Hey! That Stopped Clock Is Right!

Remember those 500 chemical weapons that we’ve found in Iraq since 2003?
It just occurred to me… the anti-war nuts were right.
Inspections DO work if you give them enough time.


  1. Thanks for that link Spacemonkey; good article. I thought that it was funny that they say Drudge is the most “centered” media source, but that’s only because they publish quotes from Barbra Streisand and Tom Cruise once in a while, and that averages it out. ;p

  2. C’mon…I’m a conservative and I get it…but FOX News is becoming hard to take! They are literally lap-dogs for this administration! I really don’t need them to tell me what to think! Just report the damn news and I will truly decide! Yea…they put on an occasional liberal…Allen Combs against Hannity…Puuleeeaaassseee!!!

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