Happy Independence Day!

If you love your freedom, today is as good a day as any to show it by:
* Thanking a soldier, honestly.
* Displaying Old Glory, PROPERLY.
* Blowing some stuff up, legally.
* Punching a hippie, gleefully!
Have a respectful, safe, happy and fun Independence Day.


  1. Sadly, here in The Free People’s Democratic Republic of New York State, the closest we can get to fireworks is to blow into a paper bag and then pop it with our hands.

  2. As another citizen of the “Free People’s Democratic Republic of New York State” who can’t legally blow anything up, I think I might go take a motorcycle ride through Woodstock and do #4 repeatedly…

  3. If you do number 4 first doesn’t that take care of number 1? And you can combine numbers 3 and 4 if you want to really say it right. Number 2 stands by itself, as it should.

  4. Happy 4th guys. Too bad the country’s in such a lame state right now…what with the tolerating crime, hypocrisy, defending perverts and pronographers while attacking God and trying to take away fundamental rights like gun ownership and even friggin dogs (in my state they’re trying to outlaw owning pitbulls….they won’t admit to that, but that’s the bottom line.)
    Also, how come we only light fireworks to celebrate winning one war? I mean, we’ve won like…at least 15. What about World War II? That was a pretty friggn significant win, but what do we do to celebrate that? Pretty much nothing….except rub it in the face of Germans at international sporting events.

  5. Happy 4th of July.
    Just watched the small town parade. We usually have a pretty good fireworks show for a small town. I hope the show is big and SAFE this year. Last years didn’t go so well. The third shell of the night went up about 20 yards and came straight back down into the tubes. Not a good deal at all. The whole thing went up at once, you could feel the compression from the blasts on the ground more than a mile away. It made the national news. I had heard of that sort of thing happening before, but never imagined actually witnessing such a terrible thing.
    On another note, the Korean’s launch their Pileodung 2 missile today, after 3 weeks of preparation on the launch pad. The worlds first Yak powered ICBM. It went straight into the drink. Oh, What are the chances of that? Are these guys using actual rocket fuel or just a really big catapult. Personally, I’m a bit concerned about flying debris hitting one of our submarines off the North Korean coast. Hey, that a multi-Billion dollar submarine you tossing your junk at. Maybe the world court can serve them a colossal polluting fine.

  6. The flag proudly flies at my house everyday. I try to legally blow up something everyday. I always thank every soldier I see everyday. Today I will start punching hippies everyday. And I read IMAO everyday, just to piss off mfl.

  7. I am a hippy who supports the war in the middle east and gun rights. If you even look like you are going to punch me I will blow your f***ing head off.
    A war supporting, gun loving, violent…
    Not much of a hippy are you? You must just like the ‘fashion’ or maybe the general lack of bathing.

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