taking what others have said and sarcastically commenting on every point…
    Kind of like my 16 year old sister.”
    I think I made at least one point — the same point I usually make.
    FrankJ is a untalented hack.
    By the way, I really can’t blame your sister for being sarcastic.
    Reading your posts, I imagine you say a lot of things that your sister can make sarcastic comments about.
    Monkey Faced Liberal

  11. MFL said:
    “What didn’t I take lightly? That FrankJ says he wants to punch Glenn G. in the face?
    My problem with his “joke” is that it is an violent adolescent fantasy that he has already made hundreds of times.
    If FrankJ made a funny joke involving violence that he hadn’t already repeated ad nauseam, I won’t have any problem it.”
    Be careful, MFL, most of these comments are going to confuse new readers of this blog, because they are SO ridiculous they might think that you are, in fact, one of the satirical authors this site is known for.
    Again, how could a one-sentence reference to a long standing joke on this site be cause to call its creator a hack? Let’s get down to the truth here. No one will hate you if you just say you don’t like what FrankJ is writing. I don’t think anybody would be on here if he really were an “untalented hack” as you so sensitively put it.
    By the way: “gregarious: (2) Tending to move in or form a group with others of the same kind”
    The joke has long been on this site, and is strongly affiliated with one of the recurring themes here: dislike for the liberal agenda. In other words, “punching monkey liberals is a joke that tends to be grouped with other jokes of the same kind at IMAO.” Next time you look up a word to refute its usage, try browsing past the first definition.
    Oh, and let us not forget: “trifle: Something of little importance or value.” You see, small is used in my post as an adjective. Adjectives serve to further modify simple nouns. Therefore, a “small trifle” is something that is “especially of little importance or value.”
    I don’t feel like wasting my time analyzing any of your posts grammatical errors, so I will end here.
    Thank you,

  12. GT:
    Thanks for giving me another reason to come to IMAO.
    Seeing people like you squirm as they try to explain thier idiotic comments.
    You swirmed quite well. I especially liked your pathetic explanations for saying “small trifle” and calling a joke “gregarious”.
    Monkey Faced Liberal

  13. MFL,
    And thank YOU for matching the stereotype of every liberal that posts here: ceasing to debate intelligently and digressing to taking shots at people to make up for the fact that you have nothing to say.
    I hope you feel nice and tough after calling my comments “idiotic” and my explanations “pathetic” when I did nothing to provoke such a harsh response, besides defending what I had said.
    You, Monkey Faced Liberal, are the one that causes hilarity to ensue.
    I have nothing more to say (since apparently you’re done with the intelligent discussion),

  14. GT:
    Interesting. A commenter on IMAO trying to take the high road, rather than question my sexuality or parentage.
    Is this a trend? If so, ussjimmycarter might need to find a new web site to hang out at.
    By the way, how is comparing someone to your 16 year old sister part of an “intelligent debate”?

  15. GT:
    By the way, GT, where was the intelligent discussion you mentioned taking place in this thread?
    Was it ussjimmycarter’s comment that “his dumb monkey face punched and also a kick in the stones…wait…he i’m sure he sits to piss so never mind…”
    Or Captamerica’s comment that “I say we give him an atomic wedgie then punch him in his dumb-monkey face.”
    Or LoneStar’s reference to the size of his penis?
    Gosh, you are right GT! How shameful of me to interrupt this high-brow discussion of violent fantasies and genitalia!
    Monkey Faced Liberal

  16. This is the last thing I have to say, because I’m tired of this and your inability to let it go or, at least, your inability to stop insulting other people.
    I can’t speak for other people. I can say that I was making an effort to discuss your point, which has thus far been ignored in all of your subsequent posts.
    And as far as my sister goes, I could have equated the liberal mindset as being equivalent to that of “an anonymous adolescent,” but I was trying to make a joke out of it. Obvious failure, I’ll admit.
    Anyways, I’m done commenting here, and I’ll leave it open, because it’s obvious that you’re obsessed with having the last word. Know that I will not be commenting further, so pick away with no worry of rebuttal.
    Sad about another lost debate,

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