Here We Go Again

A reader is attempting yet again to put IMAO on Wikipedia. Here’s the entry.
This would be the third attempt. The first attempt (which was quite a while back if I recall) is, incidentally, the first time I heard the insult “sock puppets”. Those voting for IMAO were accused of being sock puppets, but I didn’t know what that meant then.
So, does anyone have experience starting a Wikipedia article and want to help give it a shot this time? I’ve only done minor edits to articles when I run into errors (yes, there are errors on some articles in Wikipedia). Apparently, the article needs some proof that IMAO is “noteable” (come on; I own the letter I-M-A-O, but we don’t get an article while a character from a Filipino fantasy TV series does?). According to Google, I’m like one of the most famous Franks; doesn’t that at least make me notable? Also, unknown to me at the time, there was a bidding war for so someone can get traffic from people mistyping our URL (I don’t know what happened to the Japanese industrial handle manufacturer Imao that used to own
And how to we extract revenge if the IMAO article is rejected again?


  1. It doesn’t seem much like a wikipedia entry. If it contained lots of detailed information and a brief bio of every contributor, and look more non-biased, it might just make it.

  2. Lair,
    That beacuase we’re trying to get the entry accepted.
    Yeah, it will probably take some work before the Wiki people accept it. I’m not going to contribute because I’m too biased and it’s hard for me to write about IMAO without trying to make a joke.
    Though originaly spelled, “Rarrr!” and was said by George Bush in an article about suggestions for the State of the Union address, it has since become “Rarr!” and used almost exclusively by Rumsfeld in the IMW series.
    Maybe “Rarr!” should have it’s own entry.

  3. I don’t know anything about adding or editing wikipedia articles, but I do have an idea for any necessary revenge: start spreading rumors that many wikipedia articles contain coded messages, you know, quotes from Ronald Reagan, Sun Yat Sen, Chiang Kai Shek, Confucius, some Falun Gong texts… get the Red Chinese tearing their hair out until they insist Google drive wiki out of business for them.

  4. Why didn’t the Government manage to prevent the attack, even after several warnings telling them that something was about to happen?
    Why were none of the 4 airplanes interecepted by fighter jets?
    Why was the Air Force busy with War Games that day?
    Why were there unusual stock market trades on many of the affected companies prior to 9/11?
    Why did the Twin Towers collapse?
    And even more important; why did the 47 story tall WTC7 collapse, even though no airplane hit that building?

  5. I just tried to access your site, but accidentally typed in and it was a site about female ejaculation and christian singles. Kind of wierd to have those 2 topics on the same website. Just thought I’d share

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